Home Baby (New-born) Janam Ghutti For Newborn Baby

Janam Ghutti For Newborn Baby

by Aiswarya Shibu

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Janam Ghutti For Newborn Baby

Being a parent is a magical experience that comes with love, wonder, and a growing sense of responsibility. Amidst the joys and challenges, the health and well-being of your newborn take center stage. When it comes to natural remedies and your newborn’s health, parents frequently turn to tradition. One of the threads of traditional wisdom is “Janam Ghutti,” a whispered remedy from past generations.

This age-old herbal concoction, treasured in many cultures, is believed to cradle the delicate digestive systems of infants, offering relief and comfort. The question “Is Janam Ghutti safe for newborns?” is one that is frequently googled by millennium mothers who are concerned about it’s safety. As parents, it’s crucial to harmonize tradition with science-backed knowledge. As we delve into the world of ‘Janam Ghutti for babies,’ we’ll uncover the science behind this mysterious elixir. We also discuss the safety of Janam Ghutti for newborn babies.

What Is Janam Ghutti?

Janam Ghutti, a term that translates to “birth tonic” or “life elixir,” is a time-honored remedy originating from the treasure troves of Ayurveda, India’s ancient holistic healing system. This traditional Ayurvedic herbal remedy was meticulously created to soothe the sensitive digestive systems of newborns and infants. This specially formulated herbal blend is said to help alleviate common discomforts such as colic, gas, and indigestion.

The composition of Janam Ghutti can vary widely depending on the brand, region, and cultural traditions. It typically consists of a mixture of various natural ingredients, including herbs, spices, and often some sweetening agents. Here are some common ingredients that are often found in Janam Ghutti1:

  • fennel (saunf)
  • dill oil (Sowa)
  • fig
  • amaltas
  • aniseed (saunth)
  • caraway 
  • rose water
  • peppermint oil
  • draksha
  • ginger extract
  • sodium bicarbonate.
  • sugar or sweetening agents like honey.

It’s important to note that while these ingredients are commonly used in Janam Ghutti, the proportions, and specific composition can vary from product to product.

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Why Is Janam Ghutti Given To Babies? 

Janam Ghutti is administered to babies due to its perceived benefits in aiding digestion and providing relief from colic. Its age-old reputation stems from the generations that preceded us. Infants suffering from stomach discomfort may find relief from this traditional herbal mixture. 

The practice of giving Janam Ghutti has been passed down through generations as a way to address common digestive issues in babies. It contains a blend of natural ingredients that are thought to have soothing effects on a baby’s digestive system. While the scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness is limited, the tradition of giving Janam Ghutti continues in some cultures as a cultural and familial practice aimed at promoting the well-being of infants.

Is It Safe To Give Janam Ghutti To Colicky Babies?

Is It Safe To Give Janam Ghutti To Colicky Babies?

The safety of using Janam Ghutti for colicky babies is a matter of debate. Some claim that Janam Ghutti can improve infants’ digestion and reduce colic symptoms. They claim that the organic components and herbs in Janam Ghutti have been used for ages without any known negative effects. They claim that these herbs aid in digestion, relieve colic pain, reduce flatulence, improve appetite, and promote overall well-being in babies.

Another group, however, warns against using it for several reasons. They contend that while herbs have historically been used to treat digestive problems, there is currently little scientific evidence to support their effectiveness, particularly in the treatment of infant colic. Also, those who oppose the use of Janam Ghutti for newborns claim that the formulation is not unique to all brands on the market.

Additionally, they assert that some formulations may contain heavy metals or potentially harmful substances. Some formulations of Janam Ghutti might include alcohol, and alcohol is harmful to newborns’ health and development2.

Many experts often recommend measures such as gentle tummy massages, bicycle leg motions,  and holding the baby in a comforting position to alleviate colic symptoms.

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When Is The Right Time To Give Janam Ghutti To Babies?

It is mandatory to speak with a pediatrician before considering giving Janam Ghutti to a baby. If your child’s pediatrician gives the go-ahead, you can usually think about giving Janam Ghutti to babies who are about a month old and exhibiting colic symptoms. Pay attention to the dosage recommendations made by your healthcare provider or those found on the product packaging.

It’s usually administered in small doses with a dropper or spoon before or after feedings. Many mothers would give their baby Janam Ghutti immediately after bathing them, followed by some warm water.

Are There Any Health Benefits Of Janam Ghutti For Babies?

Janam Ghutti has been widely believed to have numerous health benefits for babies. The safety and effectiveness of Janam Ghutti can, however, differ significantly depending on the brand, ingredients, and preparation techniques used.

Some potential benefits that are often attributed to Janam Ghutti include:

  • The ability of Janam Ghutti to relieve typical digestive problems like colic, gas, and indigestion is one of its main benefits
  • Herbs that are thought to improve digestion and relieve pain are frequently included in the mixture, including fennel, aniseed, and dill
  • Some herbal components in Janam Ghutti are thought to have a calming effect on infants, promoting relaxation and better sleep
  • The inclusion of ingredients like ginger and ajwain (carom seeds) may have given Janam Ghutti some antimicrobial properties. These characteristics may protect against infections or ease minor respiratory problems in infants.
  • Certain versions of Janam Ghutti may contain ingredients that are thought to help alleviate teething discomfort in infants.

Side Effects And Risks Of Janam Ghutti For Babies

Side Effects And Risks Of Janam Ghutti For Babies

Some parents have used Janam Ghutti for babies with success, but there are risks and side effects that should not be ignored. The safety and effectiveness of Janam Ghutti for babies is not well established by scientific evidence. Some of the ingredients in Janam Ghutti may have harmful effects on babies.

The following are a few risks and side effects associated with giving Janam Ghutti to babies: 

1. May trigger an allergic reaction

Some Janam Ghutti formulas include substances, such as dill, fennel, or other herbs, to which infants may be sensitive. Skin rashes, hives, swelling, and even breathing problems are all examples of allergic responses. In addition, some Janam Ghutti products include honey as a sweetener. Raw honey poses a risk of botulism infection, a potentially fatal illness, to children under the age of one3.

Related Reading: Tummy Time Dos And Don’ts For Newborns 

2. Risk of aspiration

Aspiration is a serious concern when it comes to administering any kind of liquid, including Janam Ghutti, to newborns4. Aspiration occurs when a liquid enters the baby’s airway and lungs instead of going down the digestive tract.

A baby can aspirate Janam Ghutti into their lungs if it is given improperly or in excess, which could cause breathing problems. So always position the baby right and use a syringe or dropper specifically designed for infants to give Janam Ghutti to babies. This helps ensure controlled and precise administration.

3. Potential contaminants and improper labeling

Potential contaminants and improper labeling are other risks associated with Janam Gutti for newborn babies. Contaminants can arise from various sources, such as the herbs used, manufacturing processes, or storage conditions5.

These contaminants might include heavy metals, pesticides, microbial growth, and more. In some cases, products labeled as “herbal” or “natural” might not undergo rigorous quality control measures, which can lead to inconsistent levels of active ingredients or the presence of harmful substances.

4. Unreliable ingredients

The composition of Janam Ghutti can differ widely with brands. Some formulations may contain alcohol, sugar, or other additives that might not be safe for infants. Some of these components may interact with other drugs or treatments the infant might be receiving, leading to unintended side effects or decreasing the effectiveness of other therapies.

5. Absence of scientific support

The effectiveness of Janam Ghutti in treating infant colic and other digestive issues is not consistently supported by reliable scientific data. To firmly prove its advantages, no sufficiently well-designed clinical studies have been conducted.

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Homemade Janam Ghutti For Babies

While it is normal to want to make a homemade treatment for your baby’s comfort, it is critical to approach it with caution and prioritize your baby’s safety. Homemade herbal remedies like homemade Janam Ghutti for babies may have unforeseen consequences, especially for newborns with sensitive digestive systems. Here are a few points to think about:

  • Homemade herbal supplements can cause unexpected side effects, especially in babies with sensitive digestive systems
  • Commercially available baby products, including medications and remedies, are subject to strict regulations and quality control. Homemade remedies, on the other hand, are not regulated in the same way, which means there’s a risk of using the wrong quantity and quality of ingredients that might be harmful to babies
  • Determining the correct dosage and concentration of ingredients for a baby’s delicate system can be challenging. Even small changes in concentration can have significant effects on their small bodies
  • Read the list of ingredients on the cover carefully. Stay away from formulas that contain charcoal, sucrose, or alcohol
  • Homemade preparations might not be as sterile as commercial products, posing a risk of contamination or infection
  • Homemade remedies might interact with other medications your baby is taking or cause unintended side effects
  • Scientific research does not always support the efficacy and safety of home remedies for babies
  • Homemade janam ghutti is not subjected to the same rigorous testing and quality control as commercially available products



Welcoming a newborn into the world is a moment of pure joy, but it also brings with it a myriad of challenges for both parents and babies. Comfort plays a vital role in promoting healthy development and overall well-being in newborns. Hence, ensuring their comfort becomes paramount. Using specialized products such as Janam Ghutti can indeed help alleviate common discomforts like colic, gas, or teething pain. However, it is essential never to exceed the recommended dosage as it may have adverse effects on your little one’s delicate system. Furthermore, always consult your pediatrician before incorporating Janam Ghutti into your newborn’s routine.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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