Home Pregnancy 13 Indian Home Remedies For Acidity During Pregnancy

13 Indian Home Remedies For Acidity During Pregnancy

by Ambili S Kartha

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13 Indian Home Remedies For Acidity During Pregnancy

Soon-to-be mothers more often experience various digestive issues. One of the most common digestive problems is acidity or acid reflux. It brings many other inconveniences with it, such as heartburn and stomach aches. For all expecting mother who are suffering from acid reflux, this list of 13 Indian home remedies for acidity during pregnancy will be godsend.

First of all, let us know about acidity as well as what you can do at home to prevent it.

What is Acidity?

Our bodies produce Hydrochloric acid to help with digestion. The acid works to break down the food for it to be absorbed by the body. Sometimes this acid is produced in excess quantity. This is what causes acidity. Sometimes the acid moves back up the food pipe a bit. This can cause a burning sensation in the throat and chest area. This is what is often referred to as heartburn, and is one of the main symptoms of acidity.

Some other symptoms of acidity are:

  • Severe stomach ache
  • Bloating
  • Flatulence
  • Hiccups

How Common Is Acidity During Pregnancy?

According to our panel gynaecologist Dr Ankita Patel Tayal, most pregnant women suffer from acidity during pregnancy. It is a very common digestive issue otherwise too, pregnant or not.  Expecting mothers are more prone to having acidity and heartburn, due to several reasons.

The hormonal levels change drastically during pregnancy. This surge of pregnancy hormones relaxes the muscles which is vital to accommodate the growing baby. 

However, along with muscles, the lower esophageal sphincters, a band that prevent the food from getting into esophagus also relax. This, in turn, allows stomach acid to go back up the esophagus, triggering acidity.

Another reason that triggers acidity during pregnancy is the pressure induced on the stomach by the growing uterus. This can cause acid to move upwards and irritate esophageal lining and bringing about acidity.

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When Does Acidity Start During Pregnancy?

There isn’t a set time from which acidity starts. Soon-to-be mothers could experience it at any point of pregnancy. Many women get acidity during their first trimester. In fact, heartburn and other digestive issues like constipation are common symptoms of early pregnancy.

However, some expecting mothers experience acidity towards the end of pregnancy. Sometimes, they may not even get it at all. Still, you are most at risk to get acidity after the 27-week mark.

13 Indian Home Remedies For Acidity During Pregnancy

13 Indian Home Remedies For Acidity During Pregnancy

Now you know what acidity is and how it can affect you. It can make your pregnancy many times more difficult to deal with and is very exhausting. So what are some easy ways to deal with it?

Without any further ado, here are 13 Indian home remedies for acidity during pregnancy.

1.    Eat foods that do not cause acidity

Certain foods can trigger acidity or acid reflux. Some examples of these include citrus fruits like oranges, caffeinated drinks like coffee, spicy foods, chocolate, and more. It is best to avoid them or minimize your intake of them if you have problems with acidity. They can worsen heartburn and cause acidity.

Instead, you can eat foods that won’t cause heartburn during pregnancy. These include:

  • Bananas
  • Gooseberries
  • Ginger
  • Garlic
  • Mint
  • Coconut Water
  • Grapefruit, and more

Some of these foods act as a safe natural antacid for pregnancy. So having them can help you fight acidity during pregnancy.

So, these foods are all-natural Indian home remedies for acidity during pregnancy.

2.    Take care of your sleeping position

When you are pregnant, your posture, whether you are sleeping or sitting, is very important. It is even more important if you are suffering from acidity, heartburn, and a burning sensation in the stomach during pregnancy.

Some women may feel like they can’t sleep due to heartburn during pregnancy. Others find that sleeping in certain ways enhances the painful burning sensation in the stomach during pregnancy.

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So, sleeping in another position is one of the easiest Indian home remedies for acidity during pregnancy.

You should try to sleep on your left side, as this helps prevent acid reflux. You can also sleep with your head and chest propped up on a couple of pillows, as it stops the stomach acid from rising up to your throat. If the problem persists, you can try sleeping in a recliner chair at a 45-degree angle.

3.    Do some light exercises everyday

Do some light exercises everyday

Light exercise is always encouraged during pregnancy. It has a number of benefits, including preventing acidity and heartburn. Around half an hour a day should be enough.

Some light exercises for pregnant women are:

  • Walking
  • Running
  • Aerobics
  • Indoor cycling
  • Pilates
  • Weight-lifting
  • Tai Chi
  • Yoga

These will help you reduce the risk of getting acid reflux and heartburn, while also keeping you at a healthy pregnancy weight.

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4.    Combat acidity during pregnancy by drinking lots of water

Drinking lots of water and keeping yourself hydrated is incredibly important during pregnancy, especially given all the different ways pregnant women often lose fluids. Drinking water is pretty much a solve-all method for many problems. So it goes without saying that drinking water will help with acidity as well.

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Water will stop the stomach acid from coming up the esophagus and will also soothe your insides. However, do not drink lots of it at once. Instead, sip on fluids regularly throughout the day. This will help get rid of frequent heartburn. Make sure the water is at a comfortable temperature. You can drink a glass of lukewarm water once in the morning after you wake up, and once at night before going to bed.

5.    Eat small portions of food at regular intervals

Many pregnant women make the mistake of eating large amounts of food at once. This can have some detrimental effects on you, including exacerbating acid reflux.

So, if you are pregnant, it is better to forego the “three meals a day” rule and instead, eat several small meals and snacks throughout the day. As your pregnancy progresses, the stomach get squeezed and it can only hold a small amount of food at a time. So smaller portions at regular intervals keeps acidity at bay,

This makes sure that the stomach is not overworked and will have smaller loads to digest.

6.    Acidity during pregnancy- chew gum

Chewing gum stimulates saliva. This causes any acid build-up to recede. It balances your body’s pH level. It also contains bicarbonate, which neutralizes the acid. So, chewing gum for a few minutes after each meal will get your acid reflux under control. And it gives you better breath!

7.    Refrain from wearing tight clothes during pregnancy

Refrain from wearing tight clothes during pregnancy

It is probably a good idea to forego tight clothes during pregnancy regardless of whether or not you have acidity problems.

Tight clothes apply unwanted pressure on your stomach, uterus, and abdomen, either directly or indirectly. This can be bad for the baby. It can also push on your stomach and force the stomach acid up your throat, leading to acid reflux and heartburn.

That means no more skinny jeans and tight tops, especially if you already have acidity problems. Instead, opt for more loose-fitting and free clothing. Not only is this more comfortable, but it is also better for the baby and your health.

8.    Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a time-honored easy fix for many problems. You may be wondering how vinegar is supposed to help with problems like heartburn. It does sound a bit contradictory. But, did you know that heartburn can also be caused by not enough stomach acid?

A solution of raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar might just be what you need!

You can make this by adding 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to around 16 teaspoons of water. You can sip this throughout the day. And voila! You have a pretty extraordinary solution to heartburn!

9.    Don’t lie down right after eating

Lying down, or sleeping slows down digestion. This can cause an increase in your acid reflux. So do not lie down right after a meal, no matter how tempting it may be to sleep on a full stomach.

Make sure you are in an upright position for at least an hour after eating. You can also take a walk if you are feeling up for it. In fact, it is greatly recommended as it increases the rate of digestion.

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Try to avoid eating or drinking anything for about three hours before bedtime, to make sure your digestion isn’t hindered by sleep. This is  actually a good idea for both pregnant and non-pregnant people. It reduces any difficulties you might be having with acidity and also reduces the chances of rapid weight gain.

10. Aromatherapy


This is a pretty effective way to get rid of acidity. First, you need some essential oils, preferably orange and lemon. Take around 4 drops of this and add it to a teaspoon of grapeseed base oil. You have your mixture ready!

You can either use this for massage or apply it on your back and chest, or you can put it in your bathwater and take a nice aromatic bath in it. This will help you inhale the vapors, and is a good natural way to remedy heartburn and acidity.

11. Drinking milk to fight acidity during pregnancy

Milk contains high levels of calcium, which helps to maintain pH levels. It helps with digestion. So, if you feel that burning sensation in your stomach during pregnancy, drinking a glass of nice cold milk will give you instant relief.

Drinking some buttermilk can also help relieveacidity headaches during pregnancy, which is one of the side effects of acidity. 

12. Refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol

Cigarettes usually have special chemicals which make the valves of the stomach relax. One of these valves is the one that keeps all the stomach content inside the stomach. So relaxing can increase the chance of acidity. Alcohol also does the same.

Related Reading: 10 Drinks To Avoid During Pregnancy 

Of course, acidity or not, you should still not smoke or drink alcohol during pregnancy.

13. Eat your meals slowly

Eat your meals slowly

Don’t eat too fast or gulp down your food at once. Instead, chew carefully and thoroughly, and eat slowly. This will make digestion easier and reduce the chances of acidity.


Acidity occurs when the stomach produces too much stomach acid and this acid rises up the esophagus. It is a common issue seen in many pregnant women. Acidity causes several side effects and symptoms such as heartburn, stomach ache, flatulence, and more.

However, it is almost always treatable at home and is fairly easy to deal with if you know what you are doing. Using the Indian home remedies for acidity during pregnancy that is mentioned above will help relieve the effects of acidity and prevent it in the future.

If you do them, even if you are someone prone to acidity, there is no reason you can’t have a safe, happy pregnancy.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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