Home Baby (New-born) 9 Tips To Handle A Newborn Baby Alone

9 Tips To Handle A Newborn Baby Alone

by Sushree Venkat

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Taking care of a newborn baby is a challenging task for mothers as it is exhausting and overwhelming. And it becomes even more difficult when you have to handle a newborn baby without any help. The very thought of bringing home a newborn without support is intimidating. Hence, it is acceptable to let yourself go through this disappointment, stress, fear and so much more.

The first few weeks of having a newborn could be tough especially when you don’t know how to handle a newborn baby alone. Things such as constant feeds, sleepless nights, unaware of what to do could take a toll.

If you are struggling alone with newborn baby care after birth at home, here are a few tips from experienced moms which could make things easier.

Is It Possible To Raise A Newborn Alone?

Bringing a newborn and taking care of a newborn all alone could be challenging, but it doesn’t mean it is impossible. You doubt your parenting abilities over this, especially if you are a new mom. You might probably be feeling a bit of apprehension and uncertainty. Things such as how you will be taking care of this one, and how much you can meet their needs would be something that will be running over your mind. But, don’t worry!

Though handling a newborn baby without any help would be daunting, once you get set with the routine, things become easier. But remember to set aside some ME time for yourself in this schedule. Though this task might seem stressful, boring, and mundane, it is important to handle it with a smile. Otherwise, this might lead to frustration.

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While raising a child is difficult in any circumstances, when you handle a newborn baby alone, you become entirely responsible for the day-to-day child care. This could lead to pressure, stress, and fatigue.

You can reduce this stress and turn parenting into an exciting phase by doing the following things.

  • Keep showing more love to your little one
  • Plan a proper schedule that will help you anticipate what to expect
  • Don’t blame yourself in any circumstance
  • Keep your sense of humor alive to tackle any situation
  • Maintain a healthy diet and a proper sleep schedule

9 Tips To Handle A Newborn Baby Alone

The process of bringing a newborn is daunting and magical. However, it can be challenging when you don’t have a support system to help you during your doctor visits or your sleepless nights. Many of them depend upon an extended family when it comes to handling newborn baby care after birth at home. Unfortunately, this isn’t something that all new parents have.

You need to know the do’s and don’ts of a newborn baby especially when you don’t know how to handle a newborn baby alone. This applies to any mom or dad who is raising a baby either as a single parent or as co-parents without a support network. Whatever it is, you need to figure out the best ways in which you can raise your child peacefully and also get some time for yourself.

Below are a few tips to make things easier for you.

1. Maintain a routine

Since young children constantly need your attention and remain unsettled most of the time, maintaining a constant routine will assure them that you are there for them when they need you. Once you are used to this, things become easy for you as you manage work according to your baby’s schedule.

Learn how to let go of the perfectly clean house concept and embrace the mess. Break down the cleaning task throughout the week so you don’t have to pressurize at all once. Figure out a good schedule and learn to stick with it.  The more you have scheduled out, the less you have to think about.

2. Sleep when the baby sleeps

 Sleep when the baby sleeps

When you handle a newborn baby without any help, all you end up in is exhaustion. Since it’s you who is going to take care of the baby all alone, you need to make sleep a priority by sleeping as much as you can. That is why it is important to sleep when the baby sleeps — even when she does it as early as 7.00 or 7.30 pm.

On the other hand, there are a few moms who utilize this time to prepare for the next day such as ironing clothes or cutting vegetables, etc. Some even get their meals ready to keep things hassle-free. However, see what time suits you best to take a nap so you get the much-needed sleep.

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3. Learn to take a break

There are always a few ways to take a break for yourself, even when you have to handle a newborn baby alone. In case you are working or your baby might be in the daycare or with a babysitter, take a break for yourself before rushing to pick them up. Don’t feel guilty as you deserve them all.

Small things such as going grocery shopping alone or to a spa to get your nails done could also make you feel relaxed and give you the much-needed energy to take care of the baby alone.

4. Don’t give up doing things you love

It becomes so easy to give up doing things you love, especially if you are to handle a newborn baby without any help. Your aspirations and thoughts about life go in a flash. Even if it is for a few minutes, don’t give up doing the ones you love. If reading is what you like, spend at least 15-20 minutes on it before going to bed.

Be it lunch with a friend or your favorite show on Netflix, be the person you were before becoming a mother.

5. Take one day at a time

When you don’t know how to handle a newborn baby alone, everything around you could turn out to be stressful. The biggest key to ease this is to handle one thing and think about the present day alone. Do not worry about tomorrow. See what you could do to make the present-day peaceful. Concentrate on how best you could complete the tasks for the day. Repeat the same daily. Do not overwhelm yourself by thinking too far into the future.

6. Don’t be too hard on yourself

Life changes significantly when you bring a newborn to your home. You might not have time to cook, do laundry, or keep things organized or many such things might not fit into your routine. However, remember that the first few days you spend with the child are going to be memorable and the rest will fade away.

Don’t be hard on yourself for not accomplishing everything. It is wise to take every chance you get to rest. Or you could also get some fresh air along with your newborn which might keep you relaxed.

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7. Wear your baby

Wear your baby

We all know about the importance of skin contact with the baby as soon as they are born. This is applicable even after you go home as well. The benefits of skin-to-skin contact have been reinforced by many and must be practiced by the parents together with their baby. Hold the baby against your body (bare preferably) and establish contact.

Skin-to-skin care can help calm your baby, providing increased opportunities for nursing, encouraging parent-child bonding, and regulating your baby’s body temperature and metabolism. It also creates a sense of security for the baby.

8. Track feedings and diapers

Every new parent has this worry about whether the child gets sufficient food or not. Unlike bottle-feeding moms, breastfeeding moms don’t have the option to track the amount of milk-fed. This is when many moms doubt their ability to breastfeed. Frequently feeding your baby will ensure they get sufficient milk.

Though weight check is the best way to track your baby’s development, there are other signs you can watch for, such as how many wet and poopy diapers your child produces every day. This is pretty helpful during the first few weeks when you are trying to establish a routine.

9. Ask for help

It is inevitable that once your baby is born, people will come and meet you and check on your little one. Though many might be willing to help you, they might not know that you may want somebody to help. Be free to open up and let them know. Keep a simple to-do list that can be handed over to friends and family so they can carry on with it.

These could be simple things such as buying a grocery, folding clothes, or asking to babysit so you can have your shower. Through this, your loved ones will feel involved and helpful and you get some time for yourself too.



Bringing a new baby home can be nerve-wracking for any parent. It becomes even more of a nightmare if it is your first baby. The constant fear of making a mistake can be overwhelming. But you need to accept the fact that not everything can be done right. Going through those first few weeks with the newborn takes patience, self-care, and boundary setting. But it is not impossible.

If you are still worried about how to handle a newborn baby alone, remember, there are a lot more parents out there feeling just the way you do. Though everything you are feeling is valid, just say to yourself, this too shall pass!

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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