Home Pregnancy 13 Benefits Of Drinking Coconut Water During Pregnancy

13 Benefits Of Drinking Coconut Water During Pregnancy

by Ambili S Kartha

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13 Benefits Of Drinking Coconut Water During Pregnancy

Refreshing. Nutritious. Inexpensive. That’s coconut water for you! Coconut water is a miracle drink that simultaneously helps to cool your body and boost your energy.This natural, nutrient-rich drink is one of the most popular summer drinks- and for good reasons. Drinking coconut water during pregnancy helps an expecting mother in many ways.

Nutritional Benefits Of Coconut Water

According to a source, a hundred grams of tender coconut water carries around 95 grams of water. It also contains 250mg potassium and 105 mg sodium. Coconut water has a decent amount of fiber (4% of daily required) as well.

Now, as you see, coconut water is high in electrolytes. It also contains a moderate amount of chlorides, calcium, sugar, protein, and magnesium and has a moderate amount of sugar, sodium, and protein. It also contains a reasonable amount of riboflavin and vitamin C.

Drinking Coconut Water During Pregnancy- Is It Safe?

Yes. Drinking coconut water during pregnancy causes no harm. On the other hand, tender coconut water carries many advantages for expecting women.

However, never exceed the moderation level to reap all its benefits. It is safe to have a glass of coconut water every day. Excessive consumption of coconut water might cause unexpected side effects during pregnancy.

“Can coconut water cause a miscarriage?” is a doubt that worries many expecting mothers who are fans of tender coconut water.Drinking coconut water during pregnancy will not cause miscarriage. Over drinking might cause many side effects, but miscarriage is not one among them. At least there is no scientific evidence for this.

That’s why, treading on the err of caution is always the key when it comes to pregnancy.

What Is The Right Time To Drink Coconut Water?

What Is The Right Time To Drink Coconut Water

You can drink coconut water or tender coconut water anytime you feel like it. However, drinking coconut water at the right time helps to reap more health benefits. For example;

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Drinking coconut water on an empty stomach (first thing in the morning) helps to:

  • Boost energy
  • Boost immunity
  • Relieve morning sickness
  •  Relieves heartburn
  •  Decrease the risk of dehydration
  • Relieves constipation

Drinking coconut water before hitting the bed helps to:

  • Reduce anxiety
  • Fight stress
  • Provide quality sleep
  • Flushing out toxins and cleansing the urinary tract and brings down the risk of UTI (urinary tract infection)

13 Benefits Of Drinking Coconut Water During Pregnancy

Drinking coconut water during pregnancy provides many health benefits for the mother and child. It is rich in electrolytes and nutrients like riboflavin, vitamin C, etc., and most importantly, this natural isotonic drink is free of fats. Listed below are 13 top benefits of drinking coconut water during pregnancy:

1. Helps to fight against dehydration

During pregnancy, the blood volume increases by 50%. Also, there is a need for producing amniotic fluid. Therefore, obviously, during pregnancy, the water demand of the body is more than what it was before you conceived.

Even though if an expecting mother manages to drink enough water, she is susceptible to dehydration. This is because morning sickness, which is followed by excessive vomiting, can contribute to dehydration. More often the level of dehydration is mild as the expecting mother could replenish the lost fluid.

However, sometimes pregnant women experience excessive vomiting. That makes them not able to keep food or drink down for the required time for the body to absorb it. This can trigger dehydration.

Drinking tender coconut water is the best way to rehydrate the body. It not only replenishes the lost water but also the lost electrolyte balance. It is important to maintain the right electrolyte for the healthy progression of pregnancy. Staying hydrated is of utmost importance, pregnant or not.

2. It helps to relieve morning sickness and mood swings

Pregnancy is well-known for mood swings. And no, not in the fun, amusing or cute ways depicted in the movies. Experiencing mood swings is not as simple as you think. It could take a toll on your emotional well-being.

Coconut water is known for its ability to regulate the mood by reducing stress and lowering anxiety levels. Thanks to B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, and folate content in coconut water that help with relaxation. Drinking coconut water also helps to alleviate depression.

3. Coconut water during pregnancy fights off acidity

Coconut water during pregnancy fights off acidity

Acidy or heartburn is a common issue among expecting mothers. Coconut water is a natural acid neutralizer. Drinking coconut water improves the process of digestion, regulates the pH, and strengthens the digestive system.

Therefore, drinking coconut water during pregnancy helps to bring down the episodes of acid reflux. Sipping coconut water may help to soothe the existing pain due to acidity. So do not shy away from having this natural drink!

Related Reading: 13 Indian Home Remedies For Acidity During Pregnancy

4. Coconut water during pregnancy helps relieve constipation

Another common issue faced by many expecting mothers is the discomfort caused by constipation. Coconut water contains a significant amount of dietary fiber. Therefore, drinking coconut water during pregnancy helps to ease the excretion process.

Coconut water also has only a low amount of fat and sugar. This means that it gets digested fairly easily and hydrates the body. This significantly reduces the chance of getting constipated.

Coconut water is rich in magnesium. Magnesium is a mineral that like fiber, helps in digestion and helps prevent constipation.

Coconut water is also useful in relieving many of the unpleasant symptoms of constipation, which is made a hundred times worse during pregnancy. These symptoms include bloated feelings, lack of energy, etc.

5. Replaces lost electrolytes from vomiting

Coconut water carries all the vital electrolytes like sodium, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus. The drinking of coconut water during the third-trimester helps to increase the amniotic fluid levels and improves blood volume and circulation. It also reduces the chance of dehydration, which is a common issue for pregnant women due to morning sickness.

A problem that often plagues soon-to-be mothers is hyperemesis gravidarum. It induces severe morning sickness in pregnant women, sometimes lasting well during the evenings and nights too. This leads to a lot of vomiting, which in turn leads to the loss of essential fluids and electrolytes.

So, drinking coconut water, which is rich in various electrolytes, is very beneficial for pregnant women. It keeps the electrolytes balanced and also hydrates the body

(NOTE: Coconut water that is packaged and sold has a considerably lower amount of sodium and vitamins. However, packaged coconut water during pregnancy is still beneficial, and it is okay to buy if you do not have access to the actual fruit.)

6. Provides nutrients for fetal development

During pregnancy, what the mother eats is the chief source of nutrition for the baby. Therefore, the nutrient need of the body increases during pregnancy. That is why the doctors prescribe prenatal vitamins.

Coconut water carries some vital elements which may help fetal growth. It is also found that tender coconut water holds some growth-promoting factors and biologically active compounds. Coconut water is perfectly safe for the fetus.

Related Reading: 18 Foods To Eat To Increase Fetal Weight During Pregnancy

It contains magnesium, which, according to studies, helps to increase birth weight and decrease the possibility of contracting preeclampsia. Calcium in coconut water, on the other hand, is important for the bone and teeth development of the fetus.

7. Helps to reduce blood pressure

Helps to reduce blood pressure

As already mentioned above, the blood volume increases by 50% during pregnancy. The heart has to put in extra effort to pump the extra blood. This increases the chances of blood pressure. Coconut water is high in potassium content. Potassium aids in regulating blood flow and reducing blood pressure.

One study found that drinking coconut water during pregnancy helps to reduce systolic blood pressure (the pressure in arteries when the heart beats). Drinking coconut water during pregnancy helps to reduce systolic blood pressure. Therefore, drinking coconut water might also help to reduce the risk of preeclampsia.

(Note: Never use coconut water to treat preeclampsia or pregnancy hypertension)

8. Coconut water during pregnancy boosts energy levels

More often, expecting mothers feel sudden bouts of tiredness and loss of energy. Tender coconut water is a natural energy booster. The body absorbs the naturally occurring sugar in coconut water promptly. Therefore, drinking coconut water during pregnancy helps to fight off fatigue bouts.

9. Helps to improve immunity

Regular consumption of coconut water during pregnancy helps to improve immunity. Coconut water contains high levels of lauric acid. Lauric acid helps to generate a fatty acid called monolaurin that helps to fight infections.

During pregnancy, women are prone to common infections like colds and coughs. Vitamin C and micro nutrients in coconut water help to boost immunity. A healthy you, a healthy baby.

10. Helps to prevent UTI

The diuretic property of coconut water helps to flush off the toxins from the urinary tract. This helps to reduce the risk of UTI (urinary tract infection), one of the common issues during pregnancy. Coconut water has antimicrobial properties as well. This quality of this natural drink also helps to prevent UTI.

Regular consumption of coconut water helps to maintain optimum potassium levels in kidneys. Thus, in the long run, it helps to reduce the risk of kidney stones.

11. Drinking coconut water during pregnancy is good for skin

Drinking coconut water during pregnancy is good for skin

Many expecting mothers experience dry and flaky skin during pregnancy when they are expecting the famous “pregnancy glow”. The rehydrating property of coconut water helps to increase blood circulation to the skin surface and promotes radiant skin. You can have a glowing skin during pregnancy if coconut water is your regular beverage.

Applying coconut water to the face and leaving it overnight helps to combat acne and breakouts during pregnancy. The hydrating property of coconut water improves the elasticity of the skin, thereby, preventing stretch marks during pregnancy.

One popular myth associated with drinking coconut water during pregnancy is “coconut during pregnancy for fair baby”. This has no scientific basis. Other than the nutrition intake of the mother many other factors determine the skin and complexion of the unborn child.

What you eat or drink has no bearing to the colour of your baby – genetics determine the same.

12. Coconut water during pregnancy decreases the odds of muscle cramps

Muscle cramps are very common during pregnancy. Its frequency increases once the woman gets into her third trimester. It is quite painful and as it usually appears during the night it could impede the sleep of the mother.

The minerals in coconut water such as calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, and phosphorus help to decrease muscle cramps.

13. Great alternative to sugary beverages

It is quite common to feel thirsty more often during pregnancy. To quench the thirst, the first instinct will be to reach for some packaged juices or carbonated/energy drinks. This can trigger many issues as it is high in sugar and artificial flavors and preservatives.

Instead, whenever you feel thirsty when you are out, try to reach out for tender coconut water. This nature’s treasure is not only free from harmful components, but it is low in sugar as well. Therefore, coconut water is an excellent substitute for sugary beverages.

Side Effects Of Drinking Coconut Water During Pregnancy

Side Effects Of Drinking Coconut Water During Pregnancy

Drinking coconut water during pregnancy has no side effects if you follow the rule of moderation. On the other hand, over consumption of coconut water can upset the electrolytic balance of the body and bring about issues associated with it. Read more about side effects of coconut water during pregnancy here.

Remember moderation is the key. Coconut water is never a substitution for normal pure water. Too much coconut water consumption can upset the electrolyte balance in your body and lead to complications.

It can also trigger some allergic reactions in people. Expecting women who are experiencing gestational diabetes should also abstain from drinking coconut water during pregnancy.


The best coconut water for pregnancy is natural tender coconut water. Also, try to drink coconut water as soon as you open it to make sure you get all the nutrient benefits. Always choose fresh, green, and tender coconuts.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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