Home Pregnancy 11 Twin Pregnancy Care Tips

11 Twin Pregnancy Care Tips

by Sushree Venkat

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11 Twin Pregnancy Care Tips

Pregnancy is beautiful and pregnant women of all shapes and sizes are even more beautiful. It becomes super exciting and thrilling upon knowing that you would soon be a mom of twins. On the other hand, it could be a little concerning without knowing what to do or how to handle it. Many questions run in pregnant women’s minds such as: do you need to eat for two, take tablets for two? What should be the precautions to be taken in twin pregnancy? Which twin pregnancy care tips should I follow?

Sometimes a twin pregnancy news could come as a surprise or it could also be due to factors such as a late pregnancy where the hormonal changes cause more than one egg to be released at a time. Also, using fertility treatments is a factor to be considered for twin pregnancy.

Though in many ways, a twin pregnancy is more like a single pregnancy, there are a few things you need to know to keep a healthy twin pregnancy.

11 Twin Pregnancy Care Tips

When you are expecting twins, there are a lot of things to be considered. On a general note, during ovulation, a woman’s ovary normally releases one egg. However, there are two ways twin pregnancies can happen:

Fraternal twins: When there are one or two ovaries released, each egg is fertilized and gets implanted in the uterus.

Identical twins:  A single fertilized egg splits into two identical embryos. These are rarer than fraternal twins.

Having a twin pregnancy keeps you special among pregnant women, for the risk involved is much higher than the normal pregnancy. You need to take care of yourself when pregnant with twins, perhaps without getting scared. High-risk pregnancy does not mean your pregnancy will end in complications. It rather means your pregnancy requires a close watch.

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A majority of the twin pregnancies progress smoothly on the fact that you take care of yourself. With proper nutrition being the key factor for a healthy pregnancy, pregnant women should take their prenatal vitamins to carry twins to full term. If you haven’t taken your prenatal vitamins, do not fret about the missed period. You can start right away and appreciate yourself for taking one more step to deliver a healthy baby.

Whether you are having identical or fraternal twins, we give you the following twin pregnancy care tips to make your parenting easier.

1. Take time to relax

Giving birth to twins can be overwhelming. However, this mustn’t keep you stressed. One of the important twin pregnancy care tips is to make sure you set aside time for yourself and close your eyes and take a deep breath. Assure yourself that you aren’t alone. A relaxed mommy gives birth to a healthy baby. Do you like watching movies?

Then here are some great movies to watch during pregnancy that can help you relax. Learn to prioritize what is important and start educating yourself on areas such as breastfeeding, sleep schedule, and bottle feeding which are the major things to be known for a new mom.

2. Be prepared from 30 weeks

About 50% of multiple twins and multiple pregnancy moms are put on bed rest around 30 weeks to ensure there are no further complications. So, in this case, make sure that you keep all your things ready right from packing your hospital bag or conducting a baby shower if any. Also, plan for the maternity shoots if you desire any. Make sure you don’t regret leaving anything unfulfilled.

Having optimistic thoughts during your entire pregnancy will help you maintain a positive mental state throughout your pregnancy.  This helps your babies thrive during pregnancy as long as possible.

3. Don’t buy two of everything

Don't buy two of everything

One of the important twin pregnancy care tips is to avoid buying two of everything. It is a myth that the twins do not share anything between themselves. While shopping for twins, it is suggested you buy different types of play items so that you can rotate them between them. Ensure you get an individual set of gears that could make life easier.

When purchasing items for twins, it is quality that matters more than the quantity. However, there are a few nursery essentials which you might need as multiples such as car seats, cribs, and high chairs. Just think about items which you might be used for both at a time.

4. Get advice from moms of twins

Moms of twins could list you by giving real advice and comfort on what it is to be a parent of twins. Since parenting technique keeps varying from time to time, connecting with moms who have recently given birth to twins could help you get an idea and be prepared.

Try to get in touch with your local twin pregnancy moms’ group or social media and catch up with them before and after delivery. By surrounding yourself with moms of similar situations, you will be reassured.

5. Go for medical support who are expertise in twins

Twin pregnancy and birthing can vary from that of singletons birth. When you plan for your medical check-up — right from conception to giving birth and after birth, choose your OB/GYN and pediatrician who are suitably experienced in this field.

6. Eat healthily and for three

Eating for two is the common pregnancy saying which holds good for a singleton pregnancy. You require about 300 calories of extra energy while you carry a single baby. However, this doubles up to 600 calories per day when you are expecting twins.

Ensure you have up to 5-7 meals per day without including junk as a part of your diet. Also, take your prenatal vitamins along with folic and iron supplements regularly.

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7. Know everything about high-risk pregnancy

No pregnancy is free of risk. There are few danger signs of pregnancy every expecting mother should be aware of. Mothers expecting twins are mostly put on high-risk pregnancy. This could include conditions such as bed rest, cesarean, low birth weight, preeclampsia, or preterm labor. For example, you can prepare yourself regarding the signs of early labor and gather more information on premature birth — which is a risk with twins.

Also, know the fact that twin moms might go through a long, and perhaps more serious, labor than singleton moms.

8. Stay active

Stay active during twin pregnancy

Staying active throughout your twin pregnancy will help you stay in good health and avoid backaches and joint pain. You can do gentle exercises or practice yoga which will help you stay fit and active. Also, it tones down your muscles so you can have an easy labor.

Many women prefer to rest upon knowing that they are carrying twins. However, staying active yet careful is crucial for both the mom and the baby. You may check with your doctor for more details.

Related Reading: 8 Benefits Of Exercising During Pregnancy

9. Accept help

Many pregnant women like to be independent and don’t like to take help from others. They wish to do everything by themselves. But when you are pregnant with twins, you just cannot manage it all alone.

If you feel like you need some extra support from your spouse or your family, do not hesitate to ask them. Miscarriage and infertility issues have been related as one of the pregnancy risks for moms carrying multiple.  This can put more stress on them. Try to put up a support system that could help you deal with the stress of work.

10. It is all temporary

Pregnancy can feel like it is lasting forever.  Especially those last few weeks could be tiresome making you feel like you are going through twice the nine months of gestation. An assuring twin pregnancy care tip is to remember that whatever you go through is only temporary.

Your kids will be here very soon before you know. A good mindset will help you stay positive and focus on happy pregnancy moments.

11. Let it go

Some days you might feel you need all that energy just to let yourself boost up. That is fine. Ignore all those preconceived notions about singleton babies. Having multiples is different and hence the usual advice does not work out. Do what you can do as long as you are healthy. It’s ok to have a messy house, ignore people who take away your peace and finally have your me-time. Make peace with the mayhem and watch your special ones unfold.



When you are expecting twins, all you need is a double of everything. While every pregnancy is different, if you are a parent of twins, be prepared to make multiple prenatal visits to the doctor. If your pregnancy doesn’t have many complications, you may have the same prenatal visits as that of a singleton pregnancy until you get to the end of your second trimester.

Getting prepared for two doesn’t only mean you purchase and have everything as a set of two. It all begins by taking care of yourself and your two babies by eating healthy and eating enough. During checkups, your doctor will be examining your weight gain and monitor other conditions to check if you are a high-risk pregnancy.

Twin pregnancies may seem like there are a lot of things to do. But remember, it is barely nine months. All you need is proper rest and nutritious food to keep yourself and the little one healthy.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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