Home Pregnancy Almond Milk During Pregnancy – Benefits, Risks, And Precautions

Almond Milk During Pregnancy – Benefits, Risks, And Precautions

by Sushree Venkat

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Almond Milk During Pregnancy - Benefits, Risks, And Precautions

Pregnancy is a time where you must not experiment too much over your food. Instead, choose something healthy and safe. Almond milk has been there for ages and people relish it for generations. Almond milk was even preferred over cow’s milk. But how about drinking almond milk during pregnancy?

Almond milk is prepared from grounded almonds and water. Those who cannot tolerate soy or gluten can switch over to almond milk. If you are thinking of switching to almond milk instead of regular milk during pregnancy or giving a thought about consuming raw almond milk during pregnancy we are here to answer.

Can Pregnant Women Have Almond Milk?

It is safe for pregnant women to consume almond milk during pregnancy. For pregnant women who do not like to consume dairy milk can prefer to opt for almond milk. Drinking this milk will not only benefit the growth of your baby but also give you a whole host of nutrients.

Since almond milk does not contain any dairy products, it is considered to be a healthy drink. Instead, this milk is purely made out of almond nuts blended with water. You can add flavors like saffron and consume almond saffron milk during pregnancy and reap all the benefits of drinking milk during pregnancy.

To make almond milk during pregnancy at home, blend soaked almonds with water and strain it using a cheesecloth. Alternatively, you can also opt for store-bought almonds milk which is a good choice as it comes with extra minerals.

Related Reading: Drinking Saffron Milk During Pregnancy

6 Amazing Benefits Of Almond Milk For Pregnant Women

According to a source, almonds during pregnancy is highly recommended owing to the valuable micronutrients content that helps you stay healthy and improve the development of your baby too.

Pregnant women who get confused about whether to choose almond milk or cow’s milk during pregnancy can easily opt for almond milk. A major and common problem experienced by many moms-to-be during pregnancy is lactose intolerance.

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The content of lactose in cow or buffalo milk can be hard to digest. It could also lead to vomiting, loose stools, and bloating apart from morning sickness. While it could be wise to avoid drinking milk, the best alternative option we suggest is to drink almond milk during pregnancy.

Listed below are the benefits of almond milk which will emphasize the need to consume it during pregnancy.

1. Excellent source of vitamin E

Almond milk is a rich source of vitamin E1. This fat-soluble vitamin helps to protect the baby from any radical damage. Having almond milk during pregnancy improves eye and skin health.

Pregnant women are prone to stress during pregnancy. The vitamin E factor helps combat stress. Health risks such as stroke, heart disease, and even cancer is combatted.

2. Almond milk is a rich source of antioxidants

Almond milk is a rich source of antioxidants

Antioxidants play an important role for everyone, especially pregnant women. During pregnancy, antioxidants help maintain a successful pregnancy and prevent pregnancy effects such as preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction, miscarriage, and preterm birth.

Upon consumption of almond milk during pregnancy, the body gets the requisite antioxidants2 to ease out the oxidative stress due to placenta development. The antioxidants in almond milk will aid in having a pregnancy free from complications.

3. Have almond milk during pregnancy as it is rich in calcium

Your bones need those extra-strength during pregnancy. Almond milk is a rich source of calcium, according to a source. Drinking almond milk during pregnancy ensures you and your baby meet the adequate calcium requirement. Not only that it also helps in developing your baby’s tooth buds and skeletal system.

Regardless of the calcium supplements you take, your body will still meet the calcium requirement of your little one. Hence when it becomes a deficit, the body may show signs such as weakened bones.

However, consuming raw almond milk during pregnancy is not recommended as there is a risk for bacterial development.

Related Reading: Top 10 Calcium Rich Foods For Pregnancy

4. Helps manage gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is common during pregnancy. This is because the body does not make the required insulin during pregnancy. Because of this, the sugar levels tend to be higher than normal.

It is vital to keep gestational diabetes under control as pregnant women may face more complications including preterm babies. Drinking almond milk during pregnancy is the best alternative to other milk to control gestational diabetes3.

Remember, drinking almond milk or any milk with sweeteners could only cause you more harm than favor.

5. Helps prevent high blood pressure

Blood pressure is common during pregnancy. Unlike other dairy products, consuming almond milk during pregnancy helps reduce cholesterol levels and keep blood pressure at bay4.

Pregnancy is a time where you must not experiment too much over your food. Instead, choose something healthy and safe. Almond milk has been there for ages and people relish it for generations. Almond milk was even preferred over cow’s milk. But how about drinking almond milk during pregnancy?

6. Keeps skin healthy

Almond milk is prepared from grounded almonds and water. Those who cannot tolerate soy or gluten can switch over to almond milk. If you are thinking of switching to almond milk instead of regular milk during pregnancy or giving a thought about consuming raw almond milk during pregnancy we are here to answer.

During pregnancy, your health takes a toll. It is common to experience certain changes in the skin during pregnancy. This could be pre-existing skin diseases or any development of new pregnancy-specific skin issues.

Vitamin E present in almond milk5 keeps skin healthy and prevents acne from developing. Drinking almond milk during pregnancy makes the skin look healthy and radiant.

Side Effects Of Drinking Almond Milk During Pregnancy

Almond milk during pregnancy is generally considered safe to consume. Though almonds are highly effective, anything taken over in moderation can have its side effects.

There are many vitamins and minerals that pregnant women need to get in their diets. Choosing almond milk during pregnancy could be a great choice to meet this requirement.

While there are many benefits from almond milk, there are a few downsides too. Let us check them now.

1. Lacks protein

The protein content from almond milk is only 1gm against 7gm to 8gm from soy or cow milk. Protein is important for pregnant women for the growth of muscles, improving skin structure, and harmony production.

Related Reading: Top 10 Protein-Rich Foods For Pregnancy

2. Cause damage to thyroid glands

Almonds are goitrogenic food. It means that when it is consumed in high quantities, it can suppress the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Many pregnant women switch from cow milk to almond milk during pregnancy which causes iodine deficiency6. Iodine is really important for keeping your thyroid in good condition and also essential for fetal brain development.

3. Can cause allergy

If you are allergic to nuts, drinking almond milk during pregnancy may not be the right choice. You can easily be prone to allergies and your pregnancy could turn hazardous.

In case you have an almond allergy, we recommend avoiding almond milk during pregnancy. Even if you don’t have an almond allergy, almond milk could cause you allergic reactions as it has other ingredients to which you might be allergic.

Related Reading: 9 Common Infections During Pregnancy You Should Be Aware Of

4. Low in calories and fat

In comparison to soy and cow milk, almond milk is low in calories and fat7. This means even if your daily calories are met, you may still need to have additional intake.

Also, pregnant women need to eat for the good health of the mom and baby. Hence, you might need to take an alternative food even if you consume almond milk during pregnancy. 

How to make almond milk at home?

How to make almond milk at home

Almond milk during pregnancy is the best option, however, if it is consumed with no sugar. One alternative for store-bought almond milk is making almond milk at home. This can be consumed immediately after you prepare. It is both fresh and free from artificial flavors.

You would require the following items to make almond milk at home.

  • 1 cup of chopped almonds
  • 2 cups of boiling water
  • A strainer

1. Soak almond seeds for about 9-10 hours overnight before you start the process. The more it is soaked, the more milk you can extract.

2. Remove almonds from water and clean them with a damp cloth and put them in a food processor.

3. Add 2 glasses of water and run at high speed.

4. Squeeze the almonds to get the desired almond milk.

Remember, consuming almond milk in moderation can be very beneficial to you and the baby, and an overdose could be hazardous.

Related Reading: How To Eat Fenugreek Seeds To Increase Breast Milk Supply?


Which is the best almond milk brand for pregnancy?

There are many reasons why almond milk during pregnancy is so popular. Choosing the ‘best’ almond milk depends on the purpose you are using it for. Though it is good to opt for almond milk, the result is best acquired when you opt for the unsweetened or no sugar type.

Pure almond milk is just almond grounded with water. But many brands add flavors and sweeteners for commercial purposes. If you are making almond milk at home, make sure it is freshly made and consumed immediately.

Always ensure the following to choose the best brands.

1. Pasteurized milk
2. Contains no added sugar
3. Contains no sweeteners
4. Fortified

Will almond milk hurt my baby?

It is always safe to make almond milk at home and consume it immediately for best results. However, any unpasteurized milk may carry a small risk of infection.

One good idea to find out if the almond milk you consume is pasteurized or not is to check from where it is served. If it is served from the shelf, it is likely to be heated and can be consumed without any fear.

If it is served from the fridge, it is likely to be pressed freshly and it is better to avoid it. You can also eat ice cream and products made out of almond milk.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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