Home Becoming Pregnant 35 Beautiful Ways To Announce Your Pregnancy To Your Husband

35 Beautiful Ways To Announce Your Pregnancy To Your Husband

by Sarah Harniswala

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35 Beautiful Ways To Announce Your Pregnancy To Your Husband

Congratulations! You just took the home pregnancy test and woah! You are pregnant. Your husband is the first person who should know about this good news. The excitement you are feeling is to be shared with your better half without any delay. So how to announce your pregnancy to your husband?

By just simply letting him know that you are expecting would not make the whole experience memorable. You can do better than that, and make the moment etch forever in your and his heart. What can be some beautiful ways to announce your pregnancy to your husband? Let’s find them.

But before that, remember that the key to pregnancy announcement is to be secretive yet beautiful so that your husband is overwhelmed by happiness.

Timing of the announcement has to be so perfect that the big baby reveal envelopes your lives with love and joy.

Try to keep it simple and not overcomplicate the pregnancy announcement with too much preparation.

35 Beautiful Ways To Announce Your Pregnancy To Your Husband

For your help, we have put forth a list of 35 beautiful pregnancy announcement ideas for husband. Pick any one of them and witness your husband getting ecstatic with the news of your pregnancy. 

Calculate Due Date With Conception Date

1. Book dinner reservation for three

Take your husband out for dinner and do the booking for three. You can request the staff to place a tiny chair for your table and decorate it with balloons. The balloons can have message “Hi daddy” to drive across the good news to your husband.

Related Reading: 18 Early Signs Of Pregnancy Before Periods

2. Bake a special cake/cupcake

Bake a special cake/cupcake

You can bake and personalize a cake/cupcake with the icing. The icing on it can mention that ‘I am pregnant’. You can give him the cake/cupcake as a for dessert and observe his reaction.

A sweet start to an amazing journey!

3. Organize a unique treasure hunt for him

Looking for extraordinary pregnancy announcement ideas for your husband? Convince your husband to play a unique treasure hunt with you. Make sure that the clues are all associated with the big baby reveal. The treasure at the end could be your pregnancy test kit.

You even have the option of tying your stomach up as a gift wrap to reveal your pregnancy as the last treasure. Treasure to last a lifetime!

4. Go for shopping with your husband

Go out for shopping with your husband and go to the baby’s section on purpose with him. Insist on buying baby stuffs from the shop. At first he might get confused and wonder if you are picking up stuff for some baby of a relative or a friend.

Keep on asking him questions what he likes, which colours etc – soon he will realize why you are doing so.  

5. Gift him a book

You can get your husband a book which could be a guide regarding parenting or something associated with becoming a daddy. The book will not only help reveal your pregnancy; but it will also help him understand his role as a father better.

A pregnancy book will help him know about your upcoming journey better too!

6. Creatively use the bun in the oven pun

All you have to do is place a sweet bun in the oven with a message like ‘Honey, we are pregnant’ or anything. Ask your husband to go and get it for you. He will surely be surprised and happy regarding the bun in the over pun.

7. Walk around with a graphic t-shirt

Walk around with a graphic t-shirt

A graphic t-shirt clearly implying that you are pregnant is a simple way to announce your pregnancy. Just get hold of them from an online or local baby store. Walk around wearing it in front of your husband, until he notices the message.

He is sure to get overwhelmed with his feelings!

8. Get diapers delivered at home

One of the easy pregnancy announcement ideas for husband would be to book a delivery for diapers at home. Do the booking in your husband’s name and let him open the package.

He will be surprised not only with the diapers but the news of your pregnancy.

9. Propose to your husband for fatherhood

If possible, recreate the wedding proposal your husband surprised you with before marriage. However, this time the proposal will be from your side and it will be a proposal of fatherhood. You can propose him with your pregnancy test kit and announce your pregnancy to him.

Sounds fun!

10. Using fun mobile app for the reveal

Why not be a bit different and leverage technology to your advantage? Download a pregnancy tracking or baby growth tracking app on your husband’s phone. After that, set up the notifications on it so that your pregnancy gets revealed.

He will definitely be happily surprised with the pregnancy notification on the phone.

11. Ask him to solve the puzzle

You can create a puzzle announcing your pregnancy or use your ultrasound images for the same. On a given day, ask him if he can help you solve a puzzle. Make him sit down and solve the puzzle so that the pregnancy can be revealed to him.

Follow up with lots of hugs and cuddles!

12. Take the assistance of your furry baby

Take the assistance of your furry baby

Those of you who have a furry baby can take their help for the pregnancy announcement. Just add a tag on the dog/cat regarding your pregnancy and send him/her running to your husband once he is home.

This is perhaps one of the cutest pregnancy announcement ideas ever!

13. Prepare a special video/slideshow for him

If you are creative and tech-savy, and would like to do something really personal for the big announcement, you can create a special video/slideshow. T

his video/slideshow can consist of images and videos related to your relationship. You can end it with either your ultrasound report or pregnancy test kit, only to see your husband delighted with the news.

14. Let your tummy do the talking

Simply paint your tummy with messages like ‘baby loading’, ‘I am pregnant’; ‘Bun in the oven’ and so on. You can even use the marker to write any of the messages on your tummy. Your husband will be ecstatic to read the news on your tummy!

Think out-of-the-box when it comes to the message you are going to write/paint.

15. Prepare a box of goodies for your husband

Another one of the pregnancy announcement ideas for husband would be to gift him a surprise box. You can fill that box with a lot of baby goodies like baby socks, boots, baby onsies, soft toys etc.

Be there when he opens the box and notice his reactions as he pulls one baby thing after another. This is an outstanding way to surprise him with the news.

16. Accessorize the pregnancy news

Things which are used by your husband such as key chains, wallets, bottle openers and so on can be accessorized. Add pregnancy related quotes, puns and messages for your husband on any of these accessories and gift them to him.

Or simply change his keychain or lunchbox and wait when he notices the message!

17. Give him a pregnancy reveal card

Give him a pregnancy reveal card

You have the option of keeping it very simple and use the old-fashion method of sending a card to your husband. Either you can write a pregnancy reveal message or a short, sweet poem regarding your pregnancy inside the card.

18. Send the pregnancy reveal message inside a bottle

A beautiful and memorable way to announce your pregnancy to your husband is to send him the message inside a bottle. Just make sure that you decorate the bottle in a way that it can attract his attention.

Once he notices and opens it, he is likely to be taken by surprise and happiness both.

19. Take the help of your first kid for the surprise announcement

If you are expecting your second child, then you can make your first kid wear a t-shirt containing the text- ‘Big Brother/Big Sister’. So when your husband comes home, you can send your kid in front of him and see how thrilled he is with the news.

20. Get him a box of customized chocolates

If your husband loves chocolates, then share your news with chocolates for him, The sweetnews of your pregnancy can be revealed with a box of customized chocolates. You can have them decorated with the alphabets of your message.

They can be of your husband’s favorite chocolates and can make him doubly happy.

21. Prepare a pregnancy surprise photo session

Prepare a pregnancy surprise photo session

Just go about asking your husband for a photo session. In that, you can request him to write something he loves about you, while you reveal your pregnancy news. The moment he sees your news, his reaction will also be captured by the photographer. This will make it more special for the two of you.

22. Use customized cup for the reveal

Nowadays, pregnancy announcement cups and mugs are available in the market very easily. They make the whole reveal fun and exciting while keeping it creative yet simple. So get hold of those mugs/cups and gift them to your husband.

23. Create piggy bank for your baby

Now since the baby is coming into your life, you will need financial planning. So you can create a piggy bank for your baby funds. There are many beautiful and innovative piggy banks in he market.

You can just place that piggy bank in front of your husband where he relaxes or on his work table. When he notices the same, he will become inquisitive. Just let him figure out the news.

24. Unique scratch offs for pregnancy reveal

You thought scratch offs were just for winning a lottery? Well not really, these can be effectively used to announce your pregnancy to your husband. These are definitely one of the most unique pregnancy announcement ideas for husband.

25. Photo frame your ultrasound report

Photo frame your ultrasound report

Get your ultrasound report framed in a photo frame and then gift it to your husband. He sure will be happy to get the news in this way.

Apart from that, simply gifting him a family photo frame would also be a good idea. You can just casually drop by the news that a new family member is on the way so we’d be needing it soon.

Related Reading: 35 Fun Pregnancy Announcement Ideas For Family

26. Simply gift wrap your pregnancy test

The moment you gift your pregnancy test which is positive to your husband, the reaction will be priceless. Gift wrap it in a way that it takes long for him to open it and process the whole news in his mind.

27. Write a cute letter to your husband

Do you both use love notes to say sweet nothings to each other? Well, that is indeed romantic and makes a very beautiful pregnancy announcement idea as well. To make it beautiful and more personal for the both of you; you can post a cute letter to your husband. Let him know how special he is to you and how good a dad he is going to be your baby.

28. Lunchbox note for the grand reveal

The next time you pack the lunchbox for your husband, you can slip a note inside it. Announce your pregnancy in that note in your own sweet way and wait for your husband to give you a call or run home to hug you.

29. Replacement of the bottle

Instead of the usual water bottle on the dining table, you can place the milk bottle on it. The bottle has to be a baby feeding bottle though. Once you both sit down at the table, he will surely notice it and understand your hint.

Or when he asks for a glass of water, hand him a milk feeding bottle.

30. Invite him to save the date

Invite him to save the date

You can write a small invitation card mentioning your due date and give it to him. Otherwise, you can send a calendar invite to your husband. This will make him wonder until he finally figures out what is going to happen after 9 months.

31. Prepare the cute and sweet baby meal

Those of you who love to cook can experiment with a themed dinner which points to the fact that you are expecting. Cook the meal using baby corns, baby carrots, baby onions, baby beans, baby back ribs and so on. Your husband will soon know what the message behind the themed dinner is.

32. Use kitchenware to your advantage

You can conveniently use kitchenware like spoons, plates etc. which are engraved with the pregnancy announcement message. So say while having breakfast or dinner, it will be amazing to watch your husband notice the engraved message in it.

33. Personalized baby onsies to the rescue

Baby onsies which are personalized and sending out your pregnancy message loud and clear can be good to announce your pregnancy. Just place the onsies anywhere your husband will notice like inside the drawer or on his study table.

34. Plan a movie date with your husband

Plan a movie date with your husband

On your movie night with your husband, you can choose movies associated with pregnancy or about parenting. Insist on watching such movies as it is bound to give him a clue as to the new member of the family.

35. Fruits and Fetus size comparison for the reveal

You can utilize fruits which signify the fetus size to announce your pregnancy to your husband. For instance, blueberry can signify your baby’s size if you are in the seven month of your pregnancy. So you can give it to your husband for the big reveal until he gets it right.

Remember the news of your pregnancy is big and is going to have a significant impact in both of your lives. So letting your husband know should be your top priority and that also in the most beautiful way. We hope the pregnancy announcement ideas for husband given above help you.

No matter which simple and creative pregnancy announcement idea you pick, make sure you make it memorable; enjoy the moments with your husband and do not forget to take lots and lots of pictures with your husband. Last but not the least, once again Congratulations!

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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