When you see a positive pregnancy test or your doctor confirms the big news, you feel on top of the world. Knowing that you will now be a mother is overwhelming. While some women reveal the news immediately, other women take a few weeks before announcing the news. Whether you take 1 day or a week, your pregnancy announcement must be worth remembering.
35 Fun Pregnancy Announcement Ideas For Family
At this point in time, it must be hard for you to keep this news from your family. You want to make your pregnancy reveal a moment that you all can cherish. We have some fun, creative and unique ideas for you to plan your pregnancy reveal. Here are 35 fun ways to announce your pregnancy to your family.
1. Pregnancy Card Reveal
Women sometimes run out of words to announce their pregnancy to their family members. It may be the rush, excitement, or pregnancy hormones that make them feel shy about the big reveal. One of the simplest yet effective ways of announcing your pregnancy is through pregnancy reveal cards.
Write down messages like, “I’m pregnant”, “we are now three” and show it to your family members. They will be overjoyed and start celebrating there and then.
2. Handwritten Letters
Our elders always appreciate handwritten letters. In this digital age, people usually communicate through electronic mediums. In such an instance, writing a heartfelt letter to your family is one of the best ways to announce your pregnancy to them. Infact, this is one of the few pregnancy announcement ideas for family that will take them down the memory lane instantly.
It will take them on an emotional ride and the letter can be a keepsake you show to your child in the future.
Calculate Due Date With Conception Date
3. Baby’s Onesie
Every baby shower or pregnancy reveal is incomplete without a baby’s onesie. Showing or displaying a onesie is an adorable way to announce your pregnancy to your family. You may choose to customize the onesie with a funny or adorable message like, “Coming soon” or “Due in 32 weeks”.
4. Scavenger Hunt
If you have a family that loves adventure, a scavenger hint is the ideal way to announce your pregnancy. You may design a scavenger hunt having nine levels that represent the 9 months of pregnancy. Leave subtle clues at each level leading to the big reveal. You may leave the pregnancy test as the last clue.
This can be a real fun idea of revealing your pregnancy if your family likes is sporting in nature.
5. Family Mugs
Imagine having breakfast at the family table and your husband and in-laws suddenly drink tea from a mug that says, “father”, “grandmother” and “grandfather”. Won’t it be adorable? Aww, such a cute way to announce your pregnancy to your family!
Having custom family mugs made is a creative yet adorable way to reveal your pregnancy in front of your family. And you will always remember their reactions whenever you see those mugs!
6. Announcement T-shirt
Another creative way to announce your pregnancy to your family is by having a pregnancy announcement t-shirt. The best thing about having pregnancy announcement t-shirts is that you have so many fun designs and quotes to choose from. You can always customize these t-shirts to make the pregnancy announcement more personalized.
Pregnancy announcement t-shits can later be used for pregnancy photoshoots. You can even get one made for each family member.
7. Marking The Calendar
If you have a family that always checks their schedule in their online calendar, marking their calendar is a great way to announce your pregnancy. You can block their calendar with your tentative due date with a fun quote saying, “having a baby” or “baby due”. You can block all your family members calendars at once and wait for their reaction.
8. Baby Puzzle
Another great pregnancy announcement idea for the family is having a puzzle to reveal the news. You can purchase customized baby announcement puzzles online and break it up. Ask your family to put the puzzle together for you. When the puzzle is complete, it will reveal the big news of your pregnancy.
9. Countdown Blocks
You can also have countdown blocks for your pregnancy announcement. The blocks may say “30 weeks until baby” or some other message that you want the countdown blocks to have. You can then keep these blocks in the dining room or living room for everyone to see. Voila! Everyone knows you’re pregnant!
10. Promotional Certificates
When a child comes, everyone gets promoted to a new designation, isn’t it? Why not make use of it to announce your pregnancy?
It is a unique way of announcing your pregnancy to your family. You can do so by distributing promotional certificates to them. For example, for your husband it may say, “Congratulations! You are soon to be promoted to being a father and for your mother-in-law it could say, “Congratulations! You are promoted to grandmother.”
11. Seat At The Table
A subtle yet effective way to reveal the big news to your family is by adding a seat to the dining table. When your family asks you about the extra seat, you can tell them that the seat is for your baby. A casual conversation will turn into a celebration in no time.
12. Beach Announcement
Some parents like to go big on the news of the pregnancy. Well, pregnancy is a significant moment in your life. You can announce your pregnancy in whichever way you want! If you have a joint family that goes on family trips every now and then, this is your chance. Have a big beach party with a theme saying “Baby on board”. You may also not reveal the theme till the party gets started and just write “Baby due in 25 weeks” on the sand.
13. Baby Shoes
How many times have we just gone through the kids’ section and adored those cute little baby shoes? This is your chance to get those adorable shoes for the big reveal. Baby shoes in various patterns and colours can also be used as a prop for maternity photoshoots.
You can simply buy baby shoes and leave them in a place where your family members can easily spot it. When your family asks, you can reveal the big news to them.
14. Movie Poster
If you are a couple who is obsessed with movies and loves to Netflix and chill, you can make the big reveal more dramatic. Your husband and you can design a movie poster of your favourite genre and reveal the big news to your family. You can subtly tell them that you are booking tickets for a movie and show them the movie poster.
15. Social Media Announcement
If your family is hooked on social media, why not surprise them through it? You may put up an announcement as your social media post or story and tag them in it. You may be more creative in putting up a riddle before the announcement and leave it to them to crack the meaning.
But it can also be tricky, as a pregnancy announcement on social media is not really personal, and family members may want or expect a more personal announcement.
16. Bake It Off
Another creative and personalized way of announcing your pregnancy to your family is by baking sweet treats for them. You may choose to bake cookies, cupcakes, or cakes with the big news written on them. When your family reads the news from them, your baked goods will be there to sweeten the occasion.
17. Eating For Two
Here’s another unique way of announcing your pregnancy to your family. You can take your family out to the restaurant and order an enormous amount of food. Your family will certainly ask you why you are ordering extra food. You can then tell them that you are eating for two.
You can also do this at home by cooking many more dishes than usual and revealing the news to them. but, just to make it clear, eating for two is not required when pregnant!
18. Team Effort
If your family is the kind that is obsessed with sports, here’s a creative way to reveal the big news. You can order a jersey for the entire family along with a baby jersey. You may ask them to wear the jersey for you. When they come out wearing their jersey, you can show them the baby jersey and tell them the big news.
19. Use Your Furry Friends
If you have pets in your house, then this will be a very cute pregnancy announcement ideas for family. Make a custom t-shirt for your dog which announces the new addition to the family. The t-shirt may have quotes like, “we are now a family of five” or “new member coming”. Get as creative as you would want to!
This is a cute but fun way of announcing your pregnancy to your family. And all the hugs that your furry family members will get, totally worth it.
20. Use A Blackboard
Another fun way of announcing your pregnancy to your family is by using a chalkboard to announce the big news. You can take a blackboard and write about your pregnancy on the board. Hang the board up in a place where everyone can notice. The moment they enter the room, they will see the big news.
21. Plate it Up
You can reveal the big news by plating up the words saying something like, “I’m pregnant” or “A baby is on the way”. This is the time when those tiny M and Ms or small Nutties will come in handy. Try with fruits, nuts, candies and other sweet goodies. When your family comes to the dining table, they will know the news.
And then you can gobble up all the sweet stuff.
22. Solving the Equation
You can play a game with your family of solving equations. After a few rounds, you can give them the equation, “1=1=?” when they say two, you can tell them that it’s now three. A simple game night with your family will become a day to remember.
23. Pregnancy Announcement Ideas For Family Using Signs
Another creative way of revealing your pregnancy to your family is by using posters or road signs. There are many creative road signs like “Bump Ahead” or “Bun in the Oven” that give subtle yet obvious hints that you are pregnant. You may use one of the signs at the entrance of your door to break the news to your neighbours too.
24. Ultrasound Reveal
One of the best pregnancy announcement ideas for the family is using your ultrasound to give the big news. When your family sees the ultrasound, they will be overwhelmed with joy. Some parents also frame the picture of the ultrasound to cherish the beautiful memories related to the big reveal.
25. The Ready to Pop Baloon
Did you know that there are customized balloons designed especially for pregnancy reveals? There are many cute balloons available with quotes like “Ready to pop” that can make your pregnancy announcement even more fun.
Well, no you would be popping the baby anyway, don’t worry.
26. Pregnancy Announcement Ideas For Family With A Costume Party
Another fun way to announce your pregnancy to your family is by doing a costume party. You may choose to dress up like a popular celebrity who has recently got pregnant. When asked why you chose this question, you will have the spotlight to break the news in front of your family.
27. Use Your Child’s help
If you already have children, here is an innovative way to tell your family that you are pregnant. You can ask your child to wear a t-shirt saying, “Big sister/brother” and there is your announcement. Imagine how adorable your child will look in that t-shirt.
28. Lego Reveal
If you are a Lego fan, here’s how you can reveal the news of your pregnancy in front of your family. You can make a Lego showing a family and a woman carrying a baby. What is better than breaking the big news with something you were obsessed with, during childhood.
29. Embroidery/Knitting
Women get obsessed with embroidery and knitting when they get pregnant. One of the reasons for this obsession is having your baby wear something that you made with your own hands. You can knit a sweater for your baby and show it to your family. When asked the obvious question, there’s an opening for you to announce your pregnancy.
30. Riddle Me This
We all love a good riddle from time to time. You can ask consecutive riddles to your family and ask them to guess the riddle. You may use all riddles referring to your pregnancy or slowly lead to it. Using riddles is a fun and innovative way to announce your pregnancy in front of your family.
31. Let’s Play Scrabble
If you have game nights with your family, you can use one of those nights to announce your pregnancy to your family. Using srcabble is a creative way to spell out your announcement in front of your family. This is going to make game night more fun and memorable.
32. Pregnancy Announcement Ideas For Family With Necklaces/Rings
You can give your family customized necklaces and rings to announce your pregnancy. Each ring/necklace could be engraved with their relationship with the baby. This will also help your family in creating an emotional connection with the baby every time they see the ring or necklace.
33. I’m Egg-Specting
If you are a person who is into funny or humorous remarks, this is a fun way to announce your pregnancy. You can take an egg and write “I’m Egg-specting” with a marker. You can also take a picture of the egg and send it to your friends to tell them about your pregnancy.
34. Pregnancy Test Reveal
If your head is filled up with too many ideas for your announcement, keep it simple. One of the simplest yet popular pregnancy announcement ideas for the family is the pregnancy test reveal. Show your pregnancy test to your family and break the big news to them. It’s one of the most effective ways to reveal your pregnancy.
35. Baby Socks
You can reveal your pregnancy to your family by buying baby socks and other cute baby stuff. You can also have your baby’s socks customized with your pregnancy announcement. This is an adorable way of announcing your pregnancy to your family.
These 35 pregnancy announcement ideas will definitely help you in planning your pregnancy announcement. Remember, in whichever way you announce your pregnancy, your family is going to be on cloud 9. Any idea you pick is going to create a moment of a lifetime.