Home Pregnancy 9 Home Remedies For Bitter Taste In Mouth During Pregnancy

9 Home Remedies For Bitter Taste In Mouth During Pregnancy

by Sushree Venkat

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expertsExpert Validated By : Dr. Ankita Patel Tayal
9 Home Remedies For Bitter Taste In Mouth During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can bring about a lot of changes to a pregnant woman and you can blame it easily on the hormones. While morning sickness, nausea, pain, hunger pangs are the most common symptoms, a few women also experience a strange and unpleasant metallic taste and look out for home remedies for this bitter taste in the mouth during pregnancy.

You might have a feeling of chewing a rusty coin or having a metal which could be so irritating. Well, this condition is common during pregnancy and has a name — dysgeusia. These are usually the changes that happen in the taste buds and can occur even when you aren’t eating1.

Changes to your sense of taste are quite normal for early pregnancy. Read on to know why it happens and what all different home remedies work best for the bitter taste in the mouth during pregnancy.

What Causes Bitter Taste In Mouth During Pregnancy?

Some women wake up in the morning and suddenly get baffled or tensed when they experience the abrupt change in the taste buds which feels like sucking coins or nails. Though this condition is harmless, it is believed to happen because of hormone influx.

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Nonetheless, pregnant women experiencing this try to get rid of bad taste in the mouth during pregnancy which usually happens during the first trimester, especially when pregnant women are trying to figure and adapt to the hormonal changes.

Many pregnant women wonder how to cure the bitter taste in their mouth during pregnancy. According to a source, pregnant women also complain of mouth tasting foul, rancid, salty, or burnt. Also, an increase in the levels of estrogen, and a change in hormones like progesterone, prolactin, and human chorionic gonadotropin causes pregnant women to go through this temporary phase.

How Long Does Bitter Taste In The Mouth Last During Pregnancy?

How Long Does Bitter Taste In The Mouth Last During Pregnancy?

The sudden bitter taste in the mouth during pregnancy could cause so much discomfort in addition to morning sickness and nausea. While the taste of metal usually subsides by the end of the first trimester, according to a study many pregnant women found the taste buds to worsen during this first trimester, while for many, the bad taste in the mouth vanished in the second trimester.

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Dysgeusia is very common in pregnancy with almost all pregnant women noting at least some change in their taste buds. However, it is better to inform your doctor regarding the change in taste buds as the doctor could examine if it is a case of dysgeusia or not.

According to a source, dysgeusia is not only a pregnancy symptom that affects your senses but with the change in hormonal levels and with the formation of a new life, you will also experience taste, smell, and hear differently.

9 Home Remedies For Bitter Taste In Mouth During Pregnancy

Dysgeusia occurs mostly during the first trimester when pregnancy nausea is more likely to occur. Many women try to find home remedies for the bitter taste in the mouth during pregnancy as they experience a sour taste that extends throughout the taste of food and the mouth even when it is empty.

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It is believed that the hormone which is responsible for sensitivity to smell, causes the metallic taste in the mouth – especially on waking. This is due to the increased effect of estrogen that decreases as the pregnancy progresses.

Let us see a few home remedies for the bitter taste in the mouth during pregnancy.

1. Maintain oral hygiene to combat bitter taste in the mouth during pregnancy

It is tough to tolerate the bad taste that occurs in your mouth causing so much discomfort. One of the suggested home remedies for the bitter taste in the mouth during pregnancy is to practice regular oral hygiene by brushing your teeth regularly and flossing them. This can freshen your mouth. Don’t forget to brush your tongue as well.

You can also try gargling with a solution (mild) made of water and salt or water and baking soda that can ease the discomfort. You can also try using toothpaste with mint flavor.

2. Drink plenty of water

Dehydration during pregnancy can also contribute to that metallic taste in your mouth. Dr Ankita Patel Tayal, our panel gynaecologist, recommends pregnant women to drink around 2.5 liters or more of plain water every day. Drinking plenty of water is one best way to get a cure for metallic taste during pregnancy, according to a source.

Staying well hydrated during pregnancy can help get rid of bad taste in the mouth during pregnancy. You can also try drinking lemon water to see if it helps. Also, add ice cubes to it to get its benefits.

3. Try mint

Mint is one best option to tackle the sudden bitter taste in the mouth during pregnancy. Try eating mint flavor chocolates or munch on the polo that are strong in mint flavor. Mint is also good in easing symptoms such as heartburn and indigestion.

Sipping peppermint tea is one way to get rid of metallic taste during pregnancy, which also helps to reduce flatulence. Alternatively, you can also go for sugar-free chewing gum to get off that metallic taste for the time being.

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4. Citrus for home remedies for the bitter taste in the mouth during pregnancy

Citrus for home remedies for the bitter taste in the mouth during pregnancy

One best technique to handle the metallic taste during pregnancy is to neutralize it. Eating fruits that contain citrus help to increase the production of saliva which gives a break to the metallic taste in the mouth.

Increased saliva helps to wash away those bad/sour tastes thereby giving temporary relief. Remember, once your hormones begin to settle down, the taste buds will return to normal. Also, lemons come with essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that help to keep you healthy and aids in the fetus’s development.

5. Eating spicy food

According to a source, eating spicy food is one of the best home remedies for the bitter taste in the mouth during pregnancy. Also, consuming spices like cumin or turmeric during pregnancy is beneficial as they have powerful antioxidants and antimicrobial properties2.

Eating spicy food during pregnancy is less likely to affect the fetus or the pregnancy. However, consuming more spicy food than what your body can bear can cause you troubles such as indigestion, acidity, and heartburn-related problems.

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6. Opt for different cutlery

Due to the level of estrogen variation, there can be a significant change in your taste buds. One of the home remedies for the bitter taste in the mouth during pregnancy is using plastic, glass, or ceramic cutlery instead of metal ones3.

This is the best way to get rid of the metallic taste in your mouth. Using metal spoons or metal bottles during dysgeusia could only worsen the condition. However, remember not to heat food using plastic containers which can turn hazardous.

7. Do not try new food

During pregnancy, it is common for women to have “hyperosmia” or to develop a acute sense of smell. And with dysgeusia, you may even get an aversion to your favorite. Hence, it is recommended you do not indulge in any trials for new food which could make the condition worse.

Similarly, if you feel any strong or unpleasant smell towards any food, it is better to stay away from it as the chances of developing the metallic taste for it are higher. Also, we recommend eating the food at room temperature and not either hot or cold.

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8. Try changing prenatal vitamins

It is vital to take prenatal vitamins throughout the pregnancy for the well-being of both you and your child’s health. Many of us don’t get the required minerals and vitamins to meet the baby’s growth requirement which is why doctors recommend a few.

However, some pregnancy vitamins are known to increase the metallic taste because of which the unpleasant taste lingers in the mouth. Those with vitamin B12 and zinc can be especially irritating. Try speaking to your doctor in case you want to alter the medication.

9. Rinse your mouth before you eat

Rinsing your mouth with a solution mixed with warm water and baking soda could help you get better with the metallic taste in the mouth during pregnancy. This solution helps to increase the pH levels in your mouth and neutralize the acid levels.

In this way, the metallic taste could also be kept under control. You can use ¼ spoon of baking soda to 8 ounces of water.



Metallic taste during pregnancy is common, it is also an indication that your pregnancy hormones are kicking in! Though there is nothing major to worry about, you must accept the fact that just like morning sickness, it will usually ease as the pregnancy progresses and your hormones start to settle down.

Pregnancy does come with its perks. And you can easily blame the pregnancy hormones for all those inconveniences. Remember, the changes to your body and hormones during pregnancy can sometimes be strange and yet will subside soon.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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1 comment

Precious July 3, 2023 - 11:06 pm

Thanks allot I learnt much


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