Home Pregnancy How To Tell The Difference Between Gas Bubbles And Baby Moving

How To Tell The Difference Between Gas Bubbles And Baby Moving

by Aiswarya Shibu

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How To Tell The Difference Between Gas Bubbles And Baby Moving

One of the major things mothers, that especially first-time mothers anticipate is feeling the first movement of the baby in the womb. Early in pregnancy, I always felt like bubbles were popping in my stomach. What about you? What do you do when you find out you are pregnant? Do you look down at your stomach expecting to see a bump or experience some twists and turns inside your tummy?

Yes, it’s too early. However, you won’t need to wait long to experience those things. Have you heard other mothers talking about being unsure of baby’s movement – since it almost feels like gas?

Is it possible to tell the difference between your gurgling tummy and gas bubbles in your abdomen from the movements of your baby? How do you tell if it’s the baby moving or gas? This article explains how to tell the difference between gas bubbles and babies moving.

When Does A Baby Start To Move In The Womb?

The fetus usually starts moving around 7 or 8 weeks old, around the time when they begin to bend their necks slowly. Fetuses are constantly evolving and changing their movements and patterns as the pregnancy progresses. Among them are hiccups, arm movements, stretch movements, and thumb sucking.

During the 7th and 8th weeks of pregnancy, a woman will not feel any little movements, since the baby will still be too small to be detected within the expanding uterus.

During the 16th to 18th week, however, a woman will notice small movements. However, even during this time, they may not be able to find the difference between gas bubbles and baby moving

It is common for babies in the womb to become more active in the evening hours. It usually begins in the second trimester. It has also been observed that around an hour after the mother eats, the baby becomes more active. It is a result of a sudden spike in blood sugar (glucose) after eating

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When Can You Start To Feel Your Baby’s Movements?

Early in pregnancy, you always wonder if it is the baby moving when you feel gas bubbles from outside your stomach. Experiencing your baby move for the first time can be one of the most exciting parts of your pregnancy journey.

The movements of your unborn baby may give you the reassurance that the baby is healthy.

Furthermore, it gives the obstetrician information about whether the baby is growing at the right pace.

Typically, as discussed earlier, mothers begin to detect their babies’ movements between weeks 16 and 25 of pregnancy.

Others may begin to notice movements earlier than that, say around the 13th week. “Quickening” is a term used to describe the first signs of fetal movement and these are often noticed earlier by moms who have already given birth.

Have you ever wondered what the first fetal movements feel like? There are different ways people describe the sensation. You might expect to feel anything from butterflies fluttering, to popcorn popping. The initial fetal movements may also feel like a tumbling sensation, tapping, or nervous twitching in the belly.

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It is more likely that expecting mothers will feel these sensations when sitting or lying in a quiet position. You should not be concerned if you don’t feel those first kicks right away. The time that you feel the first fetal movements can be determined by various factors.

Experienced parents usually feel kicks earlier in subsequent pregnancies since they know what to look for.

Can Gas Bubbles Feel Like Baby Movements

Can Gas Bubbles Feel Like Baby Movements?

It is only during the initial stages of pregnancy that gas bubbles are confused with baby movements, or vice versa. You may experience gas bubbles and fetal movement at the same time as you near the end of your pregnancy.

You will probably be able to detect your baby’s movement at this point. Gas bubbles usually cause abdominal pain and they can travel whereas fetal movement can be uncomfortable but not painful.

How Do I Know If It’s Gas Or Baby Moving?

For new mothers, it may be tricky to tell whether the sensation they are feeling is due to their baby or gas.

On the other hand, if a mother has been pregnant before, she will be more familiar with that sensation and will be able to identify the movements of the baby more quickly.

The movements of a fetus follow a pattern, different from those of gas. It is also possible that gas can cause pain, ranging from mild discomfort to sharp pain, unlike the baby’s movements.

Sometimes this pain created by gas can radiate into the back, which can result in back pain and bloating.

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How To Tell The Difference Between Gas Bubbles And Baby Moving?

Remember that fetal movement tends to occur at certain times of the day, and it is often more frequent than gas. You will notice a small flutter or pop when you have a gas bubble in your abdomen.

Meanwhile, the popping and fluttering sensations of baby movements will be stronger. You may also experience knotting pain in your belly, back, and chest from gas bubbles when they travel through your body.

A gas bubble will usually go away in a few seconds or less and will not return. It is easier to identify fetal movements since they are more consistent. As you become more familiar with the different types of movements, you will be able to recognize them.

Let's wrap it up

Do You Feel Baby Kicks In Any Particular Place?

As you progress through your pregnancy, you’ll feel your baby kick differently. Earlier in pregnancy, you may feel flutters below the belly button, and later on, you may feel stronger movements that can range from up in your ribs to down in your pelvis.

It depends on a few factors where you’ll feel the baby kick. Some of them are:

  • What stage of your pregnancy you are at. For example, the fetal movements will become more coordinated during the second trimester.
  • Position of the baby inside the womb. For example, babies who are lying head down in the womb will kick more strongly on one side and towards the top of the belly.
  • Placental position. For example, if your placenta lies anteriorly, you may have trouble feeling your baby move since the placenta is cushioning the baby.


In the beginning, it will be hard to find the difference between gas bubbles and baby moving as there will be fewer noticeable fetal movements. For instance, movements may vary from day to day.

One day the mother may notice several movements and the next day none at all. In spite of your baby’s regular movements and kicks, many of their movements are still too weak for you to feel.

As you approach the third trimester, those reassurances will increase in strength and frequency. The kicks or jabs of your baby may feel uncomfortable when they’re hard enough.

Baby kicks, however, are considered as a sign that the baby is healthy and growing normally. In addition, any change in a pattern indicates some problems that need to be addressed.


1. Monitoring Fetal Movements: Why Is It Important?

A baby’s movements in the womb play a crucial role in monitoring its health and well-being until birth. You should remember that each baby moves in a unique way, and what is normal for another person may not be normal for you.

Make note of when your baby is most active and when the baby is more likely to rest. As long as the baby’s movements are consistent, everything can be considered normal. If the quality and quantity of your baby’s kicks suddenly change, there may be a problem. Therefore, it is essential to monitor fetal movement.

2. Can Babies Have Quiet Days In The Womb?

Around 20 weeks, most women are aware of their babies’ movements, although it is possible that this happens sooner with a second or third pregnancy. Also, it is possible to experience quiet days right up until about 26 weeks.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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