Home Pregnancy Muskmelon (Kharbuja) During Pregnancy

Muskmelon (Kharbuja) During Pregnancy

by Swati Sharma

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Muskmelon Safe To Eat During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a pivotal time in a woman’s life when good nutrition is essential to the growth and development of both the mother and the child. The physiological changes and healthy development of the fetus depend on the mother eating a well-balanced diet rich in important nutrients. While there are many kinds of fruit, pregnant women should seek out muskmelon, often known as cantaloupe, for its exceptional flavor and nutritional value.

Nonetheless, you might be bothered as to how safe is it to consume muskmelons during pregnancy? Check out this amazing article about the health benefits of muskmelon during pregnancy! It also covers its nutritional profile, any potential risks, and safe ways to enjoy muskmelon during pregnancy. You don’t want to miss out on this valuable information! 

What Is Muskmelon?

Muskmelon, also known as cantaloupe or kharbuja, is a delightful and refreshing fruit that has captured the hearts of many with its juicy and sweet flavor. Its vibrant orange flesh and distinct aroma make it a popular choice during the summer months when its refreshing qualities are highly appreciated.

The high water content of muskmelon, which adds to its moisturizing qualities, is one of its distinguishing characteristics. It’s a great option for relieving thirst and preventing dehydration because of this, particularly on hot, sunny days.

Having a nice tall glass of muskmelon juice during pregnancy is a great way to relax. Because of its inherent sweetness, it has a nice flavor and offers dieters looking to lose weight a low-calorie alternative.  Beyond its mouthwatering flavor, muskmelon has a remarkable nutritional profile.

Muskmelon is a delicious fruit that not only delights the taste buds but also provides a variety of nutritional advantages. It may be consumed on its own, added to fruit salads, or blended into a cooling smoothie. So enjoy this sweet delight and benefit from its benefits for your overall health and well-being.

And even though it is not quite as sweet or soft, you can also have unripe muskmelon during pregnancy as a nutritional snack throughout the day. Just make sure it is clean, safe, and in moderation.

Related Reading: 11 Healthy And Refreshing Juices During Pregnancy To Drink

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Nutritional Profile Of Muskmelon 

The musk melon is a great fruit option because it has more nutrients and fewer calories. Here is a general overview of the nutritional profile of muskmelon based on a typical serving size of 100 grams1:

  • Calories: Approximately 34 calories
  • Carbohydrates: Muskmelon is relatively low in carbohydrates, with about 8 grams per 100 grams.
  • Fiber: It contains a moderate amount of dietary fiber, providing around 0.9 grams per 100 grams.
  • Protein: Muskmelon is not a significant source of protein, with less than 1 gram per 100 grams.
  • Fat: It is very low in fat, typically containing less than 0.2 grams per 100 grams.
  • Vitamins: Muskmelon is a good source of vitamins, particularly vitamin A and vitamin C. It contains about 1694 IU (International Units) of vitamin A and 36.7 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams.
  • Minerals: Muskmelon contains various minerals, including potassium, magnesium, and calcium. The exact amounts may vary, but it typically provides around 267 mg of potassium, 9 mg of magnesium, and 9 mg of calcium per 100 grams.

Additionally, muskmelon is rich in antioxidants, such as beta-carotene and lutein, which have been associated with various health benefits, including eye health and immune support. It is also hydrating due to its high water content.

Note: These figures are approximations and may change depending on the particular variety and degree of ripeness of the muskmelon.

Benefits Of Muskmelon During Pregnancy

When you have it correctly and in moderation, you will find that there are many benefits of muskmelon during pregnancy. Here are a few of the advantages of adding muskmelon to your pregnancy menu:

1. Increases immunity

Muskmelons contain a significant amount of carotenoids. They help to protect both mother and child from harmful infections. They can stop the production of free radicals in the body and perform the function of antioxidants. They aid in the production of new cells. Muskmelon during pregnancy will contribute to the strengthening of your overall immunity.

2. Helps with anemia

Among the many common pregnancy side effects, anemia is one of the most common. However, just because it is common does not mean it is harmless. Anemia can cause many issues for both you and the fetus. It is best to deal with it as soon as possible.

Muskmelon can help with that. It is a rich source of Iron and Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps the iron get absorbed in the digestive system and the iron treats anemia. While muskmelon is by no means a cure, it certainly helps2.

3. Helps develop baby’s vision

In addition to being rich in Vitamin C, muskmelons are also a rich source of Vitamin A. Since the fetus’ eyes develop very early on in the pregnancy, it is important to have such foods so that their eyes are healthy. Having muskmelon during pregnancy second trimester and first trimester especially will help ensure that the baby is born with good vision3.

4. Helps prevent blood clots

The development of blood clots is quite a troubling and dangerous complication during pregnancy. Unfortunately, it is also not an empty fear. You are 5 times more likely to develop blood clots when you are pregnant than when you are not4.

Having muskmelons during pregnancy, along with other similar foods, help prevent this possibility as it can act as a blood thinner.

5. Regular consumption of muskmelon helps with digestion

Naturally, with a baby growing inside your belly, your digestive system will be very much affected during your pregnancy. Digestive troubles are nothing uncommon during this time. Indigestion, and relatedly, heartburn are two such issues that you are likely to face.

Muskmelon is a good food to try and prevent these issues. The Vitamin C in it helps ensure the digestive system is working smoothly5.

Can pregnant women eat muskmelon

6. Prevents Neural tube defects

The neural tube is what develops into the baby’s spinal cord and brain, and it grows in the first trimester. Neural tube defects are a significant danger and can cause many disabilities. Therefore, it is important to be proactive in preventing it.

Muskmelon contains both folic acid and Vitamin B9 in spades. So having muskmelon during pregnancy is a good, natural way to avoid neural tube defects6.

7. Regulates blood pressure

When you are pregnant, it is very possible that your blood pressure changes. Whether it is too high or too low, it can spell trouble. Gestational hypertension in particular is fairly common.

Although it usually returns to normal after delivery, it can make for a complicated pregnancy. However, having foods like muskmelon, which contains plenty of mineral salts, can help prevent hypertension and regulate your blood pressure. Even just having muskmelon seeds during pregnancy can lead to many benefits in this area, as the seeds are also very nutritional in and of themselves7.

8. Helps with pregnancy constipation

As mentioned above, having muskmelon during pregnancy can help with a litany of digestive issues such as indigestion and heartburn. Constipation, too, is an extremely common side effect of pregnancy and can lead to a lot of discomfort. It usually occurs due to a lack of fiber intake. Muskmelon, which contains sufficient fiber and vitamins, is the way to go if you are constipated.

9. Helps with weight management

When you are eating for two, it is only natural that you get the munchies a lot more often. However, it is also a time when you are prone to drastic weight gain which can in turn cause complications. This can put you in quite a precarious position.

But muskmelon is the perfect pregnancy snack. This fruit, while delicious and rich in nutrients, contains a comparatively low amount of calories and does not contribute a lot to weight gain.

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10. Helps with leg cramps

If you get leg cramps during pregnancy, you are not the only one. Leg cramps are a very common complaint by pregnant women. It usually occurs due to a potassium deficiency. Muskmelon, being a good source of potassium, helps provide relief if you are experiencing a lot of leg cramps8.

11. Eat muskmelons for stress relief

When you are pregnant, you will naturally be thinking (and even worrying) about many different things as you prepare to welcome your baby into this world. As a result, you may be very stressed.

Munching on some muskmelon may be all you need to help you relax a bit! It is rich in potassium which can help relax your heartbeat and increase the oxygen flow to your brain. It relaxes your nerves and gives you relief from the stress you were looking for.

Risks And Precautions When Eating Kharbuja During Pregnancy

By and large, it is perfectly safe to have muskmelon during pregnancy. And as stated above, there are several benefits you can garner by adding it to your diet. However, the fact remains that moderation is key, particularly during pregnancy. And despite the many advantages, there remain a few risks you need to look out for. Here are a few possible disadvantages of eating muskmelon during pregnancy.

1. Bacteria

There is a possibility that the surface of the muskmelon contains a harmful bacteria called Listeria. Should you not follow proper precautions, you may find yourself ingesting this bacteria. The

Listeria bacteria causes the serious infection known as listeriosis, which, as a pregnant woman, you are already prone to. This can lead to a multitude of complications and issues. So, make sure you do all you can to ensure the fruit is properly cleaned and washed before consuming it.

2. Increases blood sugar

When you are pregnant, your blood sugar levels are prone to change. You may find yourself experiencing abnormally high blood sugar or even gestational diabetes.

In this case, it is best if you avoid muskmelon, or only have a little at a time. Muskmelons contain high amounts of natural sugars and can cause your blood sugar level to rise.

3. Allergy

Some women may be allergic or sensitive to muskmelon. And so, it goes without saying, that if you are allergic, you must avoid muskmelon. The last thing you need when you are pregnant is a severe allergic reaction.

Related Reading: 9 Natural Remedies For Allergies During Pregnancy That Are Perfectly SAFE

4. Digestive issues

As mentioned above, muskmelon is helpful in treating a variety of digestive issues that frequently affect pregnant women. However, on the other end of the spectrum, having too much muskmelon can lead to some digestive issues of its own.

Muskmelon has been associated with excess gas, as well as loose bowel movements. So ensure you have it in moderation.

Are Muskmelon And Cantaloupe Same?

No, not really. Although they are both members of the Cucurbitaceae family, the muskmelon and the cantaloupe are two distinct species.

Muskmelons, also referred to as netted melons, are round or oblong in shape and have an outer layer of light green, yellow, or orange skin. Cantaloupe is one of the many distinctive muskmelon varieties that have developed over time.

These are some of the differences between cantaloupe and muskmelon:

  • Cantaloupes are round and have either a light yellow or light brown outer skin. The flesh is juicy and sweet, but muskmelons are usually much sweeter than cantaloupes.
  • While muskmelon has a sweeter, more fragrant aroma, cantaloupe’s fragrance is milder and more subtle. Muskmelon has a higher water content than cantaloupe, which makes it juicy and sweet.
  • The flesh of cantaloupe is orange, while that of muskmelon can be orange, white, or green. Thus, while all cantaloupes are muskmelon, not all muskmelon are cantaloupes.

In a nutshell, sugar melon and cantaloupe are popular summer fruits for desserts and salads. Both have a pleasant flavor and aroma. Despite the fact that sugar melons and cantaloupes are not the same, you can use them interchangeably.


In addition to being a delicious and healthy fruit, muskmelons provide expectant mothers with a number of important health advantages. Because of its high nutrient density, high water content, and ability to aid digestion, it is a great option for pregnant women.

Muskmelon is rich in critical nutrients for both mom and baby and eating it regularly during pregnancy helps improve the health and development of the infant. As with any food, you should eat muskmelon in moderation and follow good hygiene rules.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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