Home Pregnancy Avocados During Pregnancy- Health Benefits, Risks, And 2 Delicious Recipes

Avocados During Pregnancy- Health Benefits, Risks, And 2 Delicious Recipes

by Sushree Venkat

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Avocados During Pregnancy- Health Benefits, Risks, And 2 Delicious Recipes

You could go on cloud nine once you know you are pregnant. Expectant moms eat whatever is recommended as good for them and for the fetus. One should ensure to eat healthy food and follow a nutritious diet during the pregnancy phase. Since a lot of fruits and vegetables are recommended during this phase, you have to stay cautious about what to choose and what to avoid. So how about avocado during pregnancy?

When it comes to a pregnancy diet, it can feel like the restrictions never end. Women need an extra eye on what they eat as it could hamper the growth of the baby. Fruits provide an expectant woman with a plethora of healthy vitamins and minerals that can be very beneficial for a newborn child; however, certain fruits carry risks when they are eaten during pregnancy.

Read on to learn about eating avocado during pregnancy and if it is safe to consume.

Is It Safe To Eat Avocados During Pregnancy?

The answer is simply yes, avocados are completely safe to have in your pregnancy diet. Also, they are considered one of the superfoods during pregnancy. Eating avocados can benefit your health in several ways, thus making them a great choice for pregnancy.

Eating avocados also keeps your stomach full, helping you beat those hunger pangs. Also, pregnant women need more nutrients in comparison to normal people. Eating avocados help you reach those nutrients1.

Avocados are high in key nutrients such as folate and potassium, both of which are essential for fetal growth and development. If you are thinking “when can I eat avocado during pregnancy”, it is recommended to consume avocado during pregnancy third trimester, as the nutrition absorption would give more benefits to the mom and the fetus.

Related Reading: 15 Fruits Not To Eat During Pregnancy

Health Benefits Of Eating Avocado During Pregnancy

Health Benefits Of Eating Avocado During Pregnancy

Avocados contain many of the vitamins essential to help support your pregnancy and baby’s healthy growth and development. Many women wonder whether there is a “best” time to start eating avocado during pregnancy. Incorporating this from any time during pregnancy is beneficial for you and the fetus.

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Avocado is a rich source of both potassium and magnesium. Pregnant women lose these two minerals, known as electrolytes, due to vomiting which needs to be replaced. Including avocado in your pregnancy diet is the best way to regain the lost minerals.

Also, there is rapid growth and development of the baby in the third trimester. This means there is a large increase in the amount of blood needed by both mom and baby. Eating avocado during pregnancy helps you meet this requirement. 

Let us in detail see the other benefits of avocado during pregnancy.

1. Loaded with folic acid

Folic acid is very important right from the time of conception to the time of breastfeeding. It helps in the development of the baby and also boosts the production of red blood cells2. Eating half a cup of raw avocado during pregnancy gives you the required folic acid that is required for daily nutrition.

2. Avocado during pregnancy helps in digestion

Stomach issues like flatulence and bloating are common during pregnancy. The same goes with constipation and hence it is advised for pregnant women to consume foods rich in fiber. Avocados are rich in fiber and hence ease bowel movement.

Consuming foods with natural fiber can help prevent constipation, maintain digestive tract health.

3. Avocados during pregnancy provides required nutrients

Pregnant women require healthy nutrients for the development of the baby and the well-being of the expectant mother. Avocados are a hub of vitamins C, E, K, and B6, as well as magnesium, folate, and potassium.

Avocados are also a good source of beta carotene and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients help to keep the person healthy and also keep your stomach full for longer.

4. Avocados during pregnancy helps reduce depression risk

Pregnant women are prone to stress and depression during pregnancy. Studies show folate helps to combat pregnancy depression. Avocados are a rich source of folate which helps to fight depression and regulate mood swings and provide proper sleep.

5. Avocados are rich in antioxidants

Avocados during pregnancy help in providing antioxidants for pregnant women and the fetus. According to studies, the antioxidant carotenoid lutein is rich in avocado that is vital for the baby’s eye and brain development.

How Many Avocados Can You Eat In A Day?

Craving for avocado during pregnancy is common. Though this nutritious fruit is rich in many vitamins, there is always a doubt of how many avocados you can eat in a day. Eating half to one avocado a day is a great idea for a healthy diet. While many of us get easily carried away with avocado’s taste and gulp several avocados at a time, we must keep in mind our pregnancy diet.

Avocados are packed full of essential goods, such as fiber and cancer-fighting vitamins. Nonetheless, eating too much of a good thing, yet can easily lead to unhealthy weight gain. Also, the amount of fat you consume in a day depends on several factors, such as your eating habits, your exercise pattern, and your body type.

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Risks And Precautions While Eating Avocados During Pregnancy

Avocados make an excellent choice for pregnant people. They are extremely nutritious, tasty fruits that are filling and versatile. Though all fresh fruits and veggies carry a risk of foodborne illness, it is advised to eat avocado during pregnancy with a precaution due to the presence of Listeria monocytogenes— a bacteria.

According to a source, listeria could be serious for pregnant women as the infection can be passed on to the fetus and can even cause early labor, stillbirth, and miscarriage. Also, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found that nearly 18% of all avocados tested had Listeria on their skins.

The best way to eat avocado is to wash the fruit thoroughly under running water for at least a minute to get rid of all bacteria.

Side Effects And Precautions Of Eating Avocado During Pregnancy

Avocados during pregnancy have a lot of benefits. Yet all foods you consume during pregnancy are not safe. There are certain precautions that you need to take while consuming any food during pregnancy, keeping in mind the fetus growing inside you.

  • It is recommended to consume avocados during pregnancy daily as it is a rich source of nutrients. You can enjoy them in raw form or add them to milkshakes, salads, etc. However, keep in mind that avocados are dense in calories and hence it is advisable to consume them in moderate quantities.
  • Fresh Avocado seeds contain certain components which are poisonous. However, dry seeds are safe for use. It is recommended to dry the seeds before consumption3.
  • if you are having a latex allergy, we suggest you contact your doctor before consuming avocado during pregnancy as those sensitive to latex can react while consuming avocado4.

Related Reading: Is It Safe To Eat Guava During Pregnancy? Health Benefits And Risks

Craving Avocado During Pregnancy, Boy Or Girl?

Craving avocado during pregnancy is very common for pregnant women. Since avocado is one fruit that is less likely to be unsafe, you can enjoy this fruit anytime during your pregnancy.

Also, there are old-wives’-tale about craving avocado indicating a sign of your baby’s gender. Though there is no scientific evidence behind the gender-reveal myth there is also no reason why women crave avocado.

Nonetheless, craving avocado during pregnancy won’t give you a hint about your baby’s gender, yet you can always enjoy the guesswork!

Related Reading: Top 10 Food Cravings When Pregnant With A Girl

2 Simple Recipes For Pregnant Women

Avocado during pregnancy can be easily included in your pregnancy diet as a toast during breakfast. Apart from this, you can also make smoothies and shake.

Here are a few avocado recipes to enjoy avocado during pregnancy.

1. Avocado salad

Eating salads before meals is the best way to enjoy nutrients through fruits and vegetables. Adding avocado to your salads makes it even healthier.

  • To make an avocado salad, cut tomatoes, cucumbers, and avocados
  • Include any fruit or vegetables if you wish to
  • You can also include green coriander in it for garnishing
  • Add lemon juice and mix well and your avocado salad is ready

2. Avocado shake

You can make your mid-day snack healthier by making yourself an avocado shake. It is easy to prepare just like other shakes.

  • Peel and slice the avocado and put these pieces in the mixer
  • Add milk, sugar, ice, and blend the ingredients in the mixer
  • Transfer it to a glass and mix it properly
  • Your avocado shake is ready


Is avocado good in early pregnancy?

The early days of pregnancy could be wonderful and filled with the excitement of carrying the little one inside you. Also, it is the time you go through nausea and morning sickness. Since avocado is a rich source of both potassium and magnesium, it helps you deal with nausea and is a better option to consume during early pregnancy.

Folate is crucial during pregnancy as it helps the baby’s nervous system, brain, and spinal cord develop properly. Adding avocado to your diet helps you meet the folate requirement.

Can I eat avocado every day during pregnancy?

Yes. Avocado during pregnancy is safe to add to your pregnancy diet as it contains all nutrients that are required for a healthy incubation. Remember, if you overeat avocados, it will likely cause weight gain.

Many foods are good to eat during pregnancy. However, you need to take them in moderation. The same applies while consuming avocados too. Neither overeat nor avoid them.  Include them with other fruits and vegetables and have a balanced diet.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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