Home Toddler 13 Alternatives To Saying No To A Child

13 Alternatives To Saying No To A Child

by Sushree Venkat

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13 Alternatives To Saying No To A Child - Be

“No” is a common word that is used by parents to children and by the child to the parent as well. A parent needs to know how to say no to a child so that the child can later say “no” to themselves.  While there are many positive ways to say no to a child, many parents look for better ways or alternatives to saying no to a child. How you say it makes a big difference in how the child responds cooperatively. 

“No” isn’t something that needs to be yelled at or meant to be sound effective. No is one common word that many parents use for disciplinary upbringing. Also, if you find your child ignoring your instructions too often, it means that you have been using “No” too frequently.

As parents, it is impossible to stop saying no to your child for everything they ask or do. But, when it comes to saying no to children, there are ways to tackle it smoothly which are discussed below.

13 Alternatives To Saying No To A Child

Parents should know that saying “no” to a child without using the word “no” is doable. However, this could vary depending upon the situation and the child’s mindset.  Though positive parenting is what many parents prefer these days to ensure the child is not hurt, they should also find words to use instead of no for a toddler.

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On the other hand, parents must know the importance of saying no to their children. Children need to be aware of why we say “no” to something. Parents must know the ideal situation in which the virtues can be taught to their children. The best time to explain to the child is usually when the child and the parent are having fun and there is no room for conflict between them.

Here are some alternatives to saying no to a child.

1. Rephrase

One of the positive ways to say no to a child is to rephrase your sentence. Saying “no” is an obvious thing as parents often do. But instead of saying “no” to a child, try to communicate what the child can do rather than what he/she cannot do. For instance, if you see your child making a mess while painting, instead of asking your child not to paint and wrap up the activity she is enjoying, see if you can ask your child to use a paper or mat on the floor and continue painting.

2. Validate

Validating your child’s feelings while saying “no” at the same time is a skill that you require to handle things smoothly. Children are sensitive and hence you need to use positive ways to say no to a child. Say for instance your child hits another child as he/she has grabbed your child’s favorite toy.

You can ease the situation by addressing his feelings first saying: “I know it should be hard for you” and then telling him what needs to be done in the place of hitting the other child.

3. Explain

Explain  why you are saying no to child

Have you tried explaining to your child why you have been ignoring her asks? Sometimes your child deserves an explanation that could make them understand better. An instance could be your frequent denial of chocolates that your child asks for before bedtime. Instead of telling no, explaining to your child that eating at bedtime could be a cause of cavities will help the child grasp better.

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4. Provide options

One best alternative to saying no to a child is to provide them with options rather than denying their request. Instead of saying don’t play in the living area, suggest they play outside or in your bedroom. Giving children choices helps to make them feel privileged which could avoid meltdowns. If you find the child scribbling on the wall, offer them a piece of paper or a book to scribble on rather than asking them to stop doing the entire thing.

5. Teach alternatives

Parents need to teach alternative behavior to their children by providing choices.  This behavior can be taught well before predictable situations. For instance, if you see your child angry over something, you can ask the child to excuse themselves from that place to get their mind diverted. If the child is yet to speak coherently, you suggest your child with options such as a quiet corner that could calm them.

6. Agree with your kid

An easy way to convince the child is to agree with what they ask. But the key behind it is to plan it smartly. For instance, if your child is asking for chocolates during dinner time, tell them they will get them after dinner. In this way, you make them eat dinner as well as satisfy their needs. The child will not even realize the denial of their ask.

7. Distract your child

It is better to distract your child from the thoughts of what he/she wants when you are not ready to offer it. Distracting the child is also a positive way to say no to a child. However, make your team distract them with something more interesting so they forget about what they wanted.

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8. Pretend to be like them

Pretend to be like them

Instead of saying no to a child, you can convince them easily that you wish to do what they had asked for. Say for example your child wants to eat ice cream before dinner. However, doing that may lead to the child skipping their supper. In this case, you can pretend like you too wish to eat one, but can’t break the eating rules. Try to keep your face sad and act as if you are upset so the child might forget it.

9. Play with imagination

Kids love imagination. All you need to do is to build a fantasy story that comes with all the desires of your child and how a special character is going to fulfill them all. Your child will soon mull into the story forgetting what they wanted.

10. Remind them of a prior bad experience

Reminding your child of any bad instance if any upon a request may let your child back from their demand. Say for instance your child had a choking hazard while eating too many chocolates, you may remind your child about that experience. Though this isn’t a favorable approach, you may still try it for once.

11. Use nonverbal talks

Right from a small age, it is better to teach the child to recognize your body language and gestures that indicate “no”. It could be things such as raising eyebrows and showing a stop gesture using your hand.

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12.  Ask for time

Instead of saying no to a child when the child asks something, it is better to seek time and try to prolong it. Tell your child you need some time to think about it and that you will get back to him in the morning. There is no wrong to borrow time to consider their request. However, make sure to give a deadline failing and you will be bombarded with the updates.

13. Identify the trigger

Identify the trigger why your child is angry

When your kid asks you for something, it may not be something he wants, but rather something that has pushed him to seek your attention. If your child throws tantrums or is busy fighting with his siblings, find out the reason for it. It could be anything like he had missed his afternoon nap or probably you did not give him his needed attention.


1. What happens when a child is never told no?

When a child is never told a no, they aren’t exposed to emotions such as disappointment and sadness. Telling no to a child helps in setting boundaries and limits which is important for the child to understand from a young age.  It helps them to regulate their actions. Children need to learn to wait for things and giving them immediately what they ask will not teach patience, tolerance, and value of things.

Saying no to your child is often required to help them grow in a better way. However, saying no to all of your child’s requests could be harmful. Kids need to explore various opportunities that could be harmful to their development. Before you tell your child no, think about it as many times as possible.

2. How does saying no affect a child?

Your child can have a negative impact if you keep repeatedly using the word ” no”. Kids don’t like to keep hearing the word from you all the time. It could also offend them. Simply saying no with a louder voice is not going to settle the child’s tantrums. It is important to let the kids know what is good and bad for them.

Too much no could make your child feel restricted and suffocated which could hinder the creativity of the child. They are likely to have low self-confidence which stops them from trying new things. These kids could adopt rebellious behavior and could become stubborn and difficult to deal with.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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