Home Pregnancy Greek Yogurt During Pregnancy – Benefits Precautions, And Risks

Greek Yogurt During Pregnancy – Benefits Precautions, And Risks

by Sushree Venkat

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Greek Yogurt During Pregnancy - Benefits Precautions, And Risks

Pregnancy is a phase where all women tend to be very cautious. After enjoying the pregnancy news, the feeling of becoming a mom subsides, the next thought on all expectant moms’ minds would be on what to eat and what not to. Consuming Greek yogurt during pregnancy is one such uncertainty for many to-be-moms, to keep the pregnancy going trouble-free.

Eating Greek yogurt while pregnant is considered to be a healthy option as it comes with a lot of nutrients. Hence, adding it to your diet is a good step. As pregnancy is a time for you to be very cautious, read on more to what we have to say about having Greek yogurt during pregnancy.

What Essentially Is Greek Yogurt?

Greek yogurt is prepared by straining the cow milk to remove the whey, which in turn gives the final product as creamy and thicker.  This is more tangy and healthy than the original.

Greek yogurt is a healthier option than regular yogurt and it is a good source of protein, calcium, iodine. Also, the probiotic content in yogurt is said to be a healthy option for carrying moms. The sodium and carb content in Greek yogurt is half the value compared to normal yogurt.

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Pregnancy is the time you crave to eat anything and everything. Though many foods are considered to be safe during pregnancy, you must be wondering how safe is Greek yogurt during pregnancy? Greek yogurt during pregnancy is one good food which many moms recommend for intake and indeed it is a healthy option to go for.

Is It Safe To Eat Greek Yogurt During Pregnancy?

Greek yogurt comes with a high amount of nutrients. Hence, consuming Greek yogurt during pregnancy is recommended safe by many. However, when you choose the best yogurt brand for pregnancy, go for the ones that are made of pasteurized milk.

Yogurts made with unpasteurized milk often contain a bacterium names Listeria which can cause the chance of miscarriage. Also, avoid yogurts made up of full-fat milk as they could lead to an unhealthy weight gain.

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So, if you are pregnant and thinking about eating Greek yogurt during pregnancy, go right away to the store and stock them up!

Nutritional value of Greek yogurt

Eating Greek yogurt during pregnancy is recommended as Greek yogurt comes with a good source of calcium and probiotics. The vitamin B content in Greek yogurt is high which keeps you energized throughout. Further, the iodine content in Greek yogurt helps to take care of your thyroid levels and maintain a good metabolic rate.

100g of plain Greek yogurt contains the following nutritional value1.

Nutrients               Amount

Calories                 59

Proteins                 10 g

Carbohydrates      3.6 g

Sodium                  36 mg

Potassium            141 mg

Cholesterol              5 mg

Sugar                   3.2 g

Calcium                8.5% mg

As you see, the above nutritional values apart from carbohydrates are less in plain Greek yogurt.  However, the carbohydrates levels will be even more in flavored Greek yogurt.  So mom’s planning to eat flavored Greek yogurt during pregnancy, have a look at the above values.

A lot of women have approached us regarding Epigamia Greek yogurt during pregnancy. It is much loved by many moms due to its taste and its nutritional value. It comes with a rich taste and does not have any preservatives added to it.

For moms who prefer flavored Greek yogurt during pregnancy, it is okay to go for it once in a while as it may contain a lot of sugar added. Alternatively, you can make your flavored Greek yogurt while pregnant to be on the safer side.

6 Benefits Of Eating Greek Yogurt During Pregnancy

6 Benefits Of Eating Greek Yogurt During Pregnancy

It could be tempting for you to go to those vending machines when you are looking for something to satisfy your taste buds during the pregnancy phase. In that case, saying yes to Greek yogurt is one of the best things you could do. Not only is eating Greek yogurt during pregnancy tasty but it is a healthy option too.

The probiotic bacteria in Greek yogurt is believed to protect both the mom and the child from metal exposure. Also, pregnant women need a lot of calcium content as the fetus absorbs the calcium of the mom for its growth.  It also provides a good amount of protein and probiotics.

Having said much, let’s see the top 6 benefits of eating Greek yogurt during pregnancy.

1. Rich in vitamins

Greek yogurt comes with a rich amount of vitamins. Essential vitamins which are required for a healthy pregnancy are easily available in this. Consuming Greek yogurt during pregnancy helps you gain this nutrient easily.

You can choose from any of the best yogurt brands for pregnancy as it is not only a versatile breakfast option but something that can be used as a savory snack too. Always choose options that are healthy rather than going for packaged foods and sugary desserts.

2. Greek yogurt during pregnancy for calcium

Calcium is a vital nutrient required for the baby’s development during the pregnancy phase.  When you don’t consume the required calcium, the calcium from your body will be absorbed by the baby.

One of the benefits of eating yogurt during pregnancy is its calcium content which helps to maintain conditions such as blood clotting and keep the pressure under control.

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Greek yogurt comes with vitamins B6 and B12, riboflavin, potassium, and magnesium nutrients which are crucial during pregnancy. Having a cup of Greek yogurt every day will meet your daily calcium requirement.

3. Packed with proteins

The protein requirement for expectant moms doubles as it is the foundation for the growth of the fetus. Consuming Greek yogurt during pregnancy supports you and your child’s body as it comes with more protein than that available in milk.

During pregnancy, your breast and uterine tissues grow with the help of protein nutrients. While experts recommend 75gm to 100 gm of protein per day for pregnant women, the nutrient available in Greek yogurt is almost double.

4. Probiotics in Greek yogurt are beneficial for pregnant women

Probiotics are healthy bacteria that help boost the immune system and keep our bodies healthy. This probiotic content is much higher in Greek yogurt. Having Epigamia Greek yogurt during pregnancy helps you keep gut and bowel infections at bay. Digestion issues such as constipation can also be treated by simply including probiotic-rich foods in your diet.

Having Greek yogurt while pregnant helps to keep abdominal pain away. The probiotic also helps promote vaginal health.

5. Good source of iodine

One benefit of Greek yogurt during pregnancy is its iodine content. Greek yogurt comes with a good amount of iodine that is required for the brain development of your child. Your body doesn’t make natural iodine and hence it’s important to eat proper food containing it.

Pregnant women need iodine minerals in large numbers to promote the healthy development of the child. Also, thyroid during pregnancy could be a common condition that you may have to battle out. Having this iodine in the right number helps to keep thyroid-related issues in control.

6. Greek yogurt during pregnancy promotes healthy weight gain

Greek yogurt is considered one best snack during pregnancy. It helps curb weight and comes with low levels of sugar. For moms who have a watch over weight yet crave to eat something, Greek yogurt during pregnancy is recommended.

The protein content in Greek yogurt will maintain your tummy full for a longer period, thereby preventing you from eating frequently and unhealthy.

Risks And Precautions When Eating Greek Yogurt During Pregnancy

Risks And Precautions When Eating Greek Yogurt During Pregnancy

Yogurt is a healthy snack during pregnancy as it comes packed with all essential minerals. Any yogurt made out of pasteurized milk is good and safe to consume.

It is advised for pregnant women to take at least one serving daily of Greek yogurt during pregnancy which gives them the required nutrients at one go.

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Greek yogurt is considered a staple food and is refrigerated in many households that are health conscious. Its rich flavor makes any sweet or savory food the best. However, anything in excess could invite problems. So keep your intake levels moderate.

Let us see the possible side effects or risks and precautions when eating Greek yogurt during pregnancy.

1. Milk used for making Greek yogurt

Yogurt can be made by using pasteurized and raw milk. Having yogurt made out of pasteurized milk is the only safe option for pregnant women. Make sure the branded Greek yogurt you eat is within the expiry date and is made out of pasteurized milk.

2. Read the labels

Reading the product’s label could give you so much information. When you are on the hunt to buy the best yogurt brand for pregnancy, always go through the label for it is important to know what the food you eat contains.

If you are sure about what type of Greek yogurt to eat, the label can answer your questions.

3. List of ingredients

Though all yogurts appear to be plain ones, by the time they are stored and refrigerated, a lot of ingredients like sugar, artificial flavors, preservatives, etc get into them.

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When you are planning to buy Greek yogurt during pregnancy, go for the ones that are made out with minimal ingredients. It is also better to avoid flavored Greek yogurt during pregnancy as it contains a lot of sugar content.

4. Limit added sugar

Plain yogurt can turn from normal food to super tasty ones with the addition of sugar. It also turns healthy food into a less healthy one. Eating sugar in excess could add to many health issues such as obesity, diabetes, heart issues, etc.

The best choice, especially during pregnancy, is to go for plain and unflavored ones. If you do not like plain yogurt, you can make your flavored smoothies using fresh fruits at home.

5. Go for low-fat Greek yogurt during pregnancy

Greek yogurt can be made from whole, low fat, or fat-free milk. It is recommended for pregnant women to go for low-fat yogurt that comes with less sugar or no sugar added. However, the fat found in full-fat yogurt is also found to be beneficial.



Greek yogurt during pregnancy has become a trend now. A cup of Greek yogurt helps you to meet the recommended nutrient levels. The best yogurt is the one that is plain and comes with less addictive and no flavor.

Eating two cups of yogurt per day can provide you the required protein, calcium, and iodine levels. It is also a dense food that helps you stay full for longer. However, always remember to go for yogurts that are made of pasteurized milk.

As yogurts are highly nutritious for pregnant women, we recommend you make your own flavored Greek yogurt for a safe pregnancy.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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