Do you know how to cure your baby’s stomach ache at home without seeking any medical help? It is possible by using an ayurvedic ingredient that must be present in your kitchen. Thinking of using hing for babies? Hing/Heeng or Asafoetida is that magical Indian superfood that has been used cure babies’ stomach ailments effortlessly. It soothes their imperfect digestive system as young babies are still under development.
Pediatricians believe that pain in the abdomen can make a baby very uncomfortable and they tend to cry a lot. It happens because they inhale too much air with the food during the feeding session, resulting in the intestines’ rapid contraction.
As infant babies are entirely dependent on their mother, it’s the mother who gives food, sleep, warmth, comfort to her tiny one. When a little one is uncomfortable, a mother’s heart aches and she does everything in her capacity and to make the baby feel relaxed and happy. Crying is the only means through which babies communicate with you.
Understanding and taking corrective measures for any discomfort that baby goes through is the onus of the parents. And your looking up for hing as a means to help your colicky baby indicates just that.
Can Babies Eat Hing?
After reading the above statement, you must be wondering if it is safe to use hing for gas problems in an infant.
Your worries are genuine because infant babies should strictly avoid eating hing as their digestive system is sensitive and not completely developed yet. It can cause severe damage to their immune system and can result in blood disorders in young babies. Babies can only derive benefits of babies byy using it as a paste, mixed with water and not orally.
Babies below the age of 10 months should not be given hing by any means. Not even by mixing hing in baby food, lukewarm water, or milk. However, it can be used in alternative methods, which does not involve consumption of hing.
For babies above the age of 10 months, a pinch of hing can be added to their diet- dals, khichdi, buttermilk, soups and vegetables.
Benefits Of Using Hing/Heeng For Babies
Hing is rich with many additional medical benefits, primarily to deal with digestive problems. Hing is full of carminative (relieves gas) and antispasmodic effect properties which make it an excellent home remedy for digestive issues such as gas, constipation, bloating and flatulence.
Home remedy experts advise tha hing shold not be adminidtered to babiesless than ten months. However, it can be used externally to heal issues like stomach aches, constipation, etc. It is used as paste made with water for young babies for relieving such problems.
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Hing is effective and has anti-bacterial properties, which show results instantly. By gently rubbing or massaging the baby’s stomach in a circular motion with hing-water paste on naval, you can provide some relief to your munchkin.
Let that paste stay for a while till it dries, and then gently massage the belly. After it dries completely, it will be time to clean that hing paste from the baby’s stomach.
Take a clean wet cloth to clean the applied area, then let the baby sleep to release the pain. It is a primary method to make your baby pain free. There are several other benefits of using hing for babies.
1. Heals stomach aches quickly
As mentioned above, hing is beneficial for healing stomach aches quickly. Hing or asafoetida has anti-bacterial elements present in it. These elements can regulate the imbalanced secretion of gastric juices in the stomach.
It will provide an excellent cure for all sorts of stomach issues, like acidity and bloating.
2. Better immune system
One of the common health issues that infant babies have is low immunity. As they are still in the developing stage, their immune system is not entirely functional.
They can be easily affected by viruses, bacteria, and other infections. So,hing has anti-viral properties making it a good ingredient for infant babies.
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3. Works as an organic booster
Adding a pinch of Hing with other spices in your healthy food bowl is super beneficial for everyone. Hing is one of the old home remedies for colic. However, you can add hing only if your baby is above the age of 10 months.
Though there are numerous supplements available in the market for boosting energy, instead of giving your baby energy supplements, use hing. This ingredient will definitely work like magic.
4. Medication for cold, cough, and constipation
Cold, cough and constipation can make a baby miserable and parents worried. A regular bowel routine makes a baby (and everyone else) feel good and light and indicates a quicker, healthier digestive system. For constipation in babies, apply some asafoetida-water paste around the navel area for a short period.
Make a paste of Hing by mixing it with warm water and apply it to your baby’s chest and neck for cold and cough. Older babies above ten months can inhale hing’s warm vapor, which will cure them of health hazards like asthma, breathing issues, and coughing.
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5. Hing improves appetite
If you use hing for babies, with its rich anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties it will improve their blood circulation and reduce blockages. Besides, it also improves appetite and helps to get back the digestive system to normal.
6. Can include in meals for babies above 10 months of age
Hing helps to improve digestion. Add one pinch of Hing powder to your meal, and you can witness a lot of improvement in your digestion. It is the best remedy for your colicky baby. Additionally, hing can also provide relief from constipation – and detailed below. This in turn makes a baby happy, playful and hungry.
As hing or asafoetida is rich in beneficial elements, it can cure most health issues related to the stomach just by applying it externally or by adding a pinch of it with other ingredients. You can also purchase hing roll ons for babies available in the market.
How To Use Hing For Curing Constipation In Babies
As mentioned above, the benefits of using hing for healing stomach related issues are many. One of the problems that infant babies suffer is constipation. To cure the same, use hing to massage the baby’s belly button. Making the hing paste is quick and easy- all you need is hing and warm water.
How to make hing paste
Here is the process of how you can use hing for curing constipation in babies.
- Take half a tablespoon of hing with warm water to make a paste out of it
- Now, apply this hing paste on your baby’s stomach in a circular motion around the belly button area when crying because of pain
- You can also mix hing with mustard or olive oil. It will also give the same results
- After applying the paste, wait for a few minutes to make the paste dry naturally
- Sometimes, it may take some time for the hing to work to give your child relief, but have patience. It will provide the best results
- Once dry, make sure to make the baby burp to relieve the stomach ache and gas
- And then, make sure to wipe off the area with a warm wet cloth and make your baby sleep for hours to get relief
However, if your baby continues to cry after applying these methods, immediately consult professional doctors.
Hing For Curing Cold In Babies
Babies are sensitive and can quickly get cold or fever due to weather changes, wet diapers etc. When your baby gets a cold or cough, it generally warrants a visit to a pediatrician for medicine. But there are also home remedies for curing coughs and colds.
As we all know, Indian spices are rich in various properties that can be used to cure many health-related issues. Some spices can be used internally, and some spices externally. Using hing for babies while they have a cold or cough can help your baby get relief instantly.
Steps are as listed below-
- Use a few drops of Hing oil in a bowl of hot water
- Take the vapor of that water for 10 to 15 minutes-for children over the age of 10 months
- You can also rub hing oil on the chest, neck, and back in a circular motion
If your infant has a dry cough, then-
- Use hing powder, ginger juice, and one tablespoon of honey
- Mix them well and have one tablespoon of it three times a day
- Don’t feed at one go. Let the juice of the mixture slowly go down to the throat
- Through this method, you will get relief from cough for kids aged above the age of 10 months
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How Does Hing Work On Baby’s Stomach?
Hing, the most common spice in India, is used to add flavor while cooking dishes by mixing it with spices used daily. In ayurvedic medicine, experts believe that hing aids digestion, and it has been used for so many years, from ancient times to modern times.
For example, it is used to make medicine powder and other spices or ingredients to make a paste or powder available in the market. It also cures stomach related issues like gas, acidity, kidney stone, and constipation. Moreover, Hing works instantly to digest food and improves an imbalanced digestive system.
While using hing for babies, always use it externally by rubbing or massaging. It will help to improve their immune system and solve stomach related issues.
Side Effects Of Hing For Babies
Before using any ingredients or products, one must gain knowledge about using them and their potential side effects. Most of the home remedies don’t have any side effects. However, you must still know the method of use, application time, what benefits they will provide, and their side effects, especially when using it for your infant.
Hing or asafoetida may show a substantial impact on the human body as it is a natural ingredient. So, hing for infant babies is not safe if given orally.
However, you can add a pinch of Hing along with other spices to the meal, only when your baby is above ten months or a year.
Here are some side effects of Hing or asafoetida:-
- Direct consumption of hing can damage organs and cause internal bleeding
- If breastfeeding women eat hing, it can affect their infant child, resulting in a bleeding disorder
- Never add more than a pinch of hing in your baby’s meal once they are over the age of 10 months
- If the baby’s umbilical hasn’t yet dried, make sure to cover it with some cotton and do not apply hing paste or massage that area
- If for any condition your baby is on medications, make sure to consult the doctor before using hing.
Infant babies are sensitive and must be taken care of with proper research. Therefore, you should use only those ingredients which consist of useful properties. Though not internally, externally, hing can be used to cure common health-related issues like gas, acidity, cold, dry cough. Breastfeeding mothers must strictly avoid consuming Hing throughout pregnancy and after delivery, as babies are entirely dependent on their mothers’ milk.