Home Pregnancy Plums During Pregnancy- Are They Safe?

Plums During Pregnancy- Are They Safe?

by Ambili S Kartha

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Plums During Pregnancy- Are They Safe

Plums are incredibly delicious fruits that are also very nutritious and beneficial for your health. But you might be wondering whether it is safe for a pregnant mother and the unborn child to consume plums during pregnancy.

If that is the case, fear not! Anxiety over whether or not a food item that you used to eat a lot is safe to eat when pregnant is a natural – and important – part of every mother’s journey. You might be surprised by how many unlikely foods are dangerous and how many dangerous-looking foods are safe.

In this article, we delve into whether or not it is safe to eat plums during pregnancy, the pros and cons, and some specific food items made out of plums.

Is It Safe To Eat Plums During Pregnancy?

Plums are tasty, nutrient-rich fruits that can be extraordinarily beneficial for pregnant women and their fetuses. Barring a few rare exceptions, new mothers and pregnant women are encouraged to include plums in their diets as they are safe and nutritional.

Sometimes, however, they can cause kidney stones, so women with issues regarding the kidney should exclude this from their daily menu or limit it. If this is the case, it would be best to consult a doctor beforehand about whether eating plums can be harmful to you or the baby.

You might be wondering if it is safe to eat plums during pregnancy first trimester. As a newly pregnant woman, it is understandable that you would want to make sure you do everything just right. If this is one of your worries, you can relax. As long as it is in moderation and you keep the precautions in mind, you can definitely eat plums during pregnancy first trimester.

So, if you know your body well and do not have any issues, you can safely eat plums during pregnancy.

Nutritional Benefits Of Plums During Pregnancy

Nutritional Benefits Of Plums During Pregnancy

There are many kinds of plum, such as black plum (or Jamun), sour plum, and Aloo Bukhara. Aloo Bukhara is the most common kind of plum available in India. You might be wondering about the nutritional value of Aloo Bukhara, black plum, and sour plum during pregnancy.

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This isn’t easy to answer as each of these plums is slightly different from the others in terms of both appearance and nutritional value. But, largely speaking, the nutrients that can be found in plums are:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin E
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Phosphorus, and more

They are also rich sources of antioxidants and fiber. Loaded with these nutrients and minerals that can fight off many diseases, these fruits can be consumed fresh by pregnant women. Compared to other fruits, the nutritional value of plums is significantly higher.

Precautions To Take When Eating Plums During Pregnancy

It is generally accepted that the ideal amount of plums a pregnant woman can eat per day is around 150-200gms. If you eat plum fruitin excess, it can lead to a couple of unpleasant side effects.

The National Health Service of the United Kingdom recommends about five to seven fresh fruit servings a day. You can include fresh plums as one of these servings, meaning a couple of plums a day.

Prunes, which are the dried version of plums, can also be eaten, but only in moderation. It is best to eat prunes very little and limit it to less than two a day. This is because excess consumption of prunes can cause constipation.

Related Reading: 15 Fruits Not To Eat During Pregnancy

How Are Plums Beneficial During Pregnancy?

How Are Plums Beneficial During Pregnancy

So now let’s see how eating plums during pregnancy helps.

1.      Prevent premature labour

This is perhaps one of the worst-case scenarios for a soon-to-be mother. Plums contain magnesium, which helps relax the cervical muscles. This ensures that premature contractions will not occur, making it very useful in avoiding preterm labor.

2.    Boosts immunity

Plums are rich sources of Vitamin C and antioxidants. These help to naturally boost the immune system, fighting off many potential illnesses.

3.      Help prevent anemia

It is common for pregnant women to develop anemia and iron-deficiency. Plums contain plenty of iron in them. So, eating plums during pregnancy can help battle anemia.

4.      Control/regulate blood pressure

Many pregnant women have high blood pressure. This can be incredibly dangerous for both the mother and the baby. Plums are rich in fiber and potassium. These nutrients help maintain healthy blood pressure.

5.    Plums during pregnancy can improve bone health

For both soon-to-be-mom and unborn child, calcium is one of the most important nutrients. If the mother’s bones don’t contain the needed calcium, the baby will be likewise affected. Since plums are enriched with calcium, they can help you and your baby have better bone health.

6.      Helps regulate weight

While dried prunes have a lot of carbs, fresh plums have only natural fruit sugars at low levels. They contain low amounts of calories and, therefore, won’t make you gain a lot of weight.

7.      Prevent constipation

Plums are laxative in nature. The high fiber content in them makes them provide natural relief from constipation and even hemorrhoids.

Related Reading: 18 Home Remedies For Constipation During Pregnancy

8.      Reduces stress and fatigue

Pregnancy is often synonymous with constant stress and fatigue. However, eating plums during pregnancy can solve this problem. All the antioxidants and nutrients in plums work together to increase your energy levels and drastically reduces tiredness.

9.      Prevents blood clotting

During pregnancy, many women find that their blood clots easily. This is useful to prevent excess blood loss during delivery, but it can give rise to many problems during pregnancy. The Vitamin K present in plums helps reduce this risk and prevents such blood clots.

10. Maintains blood sugar levels

It is common for the blood sugar level to rise in pregnant women. The way to combat this is to try and consume foods that do not contain a lot of sugars. As plums do not contain many sugars, they will not increase your blood sugar as other fruits tend to do.

Possible Side Effects Of Eating Plums

Possible Side Effects Of Eating Plums

Plums during pregnancy are indeed beneficial, plus they can help you with nausea.

  1. Kidney stones – People with pre-existing kidney-related issues should avoid plums. They are laden with oxalate and can cause kidney stones
  2. Not enough calories – Plums don’t contain a lot of calories. Pregnant women need more calories than other people for their own health, as well as the health of the fetus. So, plums shouldn’t be the only thing you eat. They don’t contain enough calories for the healthy growth of the child
  3. Interference with medication – If you are on medication, make sure to consult your doctor before you include plums in your daily diet. Plums can sometimes interfere with the medicine

Black Plum Or Jamun During Pregnancy

As mentioned above, there are various types of plums. You may be wondering about those plums in particular. If so, let us shed some light on a very common kind of plum.

Let us take a look at the jamun fruit benefits and side effects.

It is safe to eat Jamun or black plum in pregnancy. It is well known for its many health benefits. It is rich in Vitamin C, calcium, iron, potassium, and more. Because of this, it is very good for the immune system to eat black plum in pregnancy.

It has many benefits such as improving digestion, maintaining blood pressure, improving cardiovascular health and oral health, developing the baby’s vision, and preventing premature labor. So consuming Jamun or black plums during pregnancy is undeniably helpful.

As for the side effects of Jamun during pregnancy, jamuns are also oxalate-rich and can cause kidney stones. It might cause some irritation in the chest and throat. It can also cause sputum to accumulate in the lungs.

All in all, as long as you take the proper precautions and consult a doctor beforehand, you can eat black plums in moderation during pregnancy.

How To Include Plums In Your Pregnancy Diet?

How To Include Plums In Your Pregnancy Diet

Plum sauce

Plum sauce is a delicious, semi-solid, sweet & sour condiment. It is made out of ripe plums, along with some other spices that give it its unmistakable flavor. You can use it as a spread, as a dip, or any way you want. It is a Chinese dish that many savor.

Can you eat plum sauce when pregnant? Yes. As long as you limit yourself to only eating a minimal amount, it is safe. However, keep in mind that you do not eat a lot.

Plum cake

If you are wondering whether it is safe to eat plum cake during pregnancy, you are not the only one. Plum cake is a delicacy that is beloved by many, and it is tradition to have it during Christmas time.

It is safe to have this cake once in a while but make sure you do not have too much as it may contain unhealthy components.

Plum cake is sometimes made with a small amount of alcohol. But as long as it was added before baking, it is still usually safe, as the alcohol would have been cooked out during the process. It is also important to ensure that the cake was made with clean and safe ingredients and do not contain potentially dangerous things like raw eggs.

As long as you take these precautions, a piece of cake will not hurt you at Christmas time.


Eating plums during pregnancy is usually safe and even encouraged. Including a small serving of fresh fruit in your diet can be very advantageous for the health of both the mother and the child. However, it is also important to keep all the precautions in mind and ensure that you are not a part of the small percentage of women who are better off without it.

As long as you pay attention to any side effects you might be experiencing, make sure you follow the precautions and do your research; plums during pregnancy are very safe.  A fruit that helps protect your baby in many ways improves their development, and gives you energy? It’s a true blessing!

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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