Home PregnancyBecoming a Mom- Delivery and More Packing Hospital Bag For Delivery — Things To Know

Packing Hospital Bag For Delivery — Things To Know

by Sushree Venkat

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expertsExpert Validated By : Dr. Ankita Patel Tayal
Packing Hospital Bag For Delivery — Things To Know

Pregnancy is a wonderful phase – all the joy of thinking about the arrival of your little one. Pregnancy is also a roller-coaster ride, and you need to be prepared for many ifs and buts all these 9 months. And the last few weeks, especially when the due date is near, things can be handled in a much better way if you are done with packing hospital bags for delivery.

Packing my hospital bag for delivery — this could be one common to-do list for many moms-to-be. But where to start? Packing in advance keeps you relaxed as well as secured as anything could happen during the last weeks of pregnancy.

Packing your hospital bag at the right time and keeping it handy to carry will save you getting panic attacks the last minute. Additionally, if you also inform your husband and family members about it, you will not have to answer where things are as and when the time comes. Believe us, it is a huge favor you are doing to yourself and your loved ones.

Have your hospital bag ready by the time you’re about 36 weeks pregnant, recommends our panel gynaecologist Dr Ankita Patel Tayal. She further adds that once you’re 37 weeks pregnant, you could go into labor at any time. Only 5 percent of babies are actually delivered on their due date. You may want to be packed even earlier if there’s a chance you could have preterm labor.

Packing the hospital bag for delivery will save everyone lots of last minute hassles. But that is, when you know what to pack for delivery, especially if you are a first time mother. Wondering what to pack? Here we are to help you!

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What To Pack In A Hospital Bag For Delivery?

Getting things organized before the arrival of your little one could give you so much peace. You will have no time left packing hospital bags for delivery once you are in real labor and not the false one. This needs to have things for you and for the baby to arrive, whilst in the hospital. All this needs to be ready before your contraction pains start.

Make sure you pack your bags with everything that you might need before you depart. You should also do some packing for your partner too. Keep in mind, the delivery phase is not going to be smooth. The baby can either arrive early or late!

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Having said much, let us see what to pack in a hospital bag for delivery for the mother. Listed below are 10 must-have items for packing hospital bags for delivery.

●      Essential documents

Carrying necessary documents is mandatory as it may be required during the admission and the discharge time. Don’t miss out on carrying documents such as Photo ID, insurance information, hospital forms, medical history and reports.

●      Comfortable clothes

A comfortable dress is all you need during your postpartum. Don’t forget to carry an outfit such as a robe, nighty, or nightwear, whichever you feel comfortable with. Choose a loose and light-weighted dress. Also, you will need to wear something nice yet comfortable coming back from the hospital.

●      Toiletries

Don’t miss to carry/pack toiletries. You will want your hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, face wash, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, contact lens case, and solution. Also, check with the hospital on the basic toiletries provided.

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●      Postpartum wear

If you are planning to feed your baby right away, don’t skip carrying those nursing bras. Make sure these bras don’t have underwire. Also, keep a set of nursing pads handy to provide you support to act as a leak protector.

●      Drinks

Staying hydrated during the postpartum phase is important. Remember to carry a reusable water bottle or pack some glucose or coconut water.

●      Mobile charger and accessories

Mobile charger and accessories

This remains on the top of the list to carry things for the hospital. Many moms recommend this as either the hospital bed is too far from the electrical outlet or your battery drains quickly as many congratulatory messages pour in. Add in the many pictures you and your partner will take. Also hold a USB power bank for emergencies.

●      Nipple cream

Nipple creams help to keep your skin moisturized and healthy. It is always better to go for organic options as babies might ingest it during feeding. It is normal for you to forget your comfort thinking about the arrival of your baby! But remember, you must be comfortable first.

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●       Pillows and bath towels

Hospital towels are not luxurious and huge like that we get in hotels. They are small and come with a thin layer. Experienced moms suggest carrying your own towel which will be a comfortable one for a post-delivery shower.

●      Undergarments

Though a few hospitals offer underwear in the first day or so, wearing your own may be more comfortable. Go for dark colors to hide stains and choose disposable underwear if you prefer.

●      Breastfeeding cover and pads/pillows

So once the baby is out, it’s time for guests! Using a nursing cover during the initial days will keep you comfortable. Use pads for leaks and pillows for support.

Related Reading: 21 Breastfeeding Tips For First Time Mothers

Packing Hospital Bag For Delivery For Baby

Your baby might not need much in the initial days. All they need is your warmth, breast, and sleep. The hospital might provide you with a few wraps to keep your baby warm. However, there are a few must-haves you must carry.

It is advised you check with the hospital on what they offer which could help you avoid carrying extra luggage. Also, keep in mind the climate and season and plan your packing accordingly.

Figuring out what to pack for your baby could be confusing. Here are the essentials that we recommend you carry.

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●      Going home outfit

Your baby needs to wear something back home. Pack two sets with two different sizes as you don’t know how small or big your baby would be.

Also, keep in mind the temperature and weather and choose the wear accordingly.

●      Blankets and swaddles

The hospital might provide you with the wraps. But chances are they will get dirty soon. Choose a soft blanket that comes in handy while leaving the hospital.

●      Pediatrician’s information

We hope you have already chosen the pediatrician. Though the doctor might be with you after delivery and you may be seeing him a few times as the baby’s vitals get checked, It’s important to have this piece of information handy. Keep his phone number, address, emergency contact ready with you should the need arise.

●      Feeding bottles

If you are planning to bottle feed your baby right from the beginning, carry two sets of bottles with you. Also, a good brand of formula milk, as suggested by the pediatrician.

●      Lotion and diaper cream

Though the hospital might provide you with baby diapers, keep in hand the baby lotions and diaper creams that will soothe your baby’s skin. We have shortlisted a few best diaper brands, however, remember to get your doctor’s advice before applying.

When To Start Packing Hospital Bags For Delivery

When To Start Packing Hospital Bags For Delivery

The best time to start packing your maternity bag is during your 36th or 37th week of pregnancy. When it comes to packing hospital bags for delivery or making the maternity list for delivery, it is going to include mainly the bare essentials. In most cases, the hospital might give you freebies that you can use.

For moms delivering vaginally the period of stay is less in comparison with the moms undergoing c section. Pack your clothes for around 5 days. Alternatively, you can also have a word with your hospital to be admitted to the facilities they provide.

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What Not To Include In Your Maternity List For Delivery?

While everyone talks about what you should pack in a hospital bag for delivery, here we share with you a few things which you need to leave back at home.


Try to go with minimal jewelry as much as possible. There might be many tests that need to be taken. Also, the chances of jewelry getting lost are very high.

2. Valuables

Valuables like cash can be easily missed in big hospitals. Always keep valuables at home and carry only minimal cash.

3. Excess food

Many moms worry about the feeding at the hospital and dump their packing bags with a lot of eatables. Craving food is common during pregnancy. But during your labor, you will be less likely to think about it! So keep them minimal.

4. Video/handy cameras

This might sound awkward for a few. Yet, many parents carry this stuff to the hospital to capture every precious thing of their little one. Remember, today’s smartphones come with good camera quality. So leave them behind in case it is on your list.

5. Reading materials

Many parents assume the labor phase and after delivery as a time to relax and they can enjoy a lot of free time.

Never! Even if you get time, all you would think is only about taking a nap, and not reading a book. So do not pack it in your bag.

6. Cute baby dresses

As moms, we could not resist buying whatever we saw for our little ones. This doesn’t mean we need to carry all of it to the hospital.

You will realize that those diapers and onesies are the ones that make your little one comfortable. So just pack a set or two to keep your baby comfortable.

Related Reading: Cloth Diapers Vs Disposable Diapers 8 Reasons To Choose Former

Optional items in packing a hospital bag for delivery

Here are a few items you might consider carrying to the hospital.

➔    Medical records

Your important medical records which you think are important for the doctor need to know.

➔    Footwear

Pack a pair of soft footwear that comes with a good grip so you feel comfortable walking on the smooth surface.

➔    Hair Care products

Tying your hair comfortably is important post-delivery especially when guests are around to see you and your little one. Make sure to carry a comfortable clip or a stretch band.

➔    An extra bag

You might need an extra bag to carry those freebies from hospitals such as diapers, creams, etc. Also, guests who come to visit you may bring some gifts too.

So chances are higher for you to carry extra luggage during discharge than what you went with.



Though packing hospital bags for delivery could be both exciting and exhausting, knowing what to pack is important. Most of the things you think you need for the hospital would not even come out of your bag.

Dr Ankita Patel Tayal, MD OBGYN, says that The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) also additionally recommends to :

  • Leave your hospital bag near the front door or in your car trunk once you’ve gotten it packed.
  • Plan for who will care for your other children, your pets, and your home when you are in the hospital.
  • Make sure you have a car seat to bring home your baby, and make sure it is installed properly.

Since the prediction of the baby’s arrival is not possible, try to keep your bags handy so that there is no last-minute rush. The closer the day arrives the more exciting it becomes to meet your little one.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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