Home Pregnancy Vinegar During Pregnancy- Probable Benefits And Side-Effects 

Vinegar During Pregnancy- Probable Benefits And Side-Effects 

by Aiswarya Shibu

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Vinegar During Pregnancy- Probable Benefits And Side-Effects

Pregnancy is a precarious time, and it is very important to have food in the required amount to avoid any sort of complications later. Vinegar is one such food that is popularly used for the ample health benefits it offers. Adding vinegar gives an instant boost and a tangy flavor to any dish. It has high antioxidants as well. It is good for the health of the mother and the baby, but in a limited quantity only. Having too much can result in a few side effects toward the last leg of pregnancy. Let us study the other postulates of having vinegar during pregnancy and take the required precautions when needed. Also, understand the importance of salt and vinegar during pregnancy and white wine vinegar during pregnancy.

Can A Pregnant Woman Have Vinegar?

In fact, there is no evidence to support the claim that vinegar can cause or contribute to miscarriage in pregnant women. Vinegar is safe for usage and consumption during pregnancy. 

All food should be consumed in moderation, even if it is highly nutritious and beneficial to a pregnant woman’s health. While it is safe to eat vinegar during pregnancy, it is important to know how to use it properly to avoid any potential issues. 

Though there is no set limit for its consumption, it is certainly not a food to be avoided during pregnancy. It is best to have very little and always consult the doctor before using it. 

It is best to use it with salads, foods, or to sauté veggies or other items with a slight dash of vinegar. Studies do not indicate any scientific proof that vinegar is totally safe, so it is best to have it in a small quantity. 

Now the question arises” Is synthetic vinegar during pregnancy good?”. Pregnant women should stay away from synthetic vinegar because any bacteria that gets into their system from an unpasteurized source could make them sick. Claims suggest that pregnant women should only use the pasteurized form of vinegar and not the unfiltered or unpasteurized ones.

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10 Possible Benefits Of Vinegar During Pregnancy

10 Possible Benefits Of Vinegar During Pregnancy

It is always advisable to consult with the doctor before consuming vinegar during pregnancy. Though there are many benefits one can get from consuming vinegar. Drinking apple cider vinegar during pregnancy with the proper consultation of a doctor can yield numerous health benefits. Some of them are mentioned below:

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1. A great source of antioxidants

Vinegar comprises antioxidants that are good for pregnancy. It helps in protecting the cells from any damage. During pregnancy, it is good for the overall health of the mother and the baby1.

2. Increases the calcium absorption

Calcium is very important for the bones of the mother as well as the baby. Vinegar helps in absorbing more calcium from the diet2.

3. A flavoring agent that doesn’t increase your risk of sodium overdose

The sodium intake during pregnancy should always be kept under the required range, which is 2,300 mg daily. It is normal to crave extra sodium by having snacks, but that can be dangerous for the health of the mother and the baby. Vinegar, on the other hand, enhances the flavor of the food and does not add extra sodium as well. Vinegar is also found in many different flavors as well3.

4. Helps to cure nausea and morning sickness

Pregnancy becomes difficult due to nausea and morning sickness. Consumption of vinegar at this time helps, which can be taken in the morning. Apple cider vinegar, a type of vinegar, is a good choice for the same. The acetic acid present in the vinegar helps in preventing vomit and even regulates acid reflux. Apple cider vinegar also helps in curing heartburn and acidity during pregnancy4.

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5. It helps to digest and cure stomach problems

Apple cider vinegar, which is very common and even termed “miracle water”, is an antibiotic and helps in fighting harmful bacteria. It even promotes the body’s metabolism and is also soothing for the stomach5.

6. It helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol

Low blood pressure or cholesterol can result in miscarriages and low birth weight of the babies. But having apple cider vinegar helps to lower the risk of both and even reduces food cravings. It is good to have vinegar for heartburn during pregnancy but in a moderate quantity6.

7. Helps in weight management

Pregnancy is a time when mothers need to eat well but also have to keep their weight under control. Excess weight gain during pregnancy can result in further complications. But consuming vinegar helps to reduce the sugar craving. This helps to keep the weight under control. The consumption of vinegar during pregnancy also helps to lower the retention of water and even avoid bloating at this time7.

8. It helps to treat blocked nostrils

Sleep deprivation during pregnancy is very common and it happens due to sinus congestion or a blocked nose. Having vinegar during pregnancy helps to treat the blockage. One has to simply add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to one glass of water. This is also effective in treating sinus infections and helps you breathe easily8.

9. Helps to reduce swelling during pregnancy

Swelling in the feet and hands is another common concern during pregnancy. This is, indeed, very uncomfortable.  Apple cider vinegar is a great option to resolve this problem. Just rubbing apple cider vinegar on the hands and feet helps reduce the swelling.

Swollen feet can be reduced by using vinegar that has high potassium content, which helps to reduce the fluid retention that results in swelling. Wrapping the feet with a cloth that is soaked in an equal quantity of vinegar as well as warm water helps to ease the pain as well9.

Related Reading: 15 Home Remedies For Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

10. Kills harmful yeast and UTI infections

UTIs are very common during pregnancy. Another important benefit linked to apple cider vinegar is that at bath time it helps against any infection in that area. White vinegar helps to treat yeast infection as its pH value is 5.5 which is very acidic, whereas apple cider vinegar has a pH value of 7.510.

8 Possible Side Effects Of Vinegar During Pregnancy

8 Possible Side Effects Of Vinegar During Pregnancy

Undoubtedly, the consumption of vinegar during pregnancy has great benefits for the mother and the baby. However, it has many side effects that cannot be overlooked as well.

Let us see some of them below:

· It can lower potassium levels

Vinegar, if taken in excess quantities, can even result in bone loss as well. If one already has a low potassium level, having vinegar during this time will only worsen the situation.

· Dental issues

Studies indicate that pregnant women report irritation in their gums after consuming vinegar during pregnancy. The acidic content in vinegar can damage the teeth and result in enamel erosion as well.

· Digestive disorders

Having vinegar during pregnancy can result in a few digestive issues in some pregnant women. Excessive consumption of vinegar during pregnancy can result in a decreased appetite and lead to feeling full, thereby reducing the calorie intake.

· Nausea and vomiting

Some ladies do not like the vinegar smell during pregnancy and even the taste of it results in nausea. It is thus advisable to stop consuming if it makes the lady sick.

· Medicine interactions

Vinegar can affect a pregnant woman adversely if taken with drugs that are given to her. It is most commonly seen in pregnant women who take insulin and water pills, diabetic medicine, or even blood pressure medicines. So, it is best to consult a doctor before consuming vinegar during pregnancy under such circumstances.

· Skin rashes may appear

Applying vinegar directly to the skin can lead to rashes or burns due to the strong acidic content it has. So, it should always be put in after diluting it. It is not good for a pregnant woman to apply such strong liquids to her sensitive skin.

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· Throat ailments

Consuming vinegar during pregnancy can lead to sore throats and symptoms related to it which is not good for the health of the mother and the baby. The overconsumption of vinegar can result in throat irritation, which is due to the presence of acetic acid in it. 

· Can cause a dip in the blood sugar level

Many pregnant women use vinegar to get relief from stomach aches and even to lose weight, but doing it instantly can lead to a significant dip in the blood sugar level. When excess vinegar is consumed, it absorbs more glucose, resulting in a reduction in insulin and a decrease in the blood sugar level.

When Pregnant Woman Should Limit Vinegar Consumption?

The consumption of vinegar during pregnancy is safe, but not for all pregnant women. Pregnant women should avoid vinegar if: 

  • She is prone to heartburn
  • The pregnant woman has a gastric issue
  • She can’t stomach its taste and smell
  • The pregnant woman is diabetic. Insulin levels can be altered by vinegar. So, seek medical advice before including it in your pregnancy diet
  • She is sensitive to vinegar
  • Vinegar can cause serious damage to the surface of teeth. If the pregnant woman already has a dental issue, she better not consume it

How Should Pregnant Women Have Vinegar?

How Should Pregnant Women Have Vinegar

Consuming vinegar during pregnancy in a moderate quantity is totally safe. It is not on the food list that has to be avoided during pregnancy. Having a dash of vinegar on snacks, sandwiches, or salads is the safest way for consumption.

  • It is advisable to take diluted vinegar or pasteurized vinegar
  •  Having raw vinegar is not recommended due to the harmful bacteria that are dangerous to the fetus especially if the mother’s immunity is not too strong

Despite not exactly being a staple food group, vinegar is more frequently found in foods and beverages than you might imagine. Many pregnant women also frequently crave vinegar. If you’ve been adding vinegar to a lot of your dishes, and you’re wondering if you can keep doing that while pregnant. For the most part, pregnant women can eat vinegar-laced salads and other dishes.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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