Home Pregnancy Can A Pregnant Woman Eat Pizza?

Can A Pregnant Woman Eat Pizza?

by Aiswarya Shibu

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expertsExpert Validated By : Sushree Subhaprada
Can A Pregnant Woman Eat Pizza

Pizza is one of the most famous Italian dishes that is relished by all. Whether old or young, traditional, or modern, rural, or modern, a choice for almost all. However, a thought to ponder is “ whether it is safe to have it during pregnancy.” It is normal for pregnant women to crave pizza during pregnancy. 

It is quite tempting to see a sizzling hot pizza with melting cheese, and it is extremely difficult to keep away from it. Yet it is important to understand whether it has more benefits or side effects, and in this case, if it is good for both the mother and the baby to have pizza during pregnancy.

Is It Safe To Eat Pizza During Pregnancy?

Pregnant women should carefully consider whether or not pizza poses any health risks. There is a consensus that junk food is not a good choice at such a delicate juncture of your life. Reasons for this include its high-calorie content and the fact that it’s made with refined wheat, which has few nutritional benefits.

However, eating pizza is not a problem as long as it is made properly.  Maintaining a healthy cheese-to-vegetables ratio is essential when eating pizza while pregnant. 

Another question to ponder is “Is cheese pizza during pregnancy and/or whether having oregano in pizza during pregnancy safe”. Vegetables are a better nutritional bet than cheese because they can be eaten in any quantity that provides the body with the nutrients it needs.  

During the first trimester of pregnancy, pizza is fine, but after that, you should switch to a more nutrient-dense diet. Pregnant women should avoid oregano oil but are free to enjoy pizzas with oregano.

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What Are the Harmful Effects of Eating Pizza While Pregnant?

Pizza, despite being a fast food, is a popular and widely eaten dish. Because of its delicious flavour and enjoyable texture, it is popular among people of all ages. 

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It does not offer very many advantages, but rather a great many disadvantages1:

  • If the pizza has meat and fatty toppings, then it leads to more calories resulting in additional and unwanted weight gain and a higher risk of cardiac ailments
  • Like brie, Danish blue cheese has listeria that results in a miscarriage as well as ripened bacteria. It is risky for pregnant women because it can cause fever, confusion, stiff neck, weakness, and vomiting
  • Too much consumption of pizza can result in heartburn during pregnancy and even digestive problems
  • The famous pepperoni pizza is harmful if taken in abundance, as it has saturated fats that can result in gestational diabetes
  • If the pizza is not cooked properly or heated well, especially with toppings like chorizo, pepperoni, or salami, it can result in toxoplasmosis, which is quite infectious.  It can even pose a risk of coliform bacteria and salmonella disease
  • Never have pizza with oysters, mussels, or shellfish, especially during pregnancy as it can result in severe pregnancy threats

Some Benefits of Eating Pizza During Pregnancy

Benefits of Eating Pizza During Pregnancy

Pizzas can be good for your health as long as they have the right toppings and you don’t eat them too often.  While it’s true that it’s not exactly the healthiest thing to eat while pregnant, done properly, it can be quite beneficial.  In order to experience these benefits, however, you should know that only freshly baked pizzas will do.

Here are a few of the health advantages2:

  • If it’s cooked in a clean way and made with healthy choices, it’s perfect for a pregnant woman. Experts recommend a meal with healthy fats, lean protein, and carbs
  • Pizza helps in fulfilling the cravings at the time of pregnancy, and that helps in elevating the mood or cheering up
  • Pizza sauces contain Vitamin C, which is beneficial to the healthy development of tissues and bones as well as nails and hair. It even helps in strengthening the blood vessels and even helps with digestion etc.
  • Pizza sauces have tomatoes that contain lycopene, which is an antioxidant that helps reduce the chances of cancer, good for protecting the body against any cell damage. Besides that, tomatoes in pizza sauce have folic acid as well, which helps against any neurological issues
  • A pizza that is made of whole wheat provides a lot of fiber and helps with digestion as well.
  • Mozzarella cheese used in pizzas offers calcium and protein and helps build strong bones as well
  • Pizza offers good nutrient value and vitamin intake when topped with fresh vegetables

Related Reading: Can Pregnant Women Eat Feta Cheese- Find Out

Better Ways of Eating Pizza During Pregnancy 

Pregnancy is a time to eat right, as it is important for both the mother and the child. A question for thought is “ If pizza during the third trimester of pregnancy safe,” Consuming pizza during pregnancy is beneficial if it is done in the right manner. Some better ways to have pizza at this time are:

  • The increased fiber content of a pizza crust made with whole wheat flour aids digestion when used in place of a traditional flour crust
  • A pizza topped with vegetables is a great way to get more nutrients into pregnant women who may not otherwise eat their recommended servings of vegetables

Safe & Unsafe Pizza Toppings

Pregnant women should be careful about the toppings they eat because some of them are raw and could potentially contain harmful bacteria.  

It’s not very safe to eat pizza with toppings like ham, pepperoni, pork, beef, sausages, etc., because they need to be cooked thoroughly. So, it’s best to give pregnant women a list of toppings that are safe and those that aren’t3.

  • It is a good choice to opt for fresh fruits and vegetables as a topping while having pizza cravings
  • A topping of steamed, hot pineapple is also desirable
  • Pizzas topped with runny egg yolk should be avoided
  • It is safe and healthy to use mushrooms as a topping for pizza at this time, ensuring they are cooked in a proper manner
  • It is good to have cheddar, parmesan, or mozzarella cheese as they are good, yet it is best to avoid the following types of cheese:
    • Ricotta cheese is made with unpasteurized milk 
    • Brie which is a soft cheese.
    • Gorgonzola, which is a soft blue cheese.
    • Chevre of soft goat cheese
  • Frozen pizzas are safe to consume during pregnancy if cooked well. The survival chances of bacteria on frozen pizzas are negligible, provided the correct instructions given by the brand are strictly followed.

How To Safely Indulge In Pizza During Pregnancy

Safely Indulge In Pizza During Pregnancy

Having pizza during pregnancy is ok but it is even more important to eat pizza safely during pregnancy. There are a few pointers given below that help to prepare pizza in a safe manner.

  • Always order pizza from branded outlets due to their quality. Having Domino’s pizza during early pregnancy is not advisable, but having it after the first trimester can be considered
  • Homemade pizza during pregnancy is a good option, but it is important to ensure that the dishes and kitchen are cleaned and washed. It is also important to clean your hands well before the preparation
  • During pregnancy, pizza should be thoroughly cooked and properly heated to kill the bacteria in the topping(s)
  • Pizzas should be eaten fresh to avoid the bacteria reformation that occurs when reheating pizzas that have been stored for an extended period of time
  • To ensure the highest quality cheese, only pasteurized milk should be used
  • Never eat pizza that is sold on the roadside, as it might not be hygienic
  • If having pizza with shellfish or mutton, always cook it well
  • If the pizza has a topping of cold-cured meats, it is best to avoid it during pregnancy
  • Always have a vegetable topping on your pizza, as it offers adequate nutrition required during pregnancy
  • Too much pizza is bad for you, so limit yourself to one or two slices a time
  • Having pizza with extra cheese, especially Danish Blue, Brie, etc., has listeria bacteria, which is not good for women at this time
  • For the pizza topping, it is best to use a hard cheese, like Parmesan or cheddar, because it has less water and is less likely to grow microbes
  • Eating pizza during pregnancy is healthy if its consumption is limited to once every two weeks and does not have ingredients like raw meat and soft, or molded cheese for toppings

Related Reading: Can Pregnant Women Eat Blue Cheese During Pregnancy?

According to our Nutritionist, Sushree, eating pizza occasionally during pregnancy is generally considered safe for most women until and unless it is prepared in a healthy way. Some pizzas by itself is nutrient deficient. Cravings for such foods during pregnancy are common, therefore it is always advisable to prefer homecooked, hygienically prepared foods. Prepare healthy greens wholesome pizza filled with various veggies, grilled lean protein, moderate amount of cheese, whole- wheat multigrain crust ensuring a balanced recipe with adequate nutrients that can be beneficial for both you and your growing fetus.

Generally Pizza isn’t the best choice for pregnant women, but if she has a serious craving for it, she should get cheeses like mozzarella, cheddar, parmesan, and cottage cheese to ensure she gets enough calcium and protein. Also, when it comes to the topping, no matter what you decide to use each component needs to be properly washed, cleaned, and cooked before it can go on the dish. Both the mother and the child benefit from this.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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