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10 Safety Rules To Teach Your Kids At Home

by Sushree Venkat

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10 Safety Rules At Home For Kids

Nothing in the world could be as safe as our home for our kids. Well yes, this is what we have been thinking all over. However, safety rules at home for kids don’t end with having a few gadgets like smoke detectors. In that case, how safe are our homes for kids, and what about safety rules at home to avoid accidents?

Right from crawling, walking, and learning safety habits, a home remains their first school and the first place from where babies explore and learn first and foremost. Safety is not only a concern when a child steps out of the house. It is even more important to keep the child safe at home for this is where the child spends most of their time.

10 Safety Rules For Kids To Keep Them Safe

The safety for the initial days of the baby’s growth is mostly monitored by moms as they have an eye on what the child is up to. There are baby proofing ideas to ensure there are no accidents that many of us follow, however, it is important to follow basic safety rules at home which will keep everyone safe.

Maintaining safety at home cannot be maintained by moms alone. The safety part of the home needs to be seen from all aspects. Though most moms follow safety rules at home to avoid accidents, it is seen to vary from one to another.

Talking about safety is a broad topic, however, it is important not to miss the basics to keep your home safe.

So let us see what are the 10 safety rules and why you should have safety rules at home.

1. Always keep doors locked

Teach this as the first thing to your little one while they get to know about safety. Home is a safe place, yes, but only when the doors are closed. Keeping the doors opened leaves the way for strangers to get in easily.

A closed-door doesn’t allow strangers to get in nor your little one to get out. Until infants, the safety of kids wasn’t a major concern as they cannot easily get out of the home. You’ll feel relieved about the child’s safety with a closed door.

Also, teach your kids not to go out of home without your knowledge or bring in someone without informing you prior.

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2. Teach them contact information

Teach them contact information

Kids need to know important contact numbers and whom to contact in case of an emergency. This is most useful when you are not around or the kid gets missed in a crowd.

Teach your child to memorize contact numbers and your home address. Teach children their full names along with the parent’s name. Let your child know the basic calling method to reach you in case of an emergency.

Remember every household should have a list of emergency contact numbers handy. You can also include numbers of police, fire safety in this list.

3. Safety rule for children- saying “No” to strangers

One basic safety rule to teach your kids is not to interact with strangers. Strangers might sound interesting and use smart techniques to attract kids easily. However, telling kids to avoid them minimizes the risk of kidnap and other complications.

Teach kids that strangers are dangerous, especially when you are not around them. Let your kids not be influenced by other kids who talk freely to anyone. If someone unknown is approaching your kid, tell your child to make some noise and reach out to the emergency number.

Also, let them not open doors for strangers in case they are alone. You can also install a security camera through which you will have an idea of who is at the door.

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4. No to water

Children love water. No matter in what mood they are, letting them play in water could easily switch their mood. This doesn’t mean they could be in the pool and water without adult supervision.

Though it’s fun to play in the water, one of the important safety rules at home to avoid accidents should be not to let the child unattended, especially in water tubs/pools. The chances of the child drowning are very high. Also, keep everything within the reach of the children to prevent accidents due to falls.

Remember, drowning happens within seconds. Make sure the water level is not above the hip level. Always wrap your kid and leave the room in case of emergency.

5. Keep chemicals out of reach

Many household products are potentially dangerous to kids. Kids love to explore. They might find anything and everything interesting, especially those detergents and bathroom cleaners. One basic safety rule is to keep them all out of the child’s reach.

Remove all such potential hazards and store them in a cupboard that is out of reach of the children. Also, latch those cupboards so that kids will be unable to open them even if they attempt to.

Also, keep deodorants and garden fertilizers out of children’s reach. Ensure the products are stored in original containers and not in any food tins, which the kid could mistake.

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6. Electrical safety rules for kids at home

Electrical safety rules

Electrical safety rules are the foremost important one in 10 safety rules at home for kids. As we know, kids love to explore and play with everything. The electrical points in the home seem so welcoming for them.

However, the points could turn fatal if left unattended. Make sure unattended or points that are within the child’s reach are highly secured. Hide lengthy wires from the extension cord so the child doesn’t play with it. Cover electrical points using heavy objects like furniture.

You can also cover those electrical points with plastic covers. Repair any damaged points always with the help of a certified electrician. Also, check out for any unusual circuits or breakouts as electricity is also a common source of accidents at home.

7. Mounted tv and furniture safety

Accidental falls are a common type of injury for kids. The severity depends upon the height of the fall. Mounted TVs are common in every household. This is one object the child tries to touch and hang. While the child uses a chair to climb and explore, chances are high the child slips and falls.

Make sure that the TVs in homes are well mounted. Also, keep heavy furniture like drawers of the dressing table and showcase drawers secured so the child doesn’t fall.

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8. Watch over small-sized items

It’s important to follow safety rules at home to avoid accidents when kids are around. Kids usually play with small toys and hence the chances of choking hazards are very high.

Keep away small items such as buttons, coins, earrings, pins out of reach of your child. Never leave your child unattended while they play with small items. Also, be careful while you feed your child with nuts and food.

Always break the nuts and cut the fruits and vegetables into small pieces and serve the child. Keep a watch until the child completes eating as all these are possible choking hazards.

9. Pet safety

Pets are fun and are the best companions for your child. However, teasing the pets or irritating them could turn things worse. Let your child know how to play with the pets and not to disturb them during their sleep or eat time. Remember, pets can bite even if they are too excited.

Never allow your child to explore the dog’s food and put them in their mouth. Also, keep a watch if the child lets their hand inside the pet’s mouth as the teeth of pets such as dogs could hurt your little one.

Always go for a pet that will suit your lifestyle. Don’t let your child alone with the pet and let the child not hug or play vigorously with the pet.

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10. Keep the medicines out of reach

Keep the medicines out of reach

Medicines at home need to be handled and kept safely. It includes both the adults and the child medicines. Safety rules at home to avoid accidents in the case of medicines should never be ignored.

The drug components used in tablets vary from one to another. In case the child swallows the medicine of an adult, it could turn fatal for the child. Always store medicines in a tight box and keep them out of reach of the child. Let them know not to take one unless given by you.

Also, as parents, it is advised you give your child only the drugs prescribed by the child’s doctor.


No matter how safe and secure your home is, home injuries are pretty much common. It is therefore important to follow the above 10 safety rules at home to avoid accidents.

Possible threats in a home could be a fall from height, being bitten by a pet, choking hazards, electrical safety at home. However, these accidents are widely preventable if the safety rules are properly followed at home.

The parents need to be proactive and teach the child certain safety rules that need to be followed for the wellbeing of all. Always keep thinking about the potential hazards at home for your child, as the moment you remove one, the child goes on to find something even worse.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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