Home Pregnancy 11 Indian Home Remedies For Cold During Pregnancy

11 Indian Home Remedies For Cold During Pregnancy

by Ambili S Kartha

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11 Indian Home Remedies For Cold During Pregnancy

Cold is a viral disease and there are more than 200 traits of the virus that can bring about cold. That is why catching cold is very common. Are you wondering is it common to get a cold during early pregnancy?The answer is yes, it is. Actually, a sudden set in of common cold is considered as one of the early pregnancy symptoms.

Catching a cold is quite common in all groups of people. However, pregnant women are more at risk of getting colds due to their weakened immunity. The good news is that there are several effective Indian home remedies for cold during pregnancy.

11 Indian Home Remedies For Cold During Pregnancy

Expecting women can catch cold at any stage of the pregnancy. Even though many of the common OTC cold medicines are not safe during pregnancy, many home remedies can effectively relieve the annoying signs of cold, like running nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, low-grade fever, low-grade headaches, etc.

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A stuffy nose is probably one of the most annoying signs of a cold. Do you agree? It will be hard to find a position to sleep well with a stuffy nose. Catching a cold during pregnancy third trimester, when the expecting mother is already finding it hard to get a convenient sleeping posture as she is physically maxing out, can be exasperating.

However, the following 11 Indian home remedies for cold during pregnancy will help to cure a cold naturally during pregnancy.

1. Honey and lemon for common cold during pregnancy

Honey-lemon combo is an excellent home remedy for getting rid of cold during pregnancy.

Lemons are loaded with vitamin C. Vitamin C strengthens immunity. It also helps to get rid of bacteria that create mucus.

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Honey, on the other hand, is rich in antioxidants and is well known for its antimicrobial properties, and helps to combat viruses that cause cold. Drink honey-lemon tea three to four times a day to fight off cold during pregnancy.

To make this tea, mix an equal proportion of honey and lemon juice (1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon) to a glass of warm water. Mix well. This concoction helps to cure a cold during pregnancy. This tea is excellent for relieving cold during your whole of pregnancy.

2. Drink turmeric milk for cold during pregnancy

Turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Turmeric milk is well known for its ability to boost immunity levels. The anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties of turmeric milk help to fight off infections.

During pregnancy, unless you are lactose intolerant, drinking milk can offer you many benefits. Many pregnant women also drink saffron milk for the umpteen benefits it offers.

Warm milk, on the other hand, is well known for its soothing effect on a cold. Turmeric is one of the spices commonly found in an Indian kitchen. Turmeric milk is one of the traditional Indian home remedies for cold during pregnancy as well as otherwise.

3. Chicken soup

Chicken soup

Chicken soup can be counted as one of the scrumptious ways of getting rid of a cold during pregnancy. Many studies conclude certain substances in chicken soup’s anti-inflammatory properties. And drinking a bowl of hot chicken soup will ease the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections, especially cold.

The ingredients like garlic and ginger that are added to prepare chicken soup also make this an excellent home remedy to combat the signs of a cold. During cold, many expecting mothers feel loss of appetite and even skip their meals.

This is not good during pregnancy especially during the growth spurts in the third trimester. However, sipping on a bowl of hot chicken soup besides combating cold provides many vital nutrients during this phase of pregnancy.

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4. Honey-ginger remedy for runny nose during pregnancy

Ginger has strong antimicrobial properties. Ginger, when combining with honey, which is loaded with antioxidants and well known for its anti-microbial property, it makes an excellent potion that combats cold and runny nose during pregnancy.

You can also make a ginger honey drink by extracting ginger juice from freshly grated ginger and adding one tablespoon of ginger juice and one teaspoon of honey to hot water.

This is one of the most common Indian home remedies for cold during pregnancy second trimester. However, it is important not to overdo it because ginger has a heat-generating property and this is not good during the early weeks of pregnancy as it could bring about bleeding.

5. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has a strong alkaline property. Therefore, apple cider vinegar is potentially capable of creating an environment that is not favorable for the virus. Apple cider vinegar is also safe to consume during pregnancy as long as it is diluted and pasteurized.

Apple cider vinegar is also beneficial for pregnancy as it carries many health benefits. Drinking apple cider vinegar is a safe remedy to beat cold during pregnancy. Take a cup of warm water. To this add a teaspoon full of apple cider vinegar and mix well.

 You can have this drink two times a day. To reap maximum benefits, follow this natural remedy as soon as the cold symptoms start to appear.

6. Basil water to get rid of stuffy nose during pregnancy

Basil water to get rid of stuffy nose during pregnancy

Drinking basil water is one of the traditional Indian home remedies for cold during pregnancy. Tulsi has many medicinal values and it is the safest option for expecting mothers to beat cold.

Tulsi water has the potential to prevent and get rid of mucus formation in the nostrils. Therefore drinking basil water during pregnancy helps to get rid of nasal congestion due to cold.

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Take one cup of water and add 8 to 10 Tulsi leaves and a small piece of crushed ginger (optional, but it can enhance the result). Boil this mixture until the quantity reduces to half. Drink this potion at least twice a day. You can omit the ginger part and drink Tulsi water for cold during pregnancy’s first trimester.

7. Coconut oil

Coconut oil has many health benefits and is very safe to use during pregnancy. It is well-known for its antimicrobial properties. Lauric acid is a vital component that is found in concentrated form in coconut oil. This component can potentially tear down the lipid coating around the virus and destroy it.

When it comes to combating cold during pregnancy, this property of coconut oil makes it special. You can add a spoon full of coconut oil (to reap all the benefits use virgin coconut oil) to any hot beverages or to a bowl of curry (that is if you like its taste).

In South India and many South-East Asian countries, they love its flavor and smell, but that might not be the case in other parts of the world.

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Consuming three to four tablespoons of coconut oil every day is believed to keep infections like a cold at bay. Even if after contracting a cold during pregnancy, coconut oil helps to alleviate many of its annoying symptoms or helps to recover fast.

Topical use of coconut oil is also beneficial to alleviate the annoying signs of cold during pregnancy. Massaging the chest with coconut oil with a dash of eucalyptus oil or peppermint oil will help to get rid of many bothering signs of cold and to facilitate a good night sleep

8. Garlic during pregnancy for cold and related symptoms

Garlic is a very common household item. It is usually used to flavor food. But did you know that it can also be used to remedy cold during pregnancy?

Garlic has several beneficial medicinal properties. These include antibacterial, antiviral, and antiseptic properties. All of this helps fight off cold and other illnesses.

Garlic can also help blood circulation, lower blood pressure, and maintain cholesterol levels. This is incredibly useful during pregnancy. Allicin is the substance present in garlic that gives it so many properties.

9. Flax seeds

Flax seeds

Flax seeds are a quick and efficient remedy for cold during pregnancy. It needs to be prepared in a specific way to achieve maximum benefits. Here is one way:

First, boil the flaxseeds until the mixture thickens. Then, strain it. After that, add a few drops of lime juice and honey, and mix it.

This mixture can be consumed to fight cold during pregnancy.

10. Some lifestyle changes can keep cold during pregnancy away

It is not enough to simply use these remedies when an episode of cold strikes. Some lifestyle changes can be more helpful in the long term and can help prevent cold during pregnancy as well as otherwise

You must make sure you are well-rested and getting enough sleep. Infection-fighting proteins called cytokines are made during sleep. It will also give you energy. So you can take a couple of naps during the day.

Staying hydrated is of utmost importance during pregnancy, cold or no cold. Staying well-hydrated is of extra significance when you have a cold during pregnancy. Dehydration during pregnancy can cause many complications.It can thin mucus so that it will be easier for you to drain it out. It will also help prevent any dryness you may feel in your nose.

So replenish your fluids by drinking lots of water. You can also drink ginger tea, soup, fruit juices, or lemon and honey tea.

It goes without saying that food is also incredibly important to keep up your energy and fight off ailments. Instead of eating big meals thrice a day, eat smaller more frequent meals throughout the day.

Make sure to have a balanced diet, with fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat, and everything else you need. It will help build up your immunity.

If you have trouble breathing during the night due to a blocked nose, you can prop your head up using two or three pillows. This will make it easier to breathe, allowing you to have a good night’s sleep.

11. Take steam and saline nasal drops

A stuffy nose and running nose are quite annoying signs of cold. Decongestant medicines are usually used to combat stuffy nose. These medicines make the blood vessels shrink. This, in turn, helps to give fast relief from a blocked or runny nose.

But these medicines are not at all safe during pregnancy as it can make the blood vessels in the placenta that takes nutrients to the baby also to shrink. Here comes the importance of steam.

Inhaling steam (either from a pot of hot water or using an electric steam inhaler/ vaporizer) is very effective in clearing mucus caused by cold. Breathing in moist, warm steam helps to ease the inflamed blood vessels in nose thereby reduce the stuffiness of the nose.

Note: Adding some eucalyptus oil, or Tulsi leaves in the hot water further helps with the opening of the blocked nasal tract or sinuses due to cold.

Just like steam, you can use non-medicated nasal saline sprays to relieve nose congestion from cold during pregnancy. A saline nasal spray helps to open up the blocked nasal passage very fast.

Does Cold During Pregnancy Affect The Baby?

Does Cold During Pregnancy Affect The Baby

Our panel gynaecologist Dr Ankita Patel Tayal says that catching a cold will not harm a developing fetus. Even the worst cold of the mother will not cause any harm to the baby in the womb or increase the risk of miscarriage even during the early weeks of pregnancy. However, symptoms of cold like running nose during pregnancy can be extremely annoying.

With the help of the home remedies mentioned above and by taking plenty of rest you can alleviate the annoying signs of cold during pregnancy.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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