Home Pregnancy 8 Benefits Of Exercising During Pregnancy

8 Benefits Of Exercising During Pregnancy

by Aiswarya Shibu

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8 Benefits Of Exercising During Pregnancy

Pregnancy presents numerous challenges and complications for women. As a result, it may appear that now is the ideal time to kick back and relax. Your back will be strained as a result of the weight on your midsection. You may feel more tired and depleted than usual. However, unless you are experiencing complications, it is not a good idea to sit around. Being physically active during pregnancy can be beneficial. Do you want to learn about the incredible benefits of exercising during pregnancy? Well, continue reading below.

Is It Safe To Exercise During Pregnancy?

As long as you are fit for a normal pregnancy, engaging in physical activities can help you have a healthy pregnancy. If you used to exercise before becoming pregnant, you can continue to do so during your pregnancy.

However, before beginning any exercise program, consult with a health care professional. Some of the routine exercises you used to do can be unsafe during pregnancy, particularly during the first and last months.

Similarly, if you are not used to exercising and wanting to start one for a healthy pregnancy, never do so without consulting your doctor first. A health care professional is the best person to help you with this.

They will recommend appropriate exercises based on your trimester and health. Exercises that are done regularly and in the right way help the body to be more flexible. It carries no risk of miscarriage or premature delivery.

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8 Benefits Of Exercising During Pregnancy

We all have heard about the benefits that regular exercising brings about innumerable times. But as we know pregnancy is a delicate situation, we may have some inhibition as to whether to exercise or not. It is natural, since you are concerned about the baby’s well-being. Here we are unleashing 8 incredible advantages of exercise during pregnancy.

1. Exercising during pregnancy strengthens pelvis

The pelvic floor exercises focussing on the pelvic floor, help strengthen the pelvic muscles. These muscles undergo tremendous strain during pregnancy and labor. Doing it every day prevents the embarrassment of passing urine every time you cough and cold.

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2. Eases backache

With the baby getting bigger every week, the hollow at the back also increases, resulting in backache. Get to know the best stomach strengthening exercises from your doctor to ease backache. 

3. Enhances stamina

Pregnancy will be more enjoyable if you retain your stamina throughout your 9-month journey. Regular exercises provide physical strength to cope with all the pregnancy demands and the changes body undergoes during pregnancy. The stamina acquired through regular exercise also helps the expecting mother during her labor. 

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4. Reduces anxiety

Fix a standard time to work out every day to energize your body and mood. The chances of anxiety and depression increase in pregnancy, and with workouts, you get better each day. 

5. Promotes healthy weight gain

Excessive weight gain is a common problem for every pregnant woman. With walking and simple exercises, you will be able to maintain healthy weight gain.

6. Helps to improve posture

As the belly increases, the posture changes and causes a lot of pains and aches. But with a specialized set of exercises, you can improve your postures.

7. Lesser chances of complications if you have been exercising during pregnancy

Doing regular exercises helps in reducing complications during pregnancy like gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, and pregnancy-induced hypertension. It also helps to combat common pregnancy issues like bloating, constipation, and swellings.

8. Helps to sleep well

With hormonal changes, feeling stressed and low energy is quite common for pregnant women. Walking and exercising daily not only helps to increased energy but also improves your sleep pattern. A good night’s sleep is crucial for the healthy progression of the pregnancy.

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Note* Do remember to warm up before exercising, and don’t strain your body by doing strenuous workouts. 

What Are The Things To Consider While Exercising During Pregnancy?

What Are The Things To Consider While Exercising During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, your body goes through a lot of changes. When exercising during pregnancy, you must consider the following changes:

  • The ligaments that support the joints become more relaxed due to the action of pregnancy hormones. This increases the risk of injury if you opt for exercises involving high-impact motions
  • The chances of losing balance are very high during pregnancy as the center of gravity shifts as the pregnancy progresses
  • When you exercise, oxygen and blood flow will be focused on your muscles. While you are pregnant, your need for oxygen increases. As a result, rather than holding it, it is critical to breathing well during exercises

What Exercise Should Be Avoided During Pregnancy?

While every woman is unique, and so are her pregnancy and complications. What works for one woman might be discomfort and causing pain for the other. So, discuss what exercises works for you with your doctor and proceed accordingly. 

Here are a few exercises that are better to avoid during pregnancy. 

  • Activities that include rapid direction changes
  • Bouncing and stretching, deep knee bends, double leg raises, straight leg toe touches, skipping, jumping, hopping are few others
  • Don’t hold your breath for long during any activity
  • Avoid skiing and horseback riding as the chances of falling are more
  • Don’t go for scuba diving and contact sports like volleyball, basketball, and football
  • Stay away from exercises that cause abdominal trauma 

While doing pregnancy exercises first trimester, slowly increase the workout time and the difficulty in exercises. 

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What Are The Basic Guidelines To Follow While Exercising During Pregnancy?

  • Always include 15 min of cardio
  • End your workout routine with gentle stretching
  • Whatever exercise you incorporate into your routine, ensure that your heart rate is 140- 160 beats per minute
  • If you love to do aerobics, a short duration of 5 to 10 minutes will usually help
  • Get the doctor’s advice before you start anything

How Does Exercising During Pregnancy Benefit The Baby?

Doing regular exercises like walking, jogging, and other activities strengthen the baby in the womb as well. According to studies, low-intensity exercise improves placental circulation and shapes the fetal heart to adapt to the environment. Babies with mothers who exercise regularly tend to show excellent motor skills compared to others early in their life. These benefits of exercising during pregnancy for a baby are more than enough encouragement for a mother to practice it.  

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How Many Times A Week Should A Pregnant Woman Exercise?

Exercising is highly encouraged during pregnancy, but there should be a line of moderation for optimal benefits. Doctors suggest that pregnant women need to do 30 minutes of physical activity at least five days a week.

Try to incorporate different physical activities during pregnancy. Doing this helps in reducing the chances of injuries.Always drink plenty of fluids of your choice while exercising. 

If you’re not used to exercising, begin slowly – even about 5 min is fine. You can gradually increase your activity level. You can increase your activity time by 5 minutes per week until you reach your 30 minutes per day goal.

On the other hand, if you were a regular exerciser before pregnancy, you can continue that after getting your obstetrician’s approval. 

Precautions To Take While Exercising During Pregnancy

While pregnancy is a rollercoaster ride of surprises, few precautions help you exercise in peace. 

  • Stay hydrated: Dehydration is very common during pregnancy; thus, it is safe to stay hydrated to avoid dizziness, dark yellow urination and urinating in small amounts. Always remember to hydrate before and after workouts
  • Get support for comfort: Put on a sports bra that provides a lot of support. This will help to protect your breasts that become more sensitive and start preparing to produce breast milk. Later in your pregnancy, you can use a belly support belt to help you walk or jog more comfortably
  • Avoid lying back: Don’t stand and lie back for a long time in the first trimester. Uterus presses on long veins, which return blood to the heart. While you stand for a long time, blood pressure decreases as blood pools in your legs
  • Wear loose clothes: It is always advised to wear loose clothes when you work out during pregnancy
  • Exercise in temperature-controlled rooms: Avoid getting too hot, especially during the first trimester. Stay hydrated and don’t exercise in hot or humid conditions. Try to do exercises in a temperature-controlled room

All these are simple precautions to help you continue workouts for a long time. 

Pregnancy Exercises During First Trimester

Here is the list of pregnancy exercises first trimester that helps you for a peaceful pregnancy journey.

  • Low-intensity weight training is entirely safe to improve body stability and reduce the risk of pregnancy
  • Yoga helps to stretch and strengthen the body with ease. Check the asanas that help pregnant women. Controlled breathing and meditation help during labor
  • In the first trimester, pregnant women can start working on Pilates. Start with 30-minute exercises if you are new to Pilates
  • Swimming also helps to tone your body and as a safe workout during pregnancy. Make yourself comfortable and start swimming gradually. Water aerobics also help during pregnancy under a certified trainer
  • Walking during pregnancy and also jogging are the other simple and effective exercises during pregnancy. While doing so, ensure that your heart rate is normal to enjoy the benefits for a long time
  • The best way to do Kegels is to hold the pelvic muscles for 5 to 10 seconds on an empty bladder. Ensure that you are not using leg, abs, buttocks, and any other surrounding muscles

Related Reading: 9 Benefits of Kegel Exercise After Delivery

All these are safe and straightforward exercises that every pregnant woman can include in their daily routine at their comfort. 

When Should A Pregnant Woman Stop Exercising?

When Should A Pregnant Woman Stop Exercising

Besides knowing the benefits of exercising during pregnancy, every woman should start listening to her body. If there is any pain or discomfort during pregnancy, one should immediately stop doing exercises and consult a doctor. 

Speak to your doctor about the discomfort in your next visit, and they will help you with the necessary supplements. Also, try doing the exercises which your doctor suggests and are safer for you. 

Here are some more warning signs of stopping exercising,

  • Having trouble with breathing
  • Feeling tired and dizzy
  • Bothered with chest pain
  • Suffering from a severe headache.
  • Feeling weak
  • Irregular heartbeats.
  • Feeling pain and tightening sensation in pelvis and tummy


If you are still thinking, “why is it important to exercise during pregnancy?” It helps you to stay strong, healthy, and fit while welcoming your newborn to the world.

 Unless there are pregnancy complications, it is compulsory to include simple activities like walking and workouts during pregnancy. However, consult the doctor before starting any new workouts to protect your body and the baby. While there are numerable benefits of exercising during pregnancy, find out the proper routine and timing for a safe pregnancy. By doing so, you will not get tired and stay energized in a good mood throughout the day. 


When should I start exercising during pregnancy?

Start simple exercises like walking as soon as you know that you are pregnant. Doctors will help you understand if exercises are safe for your pregnancy. Health care professionals recommend two and half hours of physical activity every week. 

Simple exercises like walking and squats help in reducing all the pregnancy discomforts from the initial days themselves.

When can I do squats during pregnancy?

Squats are highly recommended during pregnancy as they help both mother and baby. With regular squats, the baby’s descent and pelvis opening get easier.

Talk to your doctor before adding squats to your routine. Everyone suggests squats as they help to build lower body strength. 

Can I jump during pregnancy?

The experts suggest avoiding jumping as it causes a risk of miscarriage and vaginal bleeding. The other risks include triggering contractions and injuring ligaments.

All these are the severe complications that cause by jumping. Consider doing other activities, excluding skipping and jumping. 

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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