Home Pregnancy 15 Home Remedies For Pigmentation During Pregnancy

15 Home Remedies For Pigmentation During Pregnancy

by Ambili S Kartha

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Skin pigmentation during pregnancy is a common, temporary, harmless yet, annoying issue during pregnancy. It can affect the way you look and feel about yourself.

Pregnancy is a time a woman’s body undergoes many significant changes. It is not only the side effects of a growing belly, gaining weight, and mood swings a pregnant woman is subjected to. Some skin conditions like melasma, even though will not affect the pregnancy, can take a toll on her self-esteem.

And because chemical treatments are not recommended during pregnancy, here are 15 home remedies for pigmentation during pregnancy.

What Is Melasma During Pregnancy?

Melasma during pregnancy is a pigmentary disorder that affects 50 to 70% of expecting mothers.  It is characterized by blotchy pigmented patches that appear typically on the face. It usually appears on the forehead, chin, or cheeks.

Pigmentation during pregnancy can also appear on the upper lip or on the bridge of the nose. Sometimes pigmentation around the neck during pregnancy is counted as a hint that the woman is carrying a boy. However, there is no scientific basis for this.

The color of the patches varies from brown to gray. The color depends on the skin type and the degree of discoloration ranges from few lightly pigmented spots to large highly pigmented patches. They do not itch or cause pain or in any way affect the normal progression of pregnancy.

For women who already have melisma or pigmentation before pregnancy, some additional patches develop or it extends to more areas during pregnancy. Melasma can appear at any time during pregnancy. However, it is most common during the second and third trimesters.

Will Melasma Disappear After Delivery?

Pregnancy-induced melasma starts to fade after delivery and in due course, as the hormonal balance is restored, it will disappear. Melasma during pregnancy is also known as the mask of pregnancy. Therefore, at some point in time, the mask will fall off.

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On the other hand, if melasma is a pre-existing condition, it will not disappear after delivery. It goes deep into the skin layer rather than lingering in the outer layer, making it difficult to be cured completely.

However, by using home remedies in your daily skincare regimen, you can bring down its intensity significantly and restore a healthy complexion.

Related Reading: 8 Common Pregnancy Skin Problems

15 Home Remedies For Pigmentation During Pregnancy

Pigmentation during pregnancy can surely be worrisome. Even though it is a temporary situation, no one wishes to carry dark patches on their face throughout the pregnancy. Chemical peels and treatments are out of the question when you are pregnant. Natural remedies however, can be put to use.

Here are some home remedies that help to deal with pigmentation during pregnancy

1. Turmeric for pigmentation

Turmeric for pigmentation

The bleaching and anti-bacterial properties of turmeric make it one of the top home remedies to fight off pigmentation in the face.

You can make a turmeric paste and apply it on the face. You can make the paste either with milk or with lemon juice. Milk has cleansing and moisturizing property. It helps with skin whitening by exfoliating the dark spots. Lemon juice, on the other hand, has a beaching effect.

Related Reading: Turmeric During Pregnancy – Is It Safe?

How to use turmeric for pigmentation during pregnancy

Mix 1 tbsp lemon juice and two pinches of turmeric powder. Apply it to the affected area. Wash off after five to ten minutes in cold water. For the turmeric-milk face pack, take milk and turmeric in a 2:1 ratio.

Make a smooth paste. Apply this paste to the affected area(s). While applying you have to make gentle circular motions. This will give a smooth massaging effect. Now leave it on for 20 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water. Doing it every day, before bath, will give you remarkable results.

2. Apple cider vinegar and water

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid. This acid can act as a chemical peel which may lighten skin pigmentation during pregnancy.

How to use apple cider vinegar during pregnancy

Take water and apple cider vinegar in a 3:1 ratio. Three parts of water should be combined with one part of apple cider vinegar. You can store it in an airtight container. Using a cotton ball you can apply this on the affected area.

Wait for two to three minutes. Wash with lukewarm water. Because ACV is acidic, you have to apply moisturizer after washing the face. Also adding the contents of a vitamin E capsule to the container of the ACV and water will help to reduce the possible skin dryness, a side effect of applying ACV on the skin.

3. Coffee face mask

Coffee face mask

Using coffee for pigmentation is a part of many beauty therapies. Coffee is loaded with antioxidants and also it is beneficial in enhancing blood circulation. Because of its exfoliating property, it is used to reduce the tan and also lighten and tighten the skin.

All you need for this face pack is turmeric, yogurt, and coffee powder. Turmeric, which is enriched with vitamin C helps to fight the dullness of the skin.

Yogurt is loaded with AHA (alpha-hydroxy acids), which nourishes the skin. It also helps to fight off pimples.

How to use it

Take coffee powder, turmeric, and yogurt in a 1:1:1 ratio. Mix and stir well to make a smooth paste. Wash your face and pat dry. Now apply the face mask by using downward stroke. After 20 minutes, wash it off with plenty of water. You can use this pack twice a week.

4. Oats- cornmeal- apple face mask

Oatmeal has good exfoliating properties. Cornmeal has fantastic skin lightening properties.  Copper in apples reduces the melanin production. At the same time, vitamin A reduces dark spots, thereby, giving a clean look to the skin. Now you can see why this face pack is excellent for reducing pigmentation during pregnancy.

How to use it

Put 1 tablespoon of oatmeal powder, 1 tablespoon of cornmeal powder, and the peeled and chopped half an apple in a blender. Blend it into a smooth paste. Remove the paste into a bowl and mix one tablespoon of honey to the paste.

Apply this pack all over the face and neck. Once dried, wash your face first with lukewarm water and next with normal water. Now pat dry the face and apply a moisturizer. Use this pack once a week for the best results.

5. Orange peel pack

Orange peel pack

Orange peel carries more Vitamin C than orange fruit. The antibacterial and antimicrobial property as well as the astringent and antioxidant property of orange peel makes it a key ingredient in many beauty products and DIY face packs.

Orange peel pack is excellent to remove pigmentation around the mouth. You can dry the orange peel and powder it. Store this in an airtight jar. You can make a variety of face packs that can help to reduce pigmentation during pregnancy with this orange peel.

How to use it

Mix raw milk in this powder to make a paste and apply it all over the face. After 15 to 20 minutes, wash the face with cold water. Alternatively, you can use yogurt also to make the orange peel face mask.

6. Aloe vera gel

Studies show Aloesin, a natural depigmenting compound in aloe vera can effectively treat melasma during pregnancy.

How to use Aloe vera gel during pregnancy for skin pigmentation

Apply aloe vera gel liberally all over the face. Wash it in cold water after 20 minutes. Do it every day and eventually, you will see the pigmentation is reducing significantly.

7. Raw potato honey pack

Potato contains a skin-bleaching enzyme called catecholase. You can just rub a cut portion of raw potato gently in the affected area daily to get an amazing result.

How to use it

Chop raw potato and grind it in a mixer. Never add water. Now strain the content to get potato juice. To this, you can add a few drops of lemon (raw potato and lemon pack), and one teaspoon of multanimitti. Mix all components well to make a smooth paste.

You can add some rosewater to get the desired consistency. Apply this face pack evenly to face and neck. After 15 to 20 minutes, wash it with plenty of cold water.

8. Papaya face pack

Papaya face pack

Papaya for melasma is very effective.  Papaya is another fruit that has natural bleaching property. Using a face pack that consists of papaya help in reducing pigmentation. Applying papaya pulp directly to the affected area also gives an amazing result.

How to use it

Take 2 tablespoons of ripe papaya pulp, 1 tablespoon of aloe vera pulp, 1 tablespoon honey in a bowl. Mix well to make a pack. Apply it evenly all over the face and neck.  Wash it off after 30 minutes. You can use this pack once every three days.

9. Ghee for skin pigmentation during pregnancy

We all know the health benefits of having ghee in our diets, but did you know that ghee can also be used to enhance your beauty? Ghee for pigmentation is widely used in home remedies. It has all essential skin vitamins like Vitamin E, K, D, and A.

How to use it

Take besan and ghee in a 1:1 ratio. Mix it well without forming any lumps. Apply it evenly to the face and neck. Once it is fully dry, wash off with cold water. You can also make a pack with ghee and turmeric for a lightened and even skin tone.

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10. Sandalwood powder

Sandalwood is an excellent home remedy for pigmentation. It suits all skin types. Sandalwood powder is a key ingredient used in beauty products and you can rely on it even if you are having very sensitive skin.

How to use it

You can mix it with rose water, aloe vera gel, or cucumber juice to make a fine paste and apply it evenly to the face and neck. These packs work best to bring down pigmentation during pregnancy.

11. Lemon juice honey pack for pigmentation

Lemon juice honey pack for pigmentation

Lemon juice has a natural bleaching effect. Hence it is highly effective in reducing pigmentation during pregnancy. But due to its acidic property, it can dry the skin. Here comes the importance of honey, a natural moisturizer that prevents too much drying of the skin.

How to use it

Mix one portion of honey with two portions of lemon juice. Using a cotton ball, apply this evenly in the affected area. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Related Reading: Can Lemon Water During Pregnancy Cause Abortion?

12. Avocado pack

Avocados are an excellent source of oleic acid and vitamin C.  Avocado pack is an effective home remedy for skin pigmentation during pregnancy.

How to use it

You can mash avocado pulp to smooth paste using a mixer grinder. You can either apply this face mask directly all over the face and neck or you can add yogurt to the paste to enhance the result as yogurt is well known for eliminating pigmentation. Adding little milk and honey to the avocado paste is also beneficial.

13. Almond

Lack of vitamin E can cause skin pigmentation. Almonds are a good source of Vitamin E. You can either soak almonds overnight and make a paste and use it to prepare face masks, or you can also use the powdered form of almonds.

How to use it

You can mix almond paste/ powder with sandalwood powder and rose water to make a face pack.  You can also mix almond paste and honey and apply it to the affected area. Wash all the almond face packs before it gets dry. (around 15 to 20 inures).

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14. Vitamin E, papaya, and multanimitti mask

Vitamin E, papaya, and multanimitti mask

Papaya and vitamin E are highly effective in getting rid of skin pigmentation on their own. Just imagine the result when you add multanimitti with its natural cleansing and exfoliating properties.

How to use it

Put the contents of two vitamin E capsules into a bowl. To this add one tablespoon of papaya paste and one tablespoon of multanimitti. Add needed rose water to make a smooth paste. Apply it all over the face and neck. After 20 minutes, wash it off with lukewarm water. For good results use this pack once a week.

15. Green tree extract

Studies show green tea extract has a depigmenting property. You can use brewed green tea (after bringing it to room temperature) instead of water/ rosewater in a depigmenting face pack to enhance the result.

How to use it

Green tea extract of top brands is available in the market. You can apply it as directed. Applying used green tea bags in the pigmented area two or three times daily also helps to reduce the pigmentation during pregnancy.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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