Home Pregnancy 7 Tricks To Get A Baby Moving In The Womb

7 Tricks To Get A Baby Moving In The Womb

by Sushree Venkat

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expertsExpert Validated By : Dr. Ankita Patel Tayal
7 Tricks To Get A Baby Moving In The Womb

Pregnancy is an exciting phase for every woman. Perhaps, all women will unanimously agree that their favorite part is experiencing the movement of the baby in their womb. Babies move, kick and squirm inside their tiny world. The movement of the baby maybe giving you sleepless nights already, but actually is an indicator healthy pregnancy progression.

During the later stages of pregnancy, doctors advise pregnant woman to count and track baby movements. At any stage, if you notice the baby is not moving as much as she should be, you will be plagued with the question what to do when baby is not moving in the womb.  However, there are some tried and tested tricks to try that will t encourage the baby to move in the womb.

Every expecting mom waits for the moment for the baby to move around. The feeling is. out of this world. That is the only way through which the mom and the child communicate even before the baby is out. For moms wondering “when does the baby start to move in the womb?” — the first fetal movement is experienced by many women around 18 to 22 weeks — although you might feel those initial signs of activity any time between weeks 14 to 26.

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There could be certain instances when you feel there is less or no movement by the baby. Learn ahead a few tricks that should help to get your baby to move in the womb in case they don’t!

What To Do When A Baby Is Not Moving As Usual In Womb – 7 Tricks 

When you feel the baby is not moving along the tummy as usual and there is a decrease in the regular movement, you may worry — is it normal to feel the baby move some days and not others? While there is a good chance that the baby might be doing well — it is always better to consult the doctor to clear away your doubts.

In some cases, a decreased movement could be a warning sign of a pregnancy complication like a stillbirth. Yet, you can still try techniques like patting on the belly to get the baby to move. On the other hand, if you are sure your baby’s movements have reduced less than the usual — by way of tracking kick counts, you need to call and discuss this immediately with your doctor.

Alternatively, you can try the tips and techniques for encouraging the baby to move in the womb. However, if there is still no movement, head straight to the Emergency,

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1. Have a snack

Babies enjoy those little snacks that make you feel energized. Babies respond to an increase in blood sugar levels. There are a few foods that can make the baby energized such as cheese, crackers, peanut butter toast, chocolates, Greek yogurt or fruit, and nuts. Remember, not to overdo it. Also, you can consume a small glass of natural juice which is sure to get the baby kick in high gear.

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2. What to do when baby is not moving in the womb- Drink coffee

What to do when baby is not moving in the womb- Drink coffee

Though caffeine isn’t recommended during pregnancy, you can use this method to get the baby to move late during pregnancy, especially if you are keen and no other technique has worked. Take small sips to check if the baby responds to caffeine intake. Remember not to make it a regular habit. Instead you can opt for safe teas during pregnancy to get that energy boost.

Consuming warm coffee is seen to help the baby move inside the womb. However, remember not to exceed the daily limit of 200 mg daily.

3. Eat foods that make the baby move in the womb

Eating and drinking is one way to follow when you are worried about what to do when the baby is not moving in the womb. Spicy and sweet foods are best recommended for this technique as the baby responds immediately to different tastes and flavors.

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For example, chocolate contains sugar, which can instantly make the baby very active. It also contains caffeine that could help awaken a sleeping baby. On the other hand, both sweet flavors and cold temperatures get the baby moving.

A few foods to try to encourage a baby to move are: ice cream, pancakes, salt chips, peanut butter, banana

4. Have a warm shower

Taking a bath in nice warm water has helped many mothers in encouraging the baby to move in the womb. Fill up your tub with lukewarm water and soak yourself inside the water for a while. Chances are many that you will feel the baby moving around or if you are lucky enough, you can also see it.

The relaxed state of mind helps to feel the baby move and also creates a bond between the mother and the child. Ensure to keep the water slightly warm and not harm the baby.

5. Make some noises to make the baby move in the belly

Make some noises to make the baby move in the belly

The baby’s sense of hearing is developed halfway through the second trimester. So talking and singing to your baby is a way to encourage the baby to move. Your little one can likely hear your voice and respond to other loud noises in the house by a way of turning or kicking.

It is one sweet way through which you can make the baby respond when you are not aware of what to do when the baby is not moving in the womb.

6. Gently poke or jiggle your baby bump

Gently poking or massaging the baby bump is an easy technique that could be used to get the baby moving. We have seen during our ultrasound check-ups the practitioner shaking up the device’s wand over your tummy to feel the baby’s movement.

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Also, many to be moms have felt their babies move in utero with a gentle poke to the stomach or jiggle of their bump. All you need to keep in mind is not to do it too vigorously.

7. Lie  down on your back

This is one method that many expectant moms have found to be successful. This could usually happen when you have an active day throughout. The baby might have slept in-between your activities such as rocking, walking, and jogging in a place. And when you relax with no activity, the baby might wake up and start moving along.

Try to avoid lying down in a straight position for a very long time. You can also try the sideways position in case the baby doesn’t respond for a straight layback.

Do mothers need to keep track of fetal movement?

According to Dr Ankita Patel Tayal, our panel gynaecologist, fetal activity or the baby’s movement is a sign of the baby’s well-being. If there is a reduction in the movement of the fetus, it indicates that the baby is in a state of distress. Expectant moms must keep daily track of their fetal movement.

An active and healthy baby would be moving around many times a day apart from the 20 hours of their sleep. Every mother is aware of their baby’s movements. Some babies move when the baby is hungry or when the mom has just finished her meals.

When Should I Worry About The Baby Not Moving In The Womb

Experiencing the movement of your little one in the womb is a different feeling that makes your motherhood complete. Starting as gentle flutters and turning to be full-blown kicks, these kicks are an indicator of how well the baby is doing inside the womb. If you experience a sudden decrease in the kick count especially in the third trimester and you do not know what to do when the baby is not moving in the womb, it is better to call the doctor immediately.

It is important to remember that each pregnancy is different. Your doctor could be tracking your baby’s movement and growth and shall give you an update regarding the baby’s development during the prenatal visits. However, when the baby is not moving or you feel the fetal movement is not there, try encouraging the baby to move in the womb.

Try setting a timer and noting down the baby’s kicks and squirm every time you feel movement. This can be a helpful way to start noticing and tracking daily movement patterns. Many apps help you track fetal movements.

If your baby’s movements are decreased or you start fearing and feel anxious over nothing, try to call the doctor immediately.



Fetal movements do not decrease ideally, especially if the baby is healthy. Mothers need to have a count of at least 10-12 kicks on a day. This is more significant, especially during the eighth and ninth months.  The type of movements you feel will depend on what your baby is doing and their stage of growth and development. Every baby is different, with some babies staying more active than others.

Also during the later stages of pregnancy, you won’t be able to feel frequent movements as the baby would have grown fully. There would be less space for the baby to flip and roll. Hence, their kicks may feel different as they won’t be able to stretch out their little legs as much.

You need not keep counting your baby’s kick every hour or so. If you think your baby’s movements have slowed down or suddenly increased, contact your doctor immediately who will reassure you if everything is well with the baby.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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