Home Pregnancy 12 Signs Of Healthy Baby In Womb- Trimester Wise

12 Signs Of Healthy Baby In Womb- Trimester Wise

by Sushree Venkat

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expertsExpert Validated By : Dr. Ankita Patel Tayal
12 Signs Of Healthy Baby In Womb- Trimester Wise

Every mother, once pregnant has only one thought that her baby should be healthy. They are super cautious of their diet, things they do so as to ensure the baby is growing properly in the womb. Knowing and monitoring signs of a healthy baby in the womb becomes essential so any untoward incident can be avoided. Having knowledge of signs your baby is healthy in womb will help you raise an alarm just in case anything feels odd.

Every mom-to-be has anxiety about the arrival of the baby and its well-being in the womb. Many pregnant women also ponder on how to know if the baby is healthy in the womb without an ultrasound. To eliminate the risk of an unhealthy fetus, it is always important to keep a note on the progress of the pregnancy and get to know the signs of a healthy baby in the womb.

Let’s understand in detail about the changes your body undergoes and how to take care of yourself as your baby is growing in the womb.

Signs Of Healthy Baby In The Womb

It could be overwhelming for you once you know you are pregnant. But what about your doubt on “how to know a baby is healthy in the womb without ultrasound.” Ofcourse, you can’t be rushing to the doctor everytime something feels amiss. Dr Ankita Patel Tayal, our panel gynaecologist and a practising obstetrician for last 10 years says that though it is natural for all moms-to-be to be cautious during the pregnancy phase, you must know that upon conception and throughout your pregnancy period, your baby goes through various phases of growth and development. This is to develop the fetus into a full-term child.

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Before you know about the signs of a healthy baby in the womb, you must understand that the whole phase of pregnancy is generally divided into three main phases:

​First trimester of pregnancy — Week 1 to Week 12

Second trimester​ of pregnancy — Week 13 to Week 28

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Third trimester​ of pregnancy — Week 29 to Week 45

While the fetal development in each of these stages is important, it could also vary depending on your trimester. This is just a guide and it could differ for each pregnancy. Also, this is in no way to be taken as as medical advice, this is just information for general purposes.

Let us in detail see about each phase and what indicates the signs of a healthy baby in the womb.

Signs Of A Healthy Baby In The First Trimester

Signs of a healthy baby in the first trimester

The first trimester is the start of your wonderful journey and you may have a lot of questions regarding the entire pregnancy. The first trimester is about 13 weeks long, and it starts even before you know you are pregnant.

During the first trimester of pregnancy, the tiny cells form as an embryo and then a fetus which is about the size of a large plum — which is one of the positive signs of a healthy baby in the womb.

In these first few weeks of pregnancy, your little one’s brain, spinal cord, heart, and tiny limbs — complete with fingers and toes, develop. By the end of the first trimester, the baby is 3 inches long and weighs almost 1 ounce1. Every expectant mom has thought of “how do I know my baby is ok through early pregnancy?” and is anxious about signs of a healthy baby in the womb.

1. Changes in appetite a sign of a healthy baby in the womb

Change in your appetite is an early sign of pregnancy.  You may crave certain food or even become repulsive to the cup of coffee you’d always love. There are certain ways to manage this loss of appetite during early pregnancy and it is most likely to settle down during the second trimester. As long as you get the required nutrition, there is no harm in changing or ignoring your liked food2.

2. Breast changes

Hormone levels fluctuate during early pregnancy and this is why you could also notice a visible change in your breast (usually by four to six weeks of pregnancy) which is a sign of a healthy baby in the womb. Your breasts start becoming tender and swollen because of the rise of estrogen levels along with the veins getting visible. You can also find the areola (the area around your breast) darkening3.

3. Sickness, nausea, and vomiting a sign of a healthy baby in the womb

If you are in the middle of the meeting and fighting the urge to vomit, then you are not alone. This is one of the common signs that happens to pregnant women between two to eight weeks after you conceive your baby, again one of few signs that your baby is growing healthy in the womb. This is mainly due to the fluctuating hormone levels4. Morning sickness is something that everyone faces during early pregnancy and can easily be dealt with morning sickness snacks.

4. Spotting is a sign of a healthy baby in the womb

In early pregnancy, some women get a small amount of blood or spotting, known as implantation bleeding. This happens usually around 10 to 14 days after you conceive specifically when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. For moms wondering about their pregnancy progress, this is one of the symptoms of a healthy baby in early pregnancy.

5. Heartbeat

The first few times you go to the doctor, your baby’s heartbeat will be monitored. That is one of the prime signs of a healthy baby in womb. Mostly from the fifth week of pregnancy the heartbeat becomes a major indicator of a baby’s health. A healthy heartbeat ranges between 110 to 160 beats per minute, latter being high, but mind you, being a baby is hard work.

Signs Of A Healthy Baby In The Second Trimester

Signs of a healthy baby in the second trimester

Many moms-to-be feel the second trimester to be a comfortable phase. You are in between the morning sickness and the big belly, which makes your pregnancy pleasant. Most pregnant women who didn’t feel good in the first trimester of pregnancy usually start to feel better in the second.

Your little one goes from being about the size of a plum to that of a head of cauliflower. Your belly will become more visible to the outside world as the baby’s growth is more prominent. This is also a phase where the uterus expands and you start experiencing other symptoms of pregnancy.

The baby’s organs become fully developed during the second trimester. Your baby can now start to hear and swallow. At the end of the second trimester, your baby will start moving around. At the end of the second trimester, your baby will be around 14 inches in length and weigh around two pounds5.

5. Growing belly and breasts

One of the happy and promising signs of a healthy baby in the womb is the growing belly. The uterus starts to expand making it a comfortable place for the little fetus inside. Your breasts start developing bigger too. This is the time for you to purchase maternity wear or extra-comfortable pants and tops to make yourself comfortable. There could also be a change in your cup size.

6. Dizziness — a promising sign of a healthy baby in the womb

Dizziness is common throughout the pregnancy phase and is more common during the second trimester. According to studies, this is because of changes in the blood flow and hormonal changes. Also, pressure in the uterus blood vessel or lying on your back can cause dizziness during this phase. Sleeping on your side could help you better. Also, consume a lot of fluids to keep yourself better during this phase, as staying well hydrated during pregnancy is very much required.

7. Skin changes

Pregnancy could make your body undergo a lot of changes.  One common and visible sign is the change in your skin texture. You can either get a pigmentation or get a pregnancy glow, as your body produces more melanin — the pigment that gives skin its color. This is also the reason your nipples become darker, and brown patches appear on your face6. If your skin is glowing already, it’s a good to go, but if your having pigmentation, there are a few tips for a glowing skin during pregnancy.

8. Itchy skin and stretch marks

A woman’s body continues to change in the second trimester of her pregnancy. As your body grows, some areas of skin may become stretched tight which creates stretch marks. While there are no proven techniques to prevent stretch marks, it is always one of the signs of a healthy baby in the womb. Also, dry, itchy skin, especially on the belly could create discomfort. Applying moisturizer might help.

9. Changes in movement

Toward the end of the trimester, you will notice the baby moving in the womb. All through your remaining journey from now on, this will be the biggest indicator of healthy baby in the womb. The baby moves, stretches, responds to light and sound stimuli and any changes in the movement should be brought to the notice of the doctor. At times, if you sense the movement is less, it is suggested to eat or drink something sweet to stimulate the baby to move.

Signs Of A Healthy Baby In The Third Trimester

Signs of a healthy baby in the third trimester

So, it’s time where you have reached the most expected and suspenseful phase of the pregnancy. You become impatient about the arrival of your little one. During the third trimester, the movement of the baby becomes less due to lack of space. This is when many moms get tensed and look out for the signs of a healthy baby in the womb.

Your little ones grow at a fast pace and would have gained half of the birth weight during this phase. By 36 weeks, the baby is almost grown completely and hence the moving space becomes less.

By the end of the 39th week, your baby becomes a full-term child and is ready for arrival. The growth of vital organs still takes place, even after the baby is born.

9. Insomnia — most difficult signs of a healthy baby in the womb

The trimester becomes very tough for many women fighting insomnia. Sleep deprivation is because of reasons such as back pain, frequent urination, heartburn, etc. Pregnant women also experience daytime fatigue due to this. Expectant moms wake up for frequent bathroom breaks as the kidneys become overactive and due to the weight of the uterus against the bladder, as per a research.

10. Leg Cramps and Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)

According to a study, one among every three pregnant women goes through Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) in the third trimester, which comes with uncomfortable sensations. This happens more when the body is at rest and makes it unable to sleep. Nighttime leg cramps are also common for many women during the third trimester.

11. Frequent urination

Frequent urination is common during the early days and final weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the pressure on the bladder as the baby pushes itself down. Urine leaks also happen when you laugh, cough, or get hiccups. This is one assuring sign of a healthy baby in the womb as it indicates the baby’s readiness to be born.

12. Braxton Hicks contractions

During the final trimester or even a little earlier, you may experience pains or false contractions similar to labor pain known as Braxton Hicks contractions. These help the muscles prepare for labor. They usually start might and tighten during the process. This could be more painful as the due date nears7. While this contraction comes and goes away, true labor contraction doesn’t go which means your baby is arriving soon!

Related Reading: False Labor Pains- 8 Ways To Know This Is Not Real Pain



The moment you realize you are pregnant, all thoughts and attention go towards the unborn one, where you always keep thinking about indications and signs of a healthy baby in the womb. Though most of the symptoms pregnant women experience are uncomfortable, the good news is that they are common.

In case you feel something is not right or you feel very uncomfortable, you may contact your physician and the situation can be taken care of immediately.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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