Home Becoming Pregnant Home Pregnancy Test With Sugar – Things You Need And Interpreting The Results

Home Pregnancy Test With Sugar – Things You Need And Interpreting The Results

by Aiswarya Shibu

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Home Pregnancy Test With Sugar - Things You Need And Interpreting The Results

When an unplanned pregnancy is suspected, homemade tests are a better choice than going to the doctor right away. Most exams don’t require much or any preparation, and don’t use any chemicals or substances that could be dangerous.  There are numerous home pregnancy tests available that are accurate, quick, and inexpensive. On every shelf in the kitchen, there will be items that can be used for testing pregnancy.  Many different kitchen items can be used to test for pregnancy, from vinegar to sugar and salt. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss the pregnancy test with sugar. 

These tests are able to provide only a rough estimate of the pregnancy’s viability. However, due to the high variability of the outcomes of these tests, they are not recognized by the medical community. Because of this, it is very important to use a pregnancy test kit that has been tested in a clinical setting to confirm pregnancy.

Home Pregnancy Test With Sugar – Things You need to do an HPT with Sugar 

After an embryo is formed, the uterus secretes the hormone Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). When this hormone is released, it travels through the body via the blood and urine.

Gradually, the levels increase as the pregnancy progresses, which can be detected through a urine test. In the early stages of pregnancy, hCG is the most reliable indicator of pregnancy1. The sugar pregnancy test detects the presence of HCG in urine if menstrual cycles are missed. 

A home pregnancy test with sugar is one of the most common and simple tests performed at home. The sugar pregnancy test checks the presence of hCG in the urine after you have missed your menstrual periods. When sugar crystals come into contact with hCG, sugar clumps are formed. This result indicates that the pregnancy test results are positive. 

It only requires three things, which are listed below:

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  • Pure white sugar which is devoid of any impurities.
  • The first urine sample of the day
  • Two dry and sterilized bowls that are discarded post-usage.

How To Do A Home Pregnancy Test With Sugar

How To Do A Home Pregnancy Test With Sugar

This test is simple and must be done with the first urine passed in the early morning, the results are the most accurate with it as it has the maximum chances of having a high proportion of HCG hormone that indicates pregnancy.

The set procedure to be followed while performing the test are as follows:

  • Take a clean bowl and sterilize it well using hot water.
  • Now take a clean cloth or tissue and pat it till it is completely dry and devoid of any particles or moisture.
  • Take one small spoonful of fresh sugar.
  • Now collect the early morning urine sample in another clean and sterilized cup.
  • Now add a few drops of urine to the sugar bowl.
  • Leave this for about five minutes to get the result.
  • If the sugar clumps after urine drops are added, it shows that the woman is pregnant.
  • In case the sugar dissolves it is an indication that the woman is not pregnant.

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Importance Of Urine Sample

The urine sample is the most important to detect pregnancy in any home pregnancy test and in this case the home pregnancy test with sugar. 

Because when it comes to home pregnancy tests with sugar,  hCG can only be detected in urine, it is critical to remember the following points:

  • It is important to undertake any test with the early morning urine sample.
  • Keep in mind that any other sample in the day might be diluted and can have issues detecting hCG.
  • HCG is found in a variety of medications, including fertility drugs, and may skew the results of a home pregnancy test.
  • The first urine sample in the early morning hours has a high chance of having hCG hormones that get detected with sugar, leading to clumps of sugar, and giving clear results.
  • Some claim that if you hold your urine for more than four hours, your urine will be the same as the urine you produce in the morning.

Interpreting Results Of A Home Pregnancy Test With Sugar 

The results of sugar pregnancy tests are entirely dependent on the reaction of sugar to urine.  It depends on whether sugar is visible in the bowl following the reaction. A question to ponder is “sugar pregnancy test didn’t dissolve or clump, then what happens?”

The test results can either be negative or positive. Here is how to interpret the home pregnancy test with sugar:

  1. Positive Sugar Pregnancy Test- A pregnancy test with sugar that shows a positive result is referred to as a Positive Sugar Pregnancy Test. 

In the case of a Positive Sugar Pregnancy test, the following results can be expected:

  • When adding urine to the sugar, if it settles at the bottom and starts clumping then there are high chances that indicate pregnancy. 
  • If the sugar does not dissolve in the urine, it is an indication that hCG is present in the urine and that leads to clumping indicating pregnancy.
  • Clumps of sugar are seen at the bottom of the bowl though the size may vary, it could be small or large, but surely undissolved sugar will be seen, indicating that the woman is pregnant.
  • Clumps form in five minutes once it comes in contact with the urine sample.

2. Negative Sugar Pregnancy Test: When a pregnancy test with sugar indicates that a woman is not pregnant, it is referred to as a “Negative Sugar Pregnancy Test.” The outcomes of a negative test may include the following:

  • If the sugar dissolves in urine, it indicates that the urine does not contain the HCG hormone and that the woman is not pregnant.
  • When the result of this test is negative, there won’t be any clumps in the bowl.
  • This is known as a negative pregnancy test with sugar.
  • When placed in contact with the urine sample without hCG, the sugar quickly dissolves.

How Reliable Is A Home Pregnancy Test With Sugar

How Reliable Is A Home Pregnancy Test With Sugar

The sugar pregnancy test is the quickest and least invasive way to check for pregnancy, but its accuracy is questionable. That’s because lots of things beyond the control of the testers—the quality of materials used, the subject’s level of cleanliness, the time of day the test is administered, and the presence of contaminants—can affect the results. 

For the sake of clarity, let’s talk this out some more2.

  • If the bowl is not sterilized well or is not clean or has any impurities, the test results will get affected.
  • If the urine sample is not the first, the results can even vary and the sugar can dissolve easily thus giving a misleading negative pregnancy result.
  • It even depends on the sugar that is being used for the test. It should be stored properly in an airtight jar and should be moisture free. 
  • If the sugar is old or has moisture, it can form lumps before it comes in contact with the urine sample. So, even if there is HCG hormone present, the lumps in the sugar will not let it get dissolved in urine, leading to a negative result and showing the lady to be pregnant when she is not.
  • It is therefore always better to get the pregnancy test reconfirmation through a professional kit after some days and determine if the result is the same or something else.
  • A yet important factor is to do the test after understanding the body and also at the right time.
  • Stress is one reason which can delay the periods and if the pregnancy test is done at this time, the results will be faulty.
  • It is thus better to keep a check on the results after a few days if one has been consistently trying to conceive.
  • Since the reliability of the sugar pregnancy test is questionable, it is better to for other economical options like the HGC strips. These are less expensive than regular pregnancy kits and much more accurate as well.
  • The sugar clamping indicates that one is pregnant, but the results are not too accurate if compared with the results of any pregnancy kit. 

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Other Home Pregnancy Tests

Many pregnancy tests can be done at home to detect if the woman is pregnant. Apart from the sugar pregnancy test, other tests that can be used are as follows:

  • Toothpaste Pregnancy test– This is a test where a few drops of urine are poured over toothpaste and if it turns blue and frothy, it indicates pregnancy and no reaction if not pregnant.
  • Shampoo Pregnancy test Add water and shampoo to get a soapy solution to which a few drops of urine are added. In the case of bubbles and froth, pregnancy is indicated else not.
  • Salt Pregnancy test- If a pinch of salt is added to the urine sample and creamy white clumps are seen, it shows a positive sign of pregnancy.
  • Soap Pregnancy test- In this, a few drops of urine are poured over soap, in case of froth and bubbles, it indicates pregnancy and no reaction indicates its negative.
  • Dettol Pregnancy test- When a few drops of urine are poured over some Dettol and urine makes a separate layer on the top, it indicates pregnancy and if it mixes well, it indicates no pregnancy
  • Vinegar Pregnancy test- When a few drops of urine are slowly added to some vinegar, and the color changes, it indicates pregnancy.

Benefits Of Natural Pregnancy Test

Benefits of Natural Pregnancy Test

Using a natural pregnancy test does have some advantages. Those who hesitate to take the natural route may miss out on the following advantages:

  • When you don’t want people to know about your pregnancy but you’re worried about getting pregnant after unprotected sex, this technique can help.
  • It can be difficult to conceal the disposal of a home pregnancy test kit, but not if you use natural ingredients.
  • Natural pregnancy tests are cost-effective.
  • Your kitchen already has all the necessary ingredients to perform pregnancy tests.
  • Instead of going to the pharmacy, you can take the test in the convenience of your own home
  • The natural ingredients used have no shelf life, so there is no need to worry about an expiration date.

It is recommended to double-check the results of the sugar pregnancy test with the help of a professional kit, or even better, to have the results confirmed by a doctor or practitioner.  It’s important to get it retested after some time has passed, as it’s possible the initial results were inaccurate. However, if you want to know if you’re pregnant without any hassle, a home pregnancy test is your best bet, though its accuracy is subject to debate.


1. Will sugar dissolve in urine if pregnant?

No, sugar does not dissolve in urine when pregnant as it forms clumps. This shows that the hCG hormone is present, which stops sugar from dissolving in urine.

2. How long does the sugar pregnancy test take?

It only takes five minutes to determine whether the sugar pregnancy test results are positive or negative. 

3. How accurate is the sugar pregnancy test?

The sugar pregnancy test is not completely accurate because it is affected by many external factors such as the quality of the sugar, the time of the test, the sterilization of the bowl, the urine sample, and so on.


The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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