Loose motions in babies can make any parent anxious. The foul-smelling, watery poop that sometimes even leaks from a diaper can make you eager to find a remedy. In this article, we will discuss home remedies for loose motions or diarrhea in babies.
Basically, loose motion in babies a method of the body to flush out harmful microbes and toxins that get into the baby’s digestive system. Because loose motions happen at very short intervals, it can make your baby restless, tired and even cause dehydration.
If neglected, severe dehydration due to loose motions can have many adverse consequences. Here you can find out age-wise home remedies for baby loose motion that work wonders
What Are Common Causes Of Loose Motions In Babies?
Before you actually decide to try a remedy for loose motion in babies, it is vital to ascertain the cause of the same.
Once a baby contracts loose motion, his poop will appear watery, full of mucous, and foul-smelling. The frequency of bowel movements also increases. Frequent diaper change and stomach ache that accompanies loose motion will irritate the baby
- More often, loose motion in babies is due to a viral or bacterial infection
- In babies under two years of age, loose motion can be triggered by rotavirus. Not only is it contagious, it can also cause severe dehydration mandating immediate medical care. It is often accompanied with nausea, fever and vomiting
- Teething can also trigger loose motion in babies
- Change in the mother’s diet or some medicines taken by the mother can be a reason for loose motion in babies who are exclusively breastfed
- Food allergies in babies can also trigger diarrhea. Always pay attention to allergic reactions if you have introduced any new food to your baby
- Babies explore everything by tasting. So it is very important to ensure their teething toys and other toys are cleaned regularly. Since they put everything in their mouth, unclean toys can pose a risk of loose motion in babies
- If your child is on antibiotics, they can also trigger diarrhea
When To Seek Medical Attention For Baby Loose Motion?
It is important to seek medical attention if the baby is below 3 months. Not only loose motions but any unusual signs need to be bought under the doctor’s notice if the baby is below 3 months.
If the baby is 3 months plus, seek medical attention if the baby does not show any signs of improvement even after 24 hours.
Also, if vomiting, blood in poop, and fever accompany the loose motions, or if the baby shows any sign of dehydration immediate medical attention is warranted/
Side Effects Of Loose Motions In Babies
During loose motions, a lot of electrolytes will be lost from the body. This can lead to dehydration.
Unlike adults, babies get dehydrated quickly. If undetected, dehydration can be very dangerous, especially in newborns.
Therefore watching out for the signs of dehydration is important if the baby has loose motion.
Extreme tiredness accompanied by a marked reduction in wet diapers, absence of tears while crying, dry mouth, etc, are a few signs of dehydration in babies.
AgeWise Home Remedies For Baby Loose Motion That Work Wonders
Babies more often refuse to eat or drink when they have loose motion. However, it’s important to feed them to avoid dehydration.
Many new parents may not have an idea about what to give and what to avoid when the baby has diarrhea/loose motion.
Here is an age-wise guideline on home remedies for loose motion in babies..
Loose motion remedies in babies- 0 month plus
Loose motion increases the chances of dehydration. Therefore it is important to continue breastfeeding, especially when the baby is less than 6 months old. During this time, the baby can’t have anything but breast milk.
Increase the frequency of breastfeeding. Likewise, if you are formula feeding continue formula feeding. Never dilute the formula.
6 months plus
Once the baby is six months old, he is not solely dependent on breast milk. Now you have more options that help to keep the baby hydrated and not to compromise on nutritional intake.
When a baby contracts diarrhea, he needs more liquids than solids. You can offer the baby a few sips of water that is boiled and cooled.
You can also make different kinds of water by diluting juices that can potentially ward off loose motion. Babies might like these more than normal water.
You can give barley water. Barley water can absorb excess fluid in the poop. However, if there is a family history of gluten allergy, don’t try this home remedy.
Sabudana watergives instant energy. Therefore, it is the best choice for babies when they have an episode of loose motion.
Rice water is an excellent rehydration fluid and easily available home remedy.
Red lentil water is another popular Indian home remedy for loose motion in babies. This water is loaded with proteins and energy which are beneficial during loose motion.
Puffed rice water is another effective home remedy for loose motion in babies. All you have to do is soak a bowl of Puffed rice in one glass of water for 15 minutes. Strain it. You can give puffed rice water to your baby twice a day.
Homemade ORS
Oral rehydration solution (ORS) is the cheapest and effective way to combat loose motion in babies. You can make ORS at home by dissolving 6 teaspoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt in one liter of filter water.
You can give 5 spoons after each loose motion.
Steamed and mashed carrot helps to solidify the loose stool of the baby.
Likewise, steamed banana is also excellent to combat loose motion in babies. It is a stool firmer. Being rich in potassium, it will help to restore the potassium lost due to loose motion.
Feeding the baby mashed potato once a day helps to combat loose motion. You can add roasted and powdered cumin seeds to enhance the flavor and benefit of mashed potatoes.
7 months plus
Once the baby enters the 7th month, there are some more options to combat loose motion.
Offer probiotics
Give baby probiotics like fresh homemade curd, yogurt, or buttermilk. Probiotics are gut-friendly food that helps to restore the healthy gut flora in the intestinal tract. It is highly beneficial during loose motion in babies. Adding a pinch of roasted and powdered cumin seeds will enhance its flavor.
Pomegranate juice
Fruit juices are not recommended for small babies. However, pomegranate juice is an exemption.
Pomegranate juice is excellent in retaining the pH balance in the body and restoring the fluid content. It can do wonders for your baby once he contracts loose motion.
However, instead of thick pomegranate juice, it is recommended to dilute it with water before giving it to the baby.
Apple sauce
The presence of pectin, the soluble fiber in applesauce gives a gel-like consistency to the stool. Therefore, it is very beneficial to treat loose motion in babies.
Pectin is found in the pulp and flesh of an apple. So, giving baby applesauce is the best way to combat loose motion.
To make apple sauce, just peel and cube the apple and boil it in enough water (to cook) for around 10 minutes in a saucepan. You can also steam it in a baby steamer until the apple becomes soft.
Once cooled to room temperature, smash it well with a fork. You can also use the blender to make the smooth paste.
8 months plus
An eight-month-old baby is big enough to try a few new home remedies for loose motion.
Tender coconut water
Coconut water loaded with electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and, manganese. This natural electrolyte is ideal for preventing dehydration and restoring the lost salt.
Vegetable clear soup
Vegetable clear soups are highly nutritious and are easily absorbed by the body. When it comes to making soups for an 8-month-old, prepare a clear soup without spices. Also, never use gassy vegetables to prepare soups.
Porridge made with arrowroot powder
Studies show arrowroot can effectively combat diarrhea. You can prepare porridge with arrowroot powder and feed the baby.
10 months plus
Anything safe below one year is okay to give your baby now. This obviously adds some excellent home remedies for baby loose motion that work wonders.
Nutmeg is a traditional home remedy for loose motion in babies. You can make nutmeg powder by rubbing it against a stone grinder. Nutmeg powder can be given to babies in 2 different ways.
Either mix it with water to make a paste and give it to the baby or add nutmeg powder to apple puree. You can actually give this to the child once he starts solids until 10 years of age. It is one of the best natural remedies to stop loose motion in babies.
One year and above
After one year you can give your child most of the home remedies for the loose motion you give to older children.
Honey is not recommended for babies younger than one year. But it is an excellent home remedy when it comes to loose motion. Different combinations of honey can be given to one-year-old.
You can mix it with a dash of lemon juice and give it to the baby. You can also just add one teaspoon of honey in cold water and make the baby sip it.
Pomegranate leaves
Pomegranate leaves are excellent for re-hydrate the body. Pomegranate leaf tea is very effective in combating loose motion in babies.
Boil washed and cleaned pomegranate leaves in filter water. Strain it and add one teaspoon of honey. Let the child have it two to three times a day.
What Should Not Be Given To Baby When He Has Loose Motion?
Avoid milk and milk products. Baby’s intestines’ get flared up due to loose motion will not be able to digest milk and milk products. Of course, probiotics like curd and yogurt are excluded from this list.
Also never give the baby fruit juices (other than pomegranate juice) as it can aggravate loose motion. Foods rich in fiber should be avoided. Also, fruits that start with “P” like plums, prunes, peaches, and pears should be avoided when it comes to loose motion in babies.
When the baby has loose motion, continue breastfeeding. Always feed them easily digestible food. Preferably, steamed food. After every episode of loose motion, make sure the baby had some fluid.
Taking care of the baby’s food and letting them take ample rest will help to alleviate loose motion. If the baby refuses to eat food, never force. Wait for some time. Try giving some other food next time. Just make sure the baby is well hydrated.