Home Baby (New-born) Facts About Babies Born November

Facts About Babies Born November

by Aiswarya Shibu

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Facts About Babies Born November

The babies born at the time when the height of autumn transitions into the beginning of winter are bound to be unique. November babies embody the depth, magic, wonder, and beauty of their birth month. Their secretive cleverness, their relentless ambition, their bottomless creativity, and their fierce loyalty all come together to form an individual that will grow into quite a force to be reckoned with.

This article shares some fascinating aspects of these utterly unique individuals. Hope you find it helpful if you have a November Babies!

Zodiac Sign of November Born Babies

Babies born in November are either Scorpios or Sagittarians.

Scorpio (October 24 to November 21): In astrology, Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac. Babies born in November fall under the zodiac sign of Scorpio if born between November 1st and November 21st. Pluto and Mars are the two planets that rule Scorpio. Scorpio is a water sign1.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Sagittarius is classified as a Fire sign, similar to Aries and Leo, and it is governed by the planet Jupiter. A centaur shooting a bow and arrow or drawing an arrow across a bow is a symbol of Sagittarius. Babies born between November 21 to November 30 are Sagittarians2.

Birthstone Of November Born Babies

November – born babies have two birthstones – topaz and citrine. Both of these birthstones for November are thought to calm people down and bring them luck and love.


Topaz comes in a rainbow of colors. Topaz is believed to have various properties that can positively impact babies born in November.

  • A natural topaz stone sharpens one’s focus. 
  • Wearing this valuable gemstone will help your child think outside the box and excel in school.
  • It helps people control their anger and rage and makes them feel calm and happy.

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It comes in beautiful yellow and orange colors. The citrine gemstones are thought not only to increase the wearer’s stamina but also to enhance their personal strength.

  • Citrine helps the person to gain higher knowledge, wisdom, good financial status, and professional success in life.
  • This stone is said to remove negativity from the mind of the wearer. 
  • It gives the wearer optimism and boosts their confidence.

Birthflower Of November Born Babies

November babies are blessed with two birth flowers – chrysanthemum and peony3.


  • This birth flower for November represents friendship, integrity, and loyalty.
  • Decorate the baby’s nursery with chrysanthemum-themed items such as bedding or wall art.
  • Incorporate chrysanthemums into birthday celebrations with themed decorations, or cakes.


  • Longevity is a hallmark of peonies.
  • Love, a happy marriage, prosperity, honor, and good fortune are all represented by peonies.
  • Consider adding murals, wall decals, or artwork with peony themes for the baby’s room or nursery.

5 Funny Traits Of Babies Born In November

5 Funny Traits Of Babies Born in November

Born in the month of Scorpio and Sagittarius, your little one is bound to be interesting. These signs have qualities such as ambition, cleverness, creativity, and a thirst for adventure. These traits can lead to very amusing situations, especially when they are babies and toddlers.

The following are some of the funny traits of November babies:.

1. They’re fast!

Babies born in November are generally faster and more physically fit than their peers. 

  • Of course, this is a great quality, as it will help them later in life when they begin to get interested in sports and start playing with friends.
  • However, when they are still little, this quality can be very amusing when they first begin learning to be mobile. 
  • Whether they are crawling, cruising or taking their first steps, these babies seem to always be rushing to some imaginary finish line. 
  • Watching them stumble from one side of the room to the other can be very funny, and their urge to move regardless of where they are can lead to amusing situations.

Related Reading: 10 Ways To Encourage A Baby To Walk- Mini Steps!

2. They ooze creativity

Babies born in November are incredibly creative and imaginative. 

  • They specialize in thinking outside the box. This quality of theirs is apparent even when they are babies.
  • You may see them immersed in imaginative play as a toddler, building whole worlds and storylines with their dolls and toys. 
  • They may tell you stories they made up, and call out fallacies in the stories you tell them. 
  • Their unique blend of logic and creativity makes for some pretty amusing times, especially when it comes from such a little child.
  • Be careful what you say around November babies because they will latch on to it!

3. They march to the beat of their drum

These babies are incredibly stubborn about what they think is right and wrong – and they have the intelligence to back it up. 

  • Still, it would be quite strange to see someone so young have their own set of behavioral guidelines.
  • November babies know what they should and shouldn’t do, and they make sure to stick to it. 
  • They are rule-followers, but they follow the rules they deem worthy. 
  • Having a baby that takes such things so seriously is a hilarious sight as adults. Their hyper-focus on things you may not take into account is funny.
  • Whether they grow out of this stubborn phase later on or not, the memories are bound to stay.

4. They are super joyful

Did you know that people born in November have the lowest rate of clinical depression? 

  • They are among the least likely to suffer from depression (although it is not impossible). 
  • This is related to how November babies are usually incredibly happy and cheerful.
  • November babies feel all emotions deeply, especially joy. 
  • So your baby might be constantly giggling, laughing at your games, and generally acting very silly, compared to other babies.
  • They are not only very joyful themselves, but are also a joy to be around, with their warm, energetic, and happy disposition.

5. They’re incredibly curious

  • November babies want to know EVERYTHING.
  • These are the babies that will bombard you with a hundred questions per minute as soon as they learn to talk.
  • Prepare yourself for a thousand Whys and Hows to follow behind your every word.
  • Even before they learn to talk, their curiosity is obvious. They’ll be going around the house, inspecting everything they come across.
  • Sometimes, it is quality entertainment to just sit and watch what they do.
  • Other times, the timing and content of their questions have the potential to be the funniest thing you have heard all day.

Related Reading: 9 Early Signs Of Intelligence In Babies

5 Exceptional Qualities Of November Born Babies

Personalities are shaped by traits. The characteristics of infants may vary based on their specific date of birth, month, and astrological signs. 

The following are 5 exceptional qualities of November-born babies:

1. November babies grow into hard-working individuals

November babies are naturally inclined to be hardworking individuals. 

  • No matter what the circumstances, they have always believed in giving every task they take on their 200%. 
  • Even when they are babies, they keep trying until they get what they want. For example, they will try over and over to grab something or crawl toward something they want.
  • Even as babies, they start showing signs of independence, such as attempting tasks on their own or expressing a desire to do things independently. 
  • Even when they experience setbacks, they keep trying to overcome obstacles. 

2. November-borns are exceptionally loyal

Being extremely loyal is one of the remarkable qualities you will find in a November baby.

  • When it concerns their relationship with friends, family, and partners, they will never let you down
  • You can trust November Babies with all your heart. They will never betray you.
  • Babies born in November are incredibly caring. 
  • They will show early signs of empathy and kindness by becoming attached to their caretakers and showing worry when they are upset.
  • When they form a friendship with someone, they will always be there for them, no matter what.
  • Also, when their friend is in error, they will be the first to point it out to them.
  • They can understand how others feel, which makes them good at looking after people.

3. November babies stand out

Babies born in November possess unique characteristics that set them apart from others. 

  • November babies have a magnetic personality that just makes people want to be around them.
  • What makes them different is not only their personalities but also the fact that they do things their own way.
  • They prefer to take the road no one else has taken before. Their ideas tend to be unconventional as they prefer to think beyond conventional boundaries.
  • They have their own unique way of doing things, which leaves a lasting impression on whoever they come across.

4. They are a “cool head” baby, or a calm and composed baby

November babies have this incredible ability to stay calm and keep their emotions in check unless someone pushes their buttons to the absolute max.

  • The baby remains relatively calm and content most of the time, without frequent bouts of fussiness or crying.
  • They are able to express their needs and feelings clearly and assertively without resorting to tantrums or aggression.
  • They exhibit good attention span and the ability to concentrate on tasks without being easily distracted.

Related Reading: 36 Positive Parenting Affirmations For Those Tough Days 

5. They possess a strong curiosity and desire for knowledge

Scorpios and Sagittariuses are both interested in everything around them. They like to find out new things, ask questions, and learn as much as they can.

  • Kids born in November often have a lot of questions about the world around them. They want to know how things work and why certain things happen.
  • They actively explore their surroundings, touching, observing, and experimenting with objects to learn more about them.
  • They pay close attention to details and actively listen during conversations, storytime, or educational activities.

3 Negative Traits of  Babies Born In November

3 Negative Traits of  Babies Born in November

There is no doubt that November babies are bright, smart, and creative children. They possess qualities that any parent would love to see in their little one, and they are sure to grow into upstanding, successful individuals. However, every month has its downsides. Some qualities may hinder your baby’s path in life. It is best to deal with these obstacles before they crop up, or at least while they are still young.

Here are some negative traits of November babies to watch out for.

1. They can struggle with insecurity

People born in November are frequently misunderstood because of the way they act or speak. It may seem crazy, with how high-achieving and confident November babies generally are, that they would ever feel insecure, but they do.

  • This insecurity may manifest in the work they do and/or in the relationships they have with the people in their lives.
  • They feel like they are not good enough.
  • They may question the legitimacy of their achievements. They tend to compare themselves with other people.
  • This insecurity can also sometimes appear as possessiveness, jealousy, or over-defensiveness.

2. They are secretive

People born in November are known for their secrecy, and it is one of the classic traits of Scorpio.

  • People born in November tend to jealously guard their secrets.
  • They hold their cards close to their chest, and often, not even their closest friends and family will know something if they want to hide it.
  • However, at a young age, this can lead to complicated and even dangerous situations.
  • While privacy is very important, it is also important for the parent to be involved in the child’s life.

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3. They are the epitome of stubbornness

Stubbornness is yet another classic trait of Scorpios and is something that most November babies are endowed with.

  • They often refuse to change their mind.
  • Even when they are responsible for wrongdoing, they may refuse to accept their mistake and maintain that they were right.
  • For this very reason, they also find it difficult to compromise, as they do not play by others’ rules.
  • This can lead to conflict in the relationships they build later on and can lead to bridges being burned.
  • It is important to teach them the value of compromise and accountability at a young age.

Parenting a November Born: What you Should Know?

Now that you know the negative traits they are likely to develop, it is also important to know what you, as a parent, can do to help them deal with it. Handling these issues before they have the chance to come up will be easier for you. And every parent needs a bit of a helping hand sometimes.

So here are some parenting tips for parenting a November baby:

1. Be supportive and encouraging

As mentioned above, November babies may develop insecure tendencies in life. This can affect many spheres of life, so it is important to nip that in the bud.

  • As a parent, you should give them ample encouragement and affirmations. They need to be provided with a support system and a way to express their insecurities.
  • Make sure you never compare your baby with their peers. Do not burden them with lots of expectations.
  • If they fail at anything, teach them that it is okay to make mistakes as long as they learn from them. They do not have to be perfect all the time.
  • Teach them that every person has their own strengths and weaknesses, and that is okay.

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2. Make sure they know they can trust you

November babies have the tendency to keep a lot of secrets. They simultaneously need to know everything about others, while not revealing anything about themselves. As a parent, this may be concerning.

  • Make sure that your child feels safe and comfortable sharing secrets with you, and respect their trust.
  • If they tell you a secret, do your best to keep it completely confidential.
  • Make sure you communicate with them often and are involved in their day-to-day life.
  • Do not break their trust, no matter what.
  • Show that you can help them with their problems, or at least, lend an ear.
November babies can be stubborn

3. Teach them to admit their mistakes

The stubbornness of a November baby is nothing to scoff at. However, this means they have trouble admitting when they are wrong or agreeing to a compromise.

  • Teach them from a young age that they cannot always get what they want.
  • Teach them the importance of the art of compromise.
  • Show them that there is nothing shameful about admitting one’s mistakes and apologizing for them. Be a role model, and implement this in your own life.
  • Show them other ways of conflict resolution than just avoidance or fighting it out, and teach them to share their disagreements in an acceptable way.


November babies, born with Scorpio and Sagittarius traits, are something else entirely. They stand out in any crowd and tend to possess extraordinary qualities like their sly intelligence, deep emotional depth, and bright imagination. However, these are merely speculations based on trends and speculations. Even if your baby possesses none of the qualities mentioned above, they are incredibly special, and will undoubtedly be a source of light and joy to you. Nevertheless, it is still interesting and entertaining to learn about facts that may or may not apply to them.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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