Home Toddler 10 Toilet Training Tips For Your Baby Girl

10 Toilet Training Tips For Your Baby Girl

by Sushree Venkat

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10 Toilet Training Tips For Your Baby Girl

Potty-training girls could be a tedious task, if not done at the right time. However, if your child shows signs of readiness, there is nothing much to worry about. Many parents have a lot of questions about toilet training tips for girls.

The majority of the moms are not sure as to when potty-training toddler girls should initiate. This could vary from one child to another. Right from the age of two, kids show symptoms of readiness. This could be as early as at the age of 18 months or later as 3 to 4 years.

It is always important to look out for signs rather than waiting for the right time to use toilet training tips for girls.

Let us see what’s the best time and ways through which you could potty train your child.

5 Signs Your Baby Girl Is Ready For Toilet Training

Potty-training girls isn’t an overnight task. It could usually take three to six months for your baby girl to get properly trained. However, this could vary from child to child.

Using the toilet is one of the important milestones for children as it gives them independence as well as confidence. The main purpose of potty-training girls is to make them recognize the sensations they feel before using the toilet.

It is important to know that potty-training is a process that the child needs to get used to. Hence, wait for the below signs before implementation.

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1. Wet diapers are less

Kids usually have a lot of wet diapers until 20 months. So, expecting them to control their bladders is not possible. If your child can control without passing urine for about one hour or two at a stretch, then probably it’s time to use the toilet training tips.

2. Predictable bowel movements

Before taking the big leap, you need to know your child better.  There is a regular rhythm and bowel pattern that kids usually have. Anticipate your child’s bowel movement and start the training process which will be easy. Look out for signs such as hiding behind furniture or going to a private room for a potty.

3. Note their body sign

Note their body sign

Most of the kids voice out before they poop like “I’m going to poop”. Other children may either go aloof when they tend to get those bowel movements or make grunt sounds. Look out for signs such as pulling diapers when wet or dislikes wearing a diaper or showing body signs, which is an indicator.

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4. Understands bathroom language

Most kids are excited to learn toilet training. However, it is not as simple as it is for adults. They need to follow a lot of things such as going to the bathroom, turning lights, pulling pants down, flushing, and washing hands.

Start with basic words such as pee or poop and see if your child can understand. You can teach the other steps one by one.

5. Your child can sit well

Potty-training girls requires a lot of patience especially when they are about to poop. For that, your child must be able to sit in a place without being distracted or running away.

You can give them some books in their hands or keep them engaged with a toy while they potty.

At what age should a girl be potty trained?

There is no preset age to potty train girls. Your child starts to show signs of readiness which is the apt time for you to implement our toilet training tips for girls. Some toddlers pick up training immediately while for a few it might take some time.

Usually, kids show cues around the age of 2 or 3. The process may vary from weeks, months. Night time toilet training usually takes more time than the regular one.

Potty-training toddler girls is easy in comparison to toddler boys. Girls grasp the skill in two or three months, while toddler boys take more time than it.

10 Toilet Training Tips For Your Baby Girls

Potty-training toddler girl requires a lot of physical and cognitive skills. One child may differ from another child in grasping this skill.

For a few, it could turn out to be pretty messy.  Eventually, these toilet training tips for girls will make wonders and it would be hardly a matter of time for them to wean off those diapers.

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One best toilet training tip is to use either the potty or the toilet directly to make them pee/poo. For a few children, they might find the toilet seats a little scary.

Listed below are the 10 toilet training tips for your baby Girl which you might find helpful.

1. Allow her to watch and learn

Children learn from what the rest at home do. Watching adults using the toilet is the first step for them to learn to use the toilet by themselves.

You can let the toddler know with some baby language such as pee-pee or wee-wee making them familiar with the toilet lingual. Let her watch you and explain to her how to sit and go on a potty/toilet.

If she wants to stand and pee, let her do it initially until she gets used to it. But, yes, you will have to do the clean-up!

2. Let her be comfortable with potty first

Your baby girl needs to be comfortable with the whole toilet training process. So, initially, it is better to allow them to use the potty chair for this activity. You can make their potty chairs personalized by making them color, scribble, or by using stickers.

You can make her use the chair for playing with her toy. Demonstrate the potty activity with her favorite toy so she might develop more interest to use it. You can also make a small potty chair using cardboard for her toy so that it could be placed beside your daughter’s hair while she pees.

3. Make sure she is ready

If your baby girl shows signs of readiness for potty-training, then that’s the right time for you to start the process. Only if they are ready, you will be able to train them. On the other hand, don’t force her if she isn’t. All you need to do is to wait.

Starting too early will delay the process and starting too late will make it more difficult. Things like a change of place, admission in school, a new sibling could delay the process due to emotional factors. 

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4. Let her go naked

Let your child be diaper-free for some time in a day and keep playing around. It makes it easy for her to sense. Make sure to place the potty in an accessible area for her to reach out when she wants to use the toilet. Teach her to use and sit on it at regular intervals.

You can watch out for indications or cues based on which you can presume its potty time. It is seen that the more the child is out of diapers, the quicker she learns.

5. Fill it with fun 

Fill it with fun

Children get more involved in activities that are filled with fun. Make the potty place fun and interesting to use. You can place her favorite book beside the potty or toilet seat or let her play with bubbles or water to create a better mood.

When you find the child losing interest, use concepts like giving them rewards or stickers to track their development. You can also take her to a playground or get your baby girl her favorite toy. This is sure to keep her dry for a long while.

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6. Keep cleanliness in mind

Girls have a common tendency to remain clean in comparison to boys. So, teaching them cleanliness in the toilet is pretty easy. They prefer to use the toilet instead of wetting their panties.

At some stage, the kids are not resistant to messy diapers at one point in time. That is the right age to kick off the diapers.

7. Wipe correctly

It is important to teach baby girls to wipe their private parts both front and back. Urinary tract infections are common for girls and hence parents must be cautious while training them towards potty.

Teach your child to wipe the front and back and to dry the place before they get into the undies. If they don’t find it interesting, use dome creative stories to pull them into the activity.

8. Pee-pee try try

Kids don’t get trained for potty overnight. All kids have accidents and can make it messy too. All you need to do is to remain patient. Let her keep trying as the more the trail, the quicker the learning.

Also, make sure to dress your girl in a comfortable dress/undie which she can easily undress while going to the toilet.

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9. Create a routine

Parents need to be aware of when their girl needs to use the toilet. Staying in dirty diapers will make them easily prone to infections. Set a schedule for your daughter to use the toilet and make it a habit.  It could be right after waking up or before lunch.

When this becomes a habit and routine, your daughter will soon remind you that it’s time she needs to use the toilet.

10. Remain calm and positive

Remain calm and positive

Showing a positive attitude towards your child while training for potty works better than being fussy. Encourage her even if she doesn’t do it right. Talking to your daughter about toilet training in a way she can understand could help ease the process.

Reading books on potty-training and praising her and rewarding her even when she doesn’t go but tries is also a way of staying positive. It is important to keep in mind that it will take time for your girl to get trained fully and you need to wait until then.


It is normal for the child to become fully potty trained during the day, yet soil their diapers during the nights. Even after the child is potty trained for mornings, she might be using diapers during the night as the nighttime potty-training will take much more time.

Look out for night cues such as dry diapers for a stretch. Also, you can limit the fluid or water levels before she gets to bed. As parents, you must keep your cool. You can also reach out to other parents on what worked best for their children.

Remember, potty-training a toddler girl, when your child isn’t ready, will only fail.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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