Home Pregnancy Can Lemon Water During Pregnancy Cause Abortion?

Can Lemon Water During Pregnancy Cause Abortion?

by Ambili S Kartha

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Can Lemon Water During Pregnancy Cause Abortion

Pregnancy is not just the time when you get lots of good wishes but also when plenty of instructions and advice also starts to pours in. Pregnancy advice, sometimes even unsolicited will flow by from all directions – and is particularly about the diet of the mother. One of the pieces of advice might be the importance of avoiding lemon water during pregnancy. Some people may advise you to restrict lemons in your diet citing it can cause abortion.  Can lemon juice during pregnancy cause abortion? Read on.

Lemons During Pregnancy – Are They Safe?

The bracing taste and aroma of lemon can help to relieve nausea and morning sickness. During the first trimester, while fighting with nausea, many expecting mothers crave for something citric.  And, lemon is the common choice of many women.

Lemon, devoid of its peel, has a fair amount of vitamins and minerals that boost your immunity and support pregnancy’s healthy progression. However, these features of lemon water can’t necessarily suggest it is 100% safe during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a delicate phase making the mother susceptible to various health issues.  Even highly nutritious food can trigger some complications if you have it during pregnancy.  It is, therefore, very important to be cautious during pregnancy.

Generally, citrus fruits, especially lemon, cause no harm if you have it during pregnancy. Moreover, drinking lemon water helps to fight off pregnancy nausea and also has several benefits for expecting mothers.

Drinking a moderate amount of lemon water while pregnant can do wonders to fight off fatigue. However, there are also some risks associated with drinking lemon juice during pregnancy you should be aware of.

There are some possible side effects of drinking lemon water during pregnancy.

Consuming lots of lemon water at once can lead to fast detoxification, which is not recommended during pregnancy. Also, adding too much sugar to lemon juice should be avoided.

However, as already mentioned, you are susceptible to side effects only if you consume a large amount of lemon juice. Yet, it is always better to talk to your doctor if you are a lemon juice lover to rule out any possible complications during pregnancy.

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Likewise, always drink freshly prepared lemon juice from a fresh lemon. If you can afford, opt for organic lemons over everyday market lemon. The latter might have the residue of fungicides and pesticides, which are not advisable to have. 

You can also get lemon grown in your friend’s garden, or you can grow your own lemon, which will be more advantageous.  In case you are not able to get organic lemons, immerse the market lemon in the vinegar solution for half an hour and rinse thoroughly in plenty of water.

Likewise, stay away from bottled or canned lemon juices as it may contain preservatives, additives, and artificial flavors that are not suitable for expecting women. Nothing can replace the refreshing taste and benefits of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Can Drinking Lemon Water Prevent Pregnancy?

Can Drinking Lemon Water Prevent Pregnancy

A detailed study of lemon juice preventing pregnancy is yet to be conducted. However, before these modern contraceptive methods came into being, lemon juice was used for the prevention of pregnancy for several centuries.

Women, back then, used lemons as a contraceptive technique. They insert sponges soaked in lemon juice before and after intercourse. Some go way far by taking half a lemon and scoop out the pulp and insert the rind into the vagina. The rind acted as a cervical cap.

The basis of this method of contraception is the fact that the citric acid in lemons acts as a natural spermicidal. The sperms cannot survive the strong acids in the lemon juice.

It is also found that a high dose of vitamin C after unprotected sex provides more or less the same effect as a morning –pill. However, there is no strong evidence for a larger quantity of vitamin C triggering abortion until now.

Let us find out how a high dose of vitamin C can potentially prevent pregnancy. High intake of vitamin C makes the mucus membrane of the uterus thinner. This makes the uterus wall inhospitable for the fertilized egg. 

Therefore, a high intake of vitamin C, especially during the early hours after sex, will help to prevent pregnancy to a certain extent. Lemon juice is loaded with Vitamin C. Therefore, the habit of drinking a lot of lemon juice, especially, after sex considerably decreases the chances of pregnancy.

So the answer to can lemon stop pregnancy is, yes, it could.

Advantages Of Drinking Lemon Juice During Pregnancy

Here are some advantages of drinking lemon water during pregnancy. First of all, it is excellent for combating morning sickness experienced by the majority of expecting mothers.

Regular consumption of lemon juice (moderate) and regular walking helps to regulate high blood pressure, which is very common during pregnancy. It also helps to boost immunity as lemons are loaded with vitamin C. 

The anti-inflammatory property of lemon juice helps to treat edema. It also helps to ease out the pains in joints. The diuretic property of lemon juice helps to bring down UTI chances, which is common during pregnancy.

Drinking lemon juice helps to stay hydrated and also helps to prevent constipation. Lemon contains folate, the intake of which is very important for the healthy development of a fetus.

Side Effects Of Lemon Juice During Pregnancy

Side Effects Of Lemon Juice During Pregnancy

As already mentioned earlier, you should not overlook the possible side effects of drinking lemon water during pregnancy. Find out some risks associated with excessive consumption of lemon juice during pregnancy.

1.  Can trigger heartburn or gastrointestinal distress

During pregnancy, especially towards the later stages, most expecting mothers contract gastric issues like heartburn and other gastrointestinal issues. Lemons contain high levels of citric acid.

This high acidic content in lemon juice can trigger or exacerbate heartburn in pregnant women. Therefore, it is better to limit its intake if you are prone to heartburn and completely avoid lemon water intake until the existing symptoms subside.

2. Dental issues

The bones and teeth of pregnant women are already highly susceptible to de-calcification. The citric acid content in citrus fruits can potentially damage the teeth enamel, thereby bringing about dental problems.

Of all citrus fruits, lemon and lemon juice contain more citric acid. Therefore, consuming excess lemon juice regularly can cause tooth decay and cavities in pregnant women.

3. Issues due to the high sugar content

Some expecting mothers crave lemonade instead of fresh lemon water. Lemonade contains more sugar to enhance its taste. High sugar intake during pregnancy should be avoided as it can trigger several health issues that affect pregnancy’s smooth progression.

4. Can cause cough and cold

If you prefer ice-cold lemon water over the lemon water at room temperature, you can easily catch a cold and cough. Catching cough and cold during pregnancy is annoying.  Therefore, try to drink lemon juice at room temperature. You can also have it slightly warmer during the winter months.

Precautions To Take While Drinking Lemon Juice During Pregnancy

Precautions To Take While Drinking Lemon Juice During Pregnancy

Although intake of lemon water in moderation is safe and beneficial during pregnancy in many means, there are some points to take care of while drinking lemon juice during pregnancy:

  • Use garden-fresh lemon rather than old ones to make lemon juice. Make sure it has a pleasant fragrance and firm and has no signs of decay.
  • Gargle after drinking lemon juice. This will help to reduce the risk of dental issues.
  • Start with minimal quantity once you start, including lemon water in your pregnancy diet. Stop drinking lemon juice if you experience heartburn or any other discomforts after ingesting it.
  • Never consume lemon juice in concentrated form. Also, an entire lemon extract can be excess for some expecting mothers. Therefore, start using half a lemon and squeeze the other half only if you prefer it. 
  • Never add honey always while drinking lemon water. Limit the intake of honey, especially during the initial pregnancy stage, as it can increase body heat. However, there is no harm in adding honey once in a while in moderation.
  • Never drink lemon juice from copper utensils. Making, storing, and drinking lemon juice in copper utensils is dangerous. The citric acid in lemon can accelerate the corrosion, thereby releasing more copper in the lemon water.

This can result in copper toxicity. So, if you start vomiting or experience any sort of discomfort after drinking lemon juice from a copper utensil, seek immediate medical attention.

Lemon water is not likely to interact with medications. Yet, it is advisable to check with your doctor before adding lemon water to your regular diet during pregnancy.


Will drinking lemon juice cause miscarriage?

Many people consider lemon juice as an abortifacient. However, drinking lemon juice will not cause miscarriage. Drinking a very large amount regularly may bring about several side effects, but no evidence miscarriage is among them. 

Can you drink lemon soda during pregnancy?

Intake of lemon soda occasionally and in limited quantities can’t cause any harm during pregnancy. However, never overlook the fact that carbonated drinks contain caffeine and a lot of sugar.

Drinking too much lime soda, therefore, can spike your blood sugar level. This is dangerous, especially for those who contract gestational diabetes. Artificially sweetened drinks can also potentially increase the risk of preterm labor.

Let’s wrap it up

The nine months of pregnancy will be more or less a roller coaster ride. There will be ups that thrill you and downs that scare you. It is important to take care of what you eat, drink, and contacts during pregnancy. Too much of anything is not safe during pregnancy

The same is the case with drinking lemon water during pregnancy. When it comes to drinking lemon juice, moderation is the key. It is also equally important to educate yourself on the possible side effects drinking lemon juice during pregnancy can potentially cause

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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