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12 Important And Practical Tips For Normal Delivery

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12 Important And Practical Tips For Normal Delivery

Giving birth is one of the most shared experiences among women, and yet, it is also considered as being very dangerous and frightening. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. Following a few normal delivery tips will help you have a safe, normal delivery.

The main reason for so much fear around natural birth is the lack of knowledge and misinformation surrounding it. Even though most pregnant women can have natural births, more and more are turning to c-section deliveries. According to sources, the amount of c-section deliveries has increased 7-fold. More than 30% of women choose to have a cesarean delivery.

However, opting for a natural birth can reduce the risk of several complications that are caused by surgical methods. It also makes for an easier postpartum recovery.

It may be difficult to know a lot about natural birth, with the increasing number of cesarean deliveries. This article sheds some light on the matter and will teach you some tips for easy normal delivery.

12 Important And Practical Tips For Normal Delivery

It is becoming clearer as time goes on that having a natural delivery is healthier in the long run. As such, women are slowly returning to choosing normal birth over cesarean delivery.

However, remember that things do not always go according to plan. Sometimes, a c-section is the only way to go. But there are some things you can do to increase your chances of having a safe and easy normal birth. So without further ado, here are some normal delivery tips.

1. Maintain a healthy diet

Our panel gynaecologist and a practising obstetrician for more than 10 years, Dr Ankita Patel Tayal says that whether or not you want a normal delivery, maintaining a proper diet is essential. A healthy diet could make all the difference for the growth and development of the child, and the speedy recovery of the mother.

Eating the right foods will not only provide you with all the needed nutrients but will also strengthen your body and help it to prepare for labor.

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Eating food with a lot of nutrients but fewer calories will help you maintain a healthy body weight throughout pregnancy, which is helpful as excess weight can hinder a normal birth.

Consuming a lot of vitamins and minerals is also crucial for your health, and post-partum recovery. Eating food that influences your cervix can also help you have an easier natural delivery. Once you are in labor, you can still continue to eat light snacks to keep your energy.

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You should also avoid fatty foods and foods that are processed. Try not to consume foods with retinol, as well as organ meat and street food. You should also practice moderation when eating seafood. And remember to stay hydrated!

Some foods for normal delivery are:

  • Pineapple and mango – softens the cervix and helps to stimulate labor. You should consume pineapple only after 37 weeks of pregnancy and not earlier.
  • Raspberry and raspberry Leaf Tea – also influences the cervix
  • Dark green vegetables
  • Fresh fruits
  • Legumes
  • Food rich in iron
  • Food rich in protein
  • Starchy foods
  • Lean meats

2. Exercise regularly for normal delivery

Exercise regularly for normal delivery

Motion, no matter how inconvenient it may seem, is of utmost importance during pregnancy. You can do many kinds of exercises for normal delivery. These will not only aid in the health and development of the baby, but they will also help strengthen your body and prepare you for normal delivery.

Exercising during pregnancy will help to build up your stamina, which is very useful when giving birth. It will also increase your physical endurance.

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Pelvic exercises such as Kegels will help you have an easier, more comfortable delivery.

Breathing exercises also have benefits as they help you relax, and inhale and exhale properly, which is useful when you have contractions.

During labor, you may have to hold your breath, so breathing exercises help you prepare for that. You can practice deep breathing exercises as early as you can, along with meditation. 

If you attend any prenatal classes, you know that they teach you some light exercises that you can practice throughout pregnancy. They will also help you prepare for natural labor.

Some exercises you can do during pregnancy are:

  • Walking – A nice 30-minute walk in the garden every day can do wonders for you and your baby. It is a low-intensity exercise that has many benefits like preventing high blood pressure, easing restlessness, and reducing the risk of constipation
  • Squats – They are the best exercise for women planning to opt for a vaginal delivery
  • Swimming – It is a great way to stay active, and also has other benefits. It makes your muscles stronger, helps your body regulate the heartbeat, and also prevents any muscle injury

Try your best to ensure there is an expert nearby to supervise your exercises, or at least another trusted friend or family member. Doing an exercise wrongly can have catastrophic consequences, and you need to be careful.

However, if you do it right, exercising can help you have an easy delivery! So it is one of the useful normal delivery tips.

3. Sleep well to increase chances of normal delivery

Sleep is one of the most important things a human being needs. It replenishes you and energizes you. A pregnant woman, in particular, would need a relaxed, comfortable sleep for the growth and development of the baby and the health of the mother-to-be.

Pregnant women need around 8-10 hours of uninterrupted sleep. This will remove all the fatigue the woman has accumulated during the day, and will also help calm the mind. Extreme tiredness during pregnancy is not uncommon as well, and can be dealt very well by eating and sleeping right. There are things you can do to ensure a good night’s sleep. These include:

  • Using softer pillows and skin-friendly sheets.
  • Using recliner beds
  • Propping the head up on one or two pillows
  • Avoiding caffeinated products, and more

Related Reading: Excessive Sleeping During Pregnancy – Causes, And Remedies

4. Best tip for normal delivery- stay away from stress

It is important to have a calm, relaxed mind. Pregnancy is, without doubt, a difficult time, and you may hear many horror stories of women who experienced complications or had a difficult natural birth. All of this can make you anxious. Sometimes it may even trigger panic attacks and cause lack of sleep.

Hence, it is important to not dwell on such negative topics. Avoid scaring yourself or negatively exciting yourself. Surround yourself with positive things and try to think positive thoughts. Be around people who are positive presences.

You can also find a new hobby to occupy yourself with. Reading books, watching movies, playing or listening to music, going on walks, and painting are all things you can do. Meditation will also help.

All this will help you approach delivery with a calm and rational mind.

5. Massage is a good way to encourage normal delivery

Massage is a good way to encourage normal delivery

A good massage can do wonders for your pregnant body! It can also help you prepare for normal delivery. Having your lower back massaged, in particular, can be a great comfort for you.

Perineal massages are the best type of massage to prepare you for normal delivery. You can start doing it from your 7th month of pregnancy. How do you massage your perineum? It’s fairly simple. First, hook your thumb inside. Then, gently pull on the lower part of your vagina. The direction should be outward and forward.

This massage will help your body get accustomed to the motion and will be better prepared for labor. So, this is one of the best normal delivery tips.

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6. Take childbirth education classes

Taking educational prenatal classes is a better way to prepare for normal birth than most other things. It will teach you several things relating to how to go about having a natural delivery.

This includes lessons on how to endure the pain of labor, with breathing techniques and self-hypnosis.

They also debunk a lot of the misinformation. This helps pregnant women settle their nerves and reduce the fear surrounding vaginal delivery. In fact, according to research, women who attend prenatal classes are 25% more likely to opt for normal birth.

So, prenatal classes are very important as they give you some valuable normal delivery tips.

7. Always maintain a good posture

A good posture is very important when you are pregnant, and it is especially important if you plan to have a normal birth. Your body needs to be perfectly aligned for your baby. Walking in high heels, wearing tight clothes and belts, sleeping awkwardly, and being motionless for long periods of time are all things that can misalign your body posture.

Some posture tips to follow during pregnancy are:

  • Sit straight and do not slouch
  • Do not run up and down the stairs
  • Elevate your legs when sitting as hanging them for a long time can cause swelling
  • Make sure your back is adequately supported

8. Prenatal yoga- a must for vaginal delivery

Prenatal yoga- a must for vaginal delivery

Yoga is world-renowned as being a great way to both exercises the body and enhance the mind. So, it is no surprise that it will also help out with the process of giving birth.

It will help you breathe properly during labor. It will also teach you some poses and positions that will help you have a more comfortable delivery.

Make sure you are taught by a specialist, as doing yoga wrongly can be dangerous for both you and the baby.

9. Use the power of the mind’s eye

Giving birth is one of the most important experiences in your life. As such, you need to be both physically and mentally prepared for it. Visualization is a tried and tested method that will help you prepare yourself emotionally and psychologically for the ordeal.

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Visualizing the event beforehand will help reduce the anxiety associated with it. It’s like a practice run! At the end of it, you will feel a lot more prepared than before.

10. Go to the hospital only during active labor

This is one of the best normal delivery tips. It will also help ensure you have a vaginal delivery. It will ensure that the contractions you have at the hospital will have a shorter amount of time between them.

It will also allow you to move around for the first part of labor, instead of just lying down. Getting to the hospital during active labor will negate the need for pain medication. This is important because pain medication can cause complications.

11. Do your research

If you are feeling uncertain about the future, and about giving vaginal birth, there is no better way to calm your mind than to do your research.

There are tons of books available that are rife with information about vaginal birth. There is also the internet, where you can find pretty much anything. Use these resources and keep yourself informed. This will help to prevent anxiety or nerves.

12. Ask your gynecologist questions on normal delivery

Ask your gynecologist questions on normal delivery

This can tie into doing your own research. No doubt, after scouring the internet and reference books, you will have a lot of doubts and questions about yourself and your delivery. Do not be shy with these!

Do not hesitate to ask your gynecologist these questions, and even get a second opinion if need be. They will give you several normal delivery tips and will ensure you are fully informed about what is going to happen.

Asking your doctor is the best way to get a personalized answer for your doubts and make a plan for your labor.


If you are planning to opt for normal delivery or wondering if you should, it is normal to be worried and scared. In such a situation, it is easy to go down the rabbit hole of misinformation.

The above normal delivery tipswill help you settle your nerves and face this decision with a calm mind. It is important to surround yourself with facts and positivity. Pregnancy is undoubtedly a time full of highs and lows, but there are things you can do to make the highs stand out more.

Normal birth has several benefits associated with it, and if you choose to go through with it, following our tips will ensure an easy, comfortable delivery.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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