Home Baby (New-born) When And How To Give Almonds To Babies

When And How To Give Almonds To Babies

by Aiswarya Shibu

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When And How To Give Almonds To Babies

Introducing your little one to solid foods is an exciting milestone, and when it comes to wholesome options, almonds stand out as a nutritional powerhouse. Almonds are known for being versatile nuts. They’re quite tasty, which is why both adults and kids love them.

But are almonds good for babies? Can babies eat almonds?

If your little one doesn’t have any allergies, feel free to introduce almonds to them. Almonds have a slightly sweet taste that babies might enjoy. However, when it comes to almonds for babies, there are a few things to think about.

Adding almonds to a baby’s diet can be challenging since babies can’t chew them and they pose a choking risk. In this blog, we’ll discuss everything from the nutritional value to the precautions you need to take to ensure you have all the information you need to make informed decisions about your baby’s health and well-being.

Nutritional Value Of Almonds For Kids 

There are two types of almonds: sweet and bitter. People tend to prefer sweet almonds, especially when eating them raw. The bitter type is commonly used for cooking rather than snacking. Both types provide a range of health advantages.

They are a great source of protein, good fats, and fiber, among other nutrients. To gain a deeper insight into the nutritional content of 100 grams of these amazing nuts, please refer to the table below1.

         Energy            579 kcal
    Protein      21.2 g
Fat49.9 g
Carbohydrate21.6 g
Fiber12.5 g
Calcium269 mg
Magnesium270 mg
Phosphorous481 mg
Iron3.71 mg
Potassium733 mg
Folate44 µg
Zinc3.12 mg
Selenium4.1 µg
Manganese    2.18 mg    
Copper1.03 mg
Choline52.1 mg
Vitamin E25.6 mg
Vitamin A2 IU
Nutritional Value Of Almonds For Kids 

When Can You Introduce Almonds To Your Baby?

When Can You Introduce Almonds To Your Baby

Usually, paediatricians suggest introducing solid foods around six months of age, when babies display signs of readiness like sitting up with support, showing curiosity about food, and being able to swallow it. At this stage, their digestive system is more mature, making it safer to introduce new foods.

Almonds can be introduced to babies when they are ready to start eating solid foods, typically around 6 months old. However, babies can’t chew on whole almonds, which poses a choking risk. It is advisable to include almonds as almond butter or finely ground almonds to safely introduce them to this nut.

It is recommended to begin giving small portions of almonds to your infant when introducing them to their diet. Remember to watch closely for any signs of allergies when introducing new foods.

When incorporating almonds into a baby’s diet, begin with one-eighth of a teaspoon of creamy almond butter diluted with water, breast milk, or formula. If your baby shows no negative response, you can gradually increase the quantity.

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Possible Health Benefits Of Almonds For Babies

Packed with heart-healthy fats, protein, and fiber, almonds are a superfood. They are a great source of essential nutrients that babies need to grow and develop. 

 Following are some of the top benefits of almonds for babies:

1. Boosts brain growth.

Almonds are often regarded as one of the best brain foods. Consuming almonds has been linked to enhanced focus and cognitive abilities.

Thus,  introducing badam to your baby can improve his or her memory and cognitive functions. 

  • Badam is blessed with healthy fats, antioxidants, and vitamin E2. These nutrients promote brain health by safeguarding neurons against oxidative stress and inflammation3.
  • Almonds are rich in two vital nutrients, L-carnitine and riboflavin, that contribute to brain function4.
  • Moreover, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), a type of omega-3 fatty acid found in almonds, is particularly important for brain and eye development in babies4.

Related Reading: Giving Bananas To Babies- All You Need To Know

2. Contributes to better bone and dental health

Babies whose diets include almonds are more likely to develop strong bones

  • Almonds provide essential trace minerals like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus that are important for dental and bone health5.
  • Calcium is crucial for bone density and strength.
  • Magnesium aids in calcium absorption and bone mineralization6.
  • Phosphorus contributes to bone structure and function.

3. Contributes to healthy skin

Almonds can contribute to smoother, healthier skin in babies, reducing the risk of skin issues like eczema.

  • Almonds are rich in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant recognized for its skin-nourishing benefits7.
  • Almonds have anti-inflammatory compounds that aid in reducing skin inflammation and redness8. Therefore, incorporating almonds into the baby’s diet could help relieve symptoms of skin conditions such as eczema or diaper rash.
  • In addition to this, topically using vitamin E-rich almond paste for baby skin is also beneficial. Almond paste is rich in natural oils, which deeply moisturize and hydrate the baby’s skin. It helps prevent dryness and keeps the skin soft and supple.

4. Help promote healthy digestion in infants

Almonds are generally well-tolerated by most babies and are less likely to cause digestive upset compared to some other high-fiber foods. Almonds can contribute to digestive health in babies due to several reasons:

  • Almonds have a high dietary fiber content, which helps promote overall digestive health by supporting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria9.
  • Fiber promotes regular bowel movements and prevents gastrointestinal discomfort. Thus, almonds for babies’ constipation are very effective.
  • Studies have shown that both raw and roasted almonds have the potential to promote prebiotic effects by regulating intestinal bacteria and enhancing metabolic activities10.

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5. Boosts nutrient absorption

For the body to absorb “fat-soluble” nutrients, the baby’s diet must contain sufficient amounts of fat.

  • Almonds are a good source of healthy fats, including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats11.
  • Healthy fats are essential for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, and K, which are crucial for overall health and development in babies12.

6. Promotes healthy weight gain in babies

Including almonds in a baby’s diet can prevent malnutrition and promote healthy growth13. A balanced weight gain is crucial for overall growth and development. Nutrient density in almonds ensures weight gain 

  • Almonds are calorie-dense and provide healthy fats necessary for weight gain in babies. With just a few almonds, your baby can get a major energy boost.
  • Babies’ healthy growth and development of muscles and bones depend on a diet rich in protein. Almonds are rich in protein.

7. Boost immunity

Because of their high antioxidant content, almonds aid in the elimination of harmful substances from the body and boost immunity in children. 

  • Almonds are a good source of nutrients that are important for immune function, such as zinc and selenium14.
  • The fiber content in almonds promotes healthy gut microbiota by providing fuel for beneficial gut bacteria. A balanced and diverse gut microbiota is essential for a strong immune system15.
  • Almonds contain compounds with anti-inflammatory properties, such as flavonoids and phenolic acids16. This also contributes to immunity in babies.

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8. May help to prevent allergy in babies

According to studies, introducing nuts to a baby’s diet at a young age may reduce the likelihood that the child will develop nut allergies later in life.

  • Early exposure to potential allergens like almonds (with the supervision of a pediatrician) helps the baby’s immune system develop tolerance rather than triggering an allergic reaction. This exposure teaches the immune system that these foods are safe and prevents it from overreacting to them in the future.

Potential Side Effects Of Almonds For Babies

Potential Side Effects Of Almonds For Babies

Although almonds are healthy for adults, there are some concerns about giving them to babies. Some potential side effects of almonds on babies are listed below.

1. Risk of choking

Whole almonds or large almond pieces can pose a choking hazard for babies, especially those who are just beginning to eat solid foods. Babies may not have developed the ability to chew food properly or coordinate swallowing effectively.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends avoiding whole nuts and large chunks of food for babies and young children due to the risk of choking. Babies have smaller airways and less developed swallowing reflexes, increasing their vulnerability to choking hazards.

2. Introducing it too soon may increase the likelihood of allergic reactions.

Almonds can be a common allergen, and giving them to babies before they are 6 months old may raise the chances of developing allergies or sensitivities, especially if there is a family history.

Infants’ evolving immune systems could be more vulnerable to sensitization during the initial months. Thus, even though giving almonds to a 9-month-old baby poses no risk, giving them to babies under 6 months is a risk. 

3. Could cause digestive issues

Consuming too many almonds could potentially cause digestive issues in infants. Almonds are rich in fiber.  While fiber is essential for a healthy digestive system, introducing high-fiber foods too early in a baby’s diet can overwhelm their immature digestive systems17.

Babies may struggle with digesting high amounts of fiber, which could result in digestive issues like gas, bloating, or constipation.

4. The risks  of nutrient imbalances

Babies require a precise balance of macronutrients and micronutrients to support their rapid growth and development18. Almonds are high in fat, particularly healthy monounsaturated fats. 

While healthy fats are important for brain development, excessive consumption of almonds could potentially displace other vital nutrients in a baby’s diet, leading to imbalances.

Thus, moderation is the key when it comes to giving almonds to a 6-month-old baby. Overconsumption of almonds can disrupt the balance of macronutrients and micronutrients and cause problems with nutrient absorption or weight gain.

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Precautions When Feeding Almonds To Infants

Especially in cases where there is a history of food allergies in the family or other risk factors, it is important to proceed with caution and the guidance of a pediatrician when introducing allergenic foods to infants. It applies to almonds as well.

Following are some precautions to take while feeding almonds to infants: 

  • Avoid whole almonds: Whole almonds pose a choking hazard for infants due to their small size and hard texture. Instead, opt for almond butter or finely ground almonds to minimize the risk of choking.
  • Make sure the texture is smooth: Whether you’re offering almond butter or ground almonds, ensure that the texture is smooth and easily digestible for infants. Avoid coarse or chunky almond products that may be difficult for them to swallow.
  • Monitor chewing ability: To prevent choking, watch your child eat. It’s important to monitor how well they can chew to make sure they can handle various food textures safely. Keep an eye on how well your baby chews and modify the consistency of almond products as needed. 
  • Soak the almonds: Always opt for soaked almonds for babies. Soaked almonds are believed to have increased nutrient bioavailability compared to raw almonds19. Almonds, when soaked, become more easily pureed and are also easier for infants to digest.
  • Ensure that they are stored correctly: Store almonds and almond products properly in a cool, dry place. Store it in airtight containers to maintain freshness and prevent contamination. Keep almond butter refrigerated after opening to prevent spoilage.
  • Choose unsalted and unflavored: Select unsalted and unflavored almond products for infants to avoid excessive sodium intake and potential exposure to additives or flavorings that may not be suitable for their delicate digestive systems.

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5 Easy Ways To Incorporate Almonds In Your Baby’s Diet

You should be careful when adding almonds to your baby’s diet because they can choke if they are not prepared properly. Find out 5 simple and risk-free ways to introduce almonds to your infant’s diet:

  1. Incorporate almonds into your infant’s diet by mixing them with other baby-friendly foods such as mashed fruits, vegetables, or baby cereals. This helps in introducing new flavors gradually and diversifying their diet.
  2. Mix a tiny amount of almond butter into plain yogurt to add flavor and nutrients. Choose yogurt with no added sugars or artificial flavors.
  3. Cook baby oatmeal or rice cereal with almond milk instead of water. This adds a creamy texture and almond flavor to the cereal. Ensure the porridge is smooth and easy for your baby to swallow.
  4. Blend almond milk with ripe fruits like bananas or berries to make a nutritious smoothie. This introduces your baby to different textures and flavors while providing essential nutrients.
  5. It can be mixed while making desserts like halwa and pudding (kheer).
How Many Almonds Can A Baby Eat Everyday?

How Many Almonds Can A Baby Eat Everyday?

Between 6 to 9 months, babies can have almonds in powdered or paste form. It’s a bit tricky to figure out how many almonds to give your baby since they can’t have whole or sliced almonds, but we can measure it out in spoons.

Start by introducing almond powder to your baby. You can begin with one teaspoon and then slowly increase it if the baby tolerates it well. For a nine-month-old baby, it’s recommended to give one almond per day.


According to ancient Indian Ayurvedic practitioners, almonds were thought to enhance brain capacity, intellectual ability, and longevity. It’s best to wait until your little one is around 6 months old before giving them almonds or any solid foods. It helps their digestive system mature properly and lowers the chances of developing allergies.

Make sure they’re sitting up straight while they eat and wait until they’re older and can chew safely before giving them whole almonds. Keep an eye on your little one for any allergic reactions like hives, vomiting, diarrhea, or breathing issues once you start giving them almonds. Before giving almonds to your child, it’s a good idea to talk to a pediatrician if nut allergies run in the family.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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