Home Pregnancy Drinking Soda During Pregnancy: Is It Safe?

Drinking Soda During Pregnancy: Is It Safe?

by Aiswarya Shibu

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expertsExpert Validated By : Sushree Subhaprada
Drinking Soda During Pregnancy: Is it safe

Craving for Coca-Cola during pregnancy is quite common, especially when an unquenchable thirst hits. Drinking soda during pregnancy is a topic that has raised concerns among healthcare professionals and expectant mothers alike. While it is generally recommended to limit soda consumption during pregnancy, the occasional indulgence is unlikely to cause significant harm. In this article, we will explore the impacts of drinking soda during pregnancy and provide advice for making informed choices.

Can You Drink Soda During Pregnancy?

Proper hydration is crucial during pregnancy to support the body’s functions and ensure a healthy pregnancy. Drinking soda is a popular beverage choice for millions of people worldwide. However, when it comes to pregnancy, it’s important for expectant mothers to consider the potential effects of consuming soda. 

Enjoying an occasional soda as a treat is unlikely to cause harm. However, when it comes to drinking soda during pregnancy, moderation and awareness are key. 

Sodas are often high in added sugars, artificial sweeteners, and caffeine, which are potential areas of concern. 

  • High sugar intake can contribute to excessive weight gain and increase the risk of gestational diabetes
  • Artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame and saccharin, should be consumed in moderation, as their effects on the developing fetus are not yet fully understood
  • Caffeine, found in many sodas, should also be consumed in moderation, as excessive intake has been associated with a higher risk of preterm birth and low birth weight
  • Additionally, soda consumption can lead to a decrease in the consumption of healthier beverages, such as water or milk, which provide essential nutrients for both the mother and the developing baby.  Thus, even when drinking plain soda during pregnancy that has relatively little added sugar, you should exercise caution

What Are The Side Effects Of Drinking Soda While Pregnant?

Drinking soda, particularly those high in sugar and caffeine, during pregnancy, may have several potential side effects. While there is limited direct research on the specific effects of soda consumption during pregnancy, the following points are based on the broader knowledge of the impact of sugar and caffeine on pregnancy, as well as the potential risks associated with soda consumption.

1. Excessive weight gain

Every can of soda directly contributes to weight gain1. Regularly consuming sugary sodas while pregnant can result in uncontrollable weight gain and its side effects. The high sugar content in soda contributes to increased calorie intake without providing essential nutrients. This can lead to unhealthy weight gain and potentially increase the risk of other complications.

What Are The Side Effects Of Drinking Soda While Pregnant

2. Increases the risk of gestational diabetes

An increased risk of gestational diabetes is one of the top consequences of drinking soda during pregnancy. Regular consumption of sugary drinks can lead to insulin resistance2, a condition where the body becomes less responsive to insulin, the hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar. This can increase the risk of developing gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes can increase the risk of complications for both the mother and the baby, such as preeclampsia, preterm birth, and larger birth weight.

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3. Increased risk of preterm birth

Obesity and excessive weight gain during pregnancy are associated with an increased risk of preterm birth3. Some studies have suggested a potential link between excessive soda consumption (high in sugar or artificial sweeteners) and an increased risk of preterm birth4.

Because their organs and systems are underdeveloped, premature babies may experience a number of health issues. 

4. Nutritional deficiencies

Soda is high in added sugars and calories but lacks essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Consuming sugary beverages can lead to an increased intake of empty calories, meaning you’re consuming calories without getting any significant nutritional benefits.

Regular consumption of soda may displace nutrient-dense foods from the diet, leading to potential nutritional deficiencies in essential vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients required for the baby’s development.

5. Caffeine-related risks

Studies have shown that maternal caffeine exposure severely disrupts embryo implantation as well as ongoing fetal growth and development5. Caffeine intake during pregnancy may give rise to pregnancy complications, such as miscarriage, fetal growth restriction, and low birth weight.

Many sodas, such as colas and energy drinks, contain caffeine. High caffeine intake during pregnancy has been associated with an increased risk of miscarriage, preterm birth, low birth weight, and developmental issues. It is recommended to limit caffeine intake during pregnancy to around 200 mg per day.

6. Dental problems

Soda, especially those with high sugar content, can contribute to tooth decay and dental problems. Numerous studies have demonstrated that routine consumption of carbonated soft drinks causes enamel erosion, structural decay, and caries6.

During pregnancy, hormonal changes can make women more susceptible to dental issues, and consuming sugary drinks may exacerbate these problems.

7. Bone health issues

Most sodas are loaded with sugar. Excessive sugar intake can interfere with the absorption and utilization of certain nutrients, like calcium, leading to potential deficiencies. Making matters worse, consuming too much sugar raises calcium excretion7.

Additionally, soda often contains phosphoric acid, which can interfere with calcium absorption and contribute to bone health issues. Some research suggests that the high phosphoric acid content in soda can interfere with calcium absorption, potentially weakening bones and increasing the risk of osteoporosis.

8. Can contribute to digestive issues and dehydration

Despite the fact that soda is a beverage, it can actually contribute to dehydration in pregnant women. It is important to note that caffeine-containing sodas, such as colas, have a diuretic effect, which means they can cause an increase in urine production and fluid loss. In the event that you drink soda rather than water or other hydrating beverages, you may not be appropriately hydrating your body8.

It is possible that carbonated beverages contribute to an acid load, increasing the volume of gastric acid in your stomach. This damages the lining of your stomach and frequently causes heartburn and other symptoms of acid reflux9.

Sodas during pregnancy, particularly those with artificial sweeteners, can cause gastrointestinal issues such as bloating, gas, and discomfort.

Furthermore, despite the need for additional research, excessive soda intake has been linked to detrimental effects on mental health.  According to several studies, drinking a lot of soda may raise your chances of developing depression and anxiety.

It’s vital to remember that these adverse effects might differ based on personal traits, including general dietary habits, way of life, and genetic propensity. Your general health and well-being may be greatly enhanced by selecting healthier beverage alternatives like water, herbal tea, or naturally flavored water.

How Much Soda Is Too Much During Pregnancy?

How Much Soda Is Too Much During Pregnancy

It is important to keep track of how much soda you are consuming during pregnancy to prevent any adverse effects on yourself and your baby. ACOG recommends that pregnant women try to avoid or limit their consumption of sodas due to the high sugar content and the risks associated with caffeine. However, the consumption of moderate amounts of caffeine (less than 200 mg per day) does not appear to contribute significantly to miscarriages or preterm births10.

Many factors should be taken into account while deciding how much soda is too much during pregnancy. One can that holds 12 ounces of regular soda contains about 140 calories and 39 grams of sugar11 .

This is more than 80% of the recommended daily intake. It is recommended that pregnant women consume no more than 30 grams of free sugar per day, which is approximately seven sugar cubes. One can of cola, thus, contains nine sugar cubes, which is more than the recommended daily amount12.

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Therefore, having more than one can of soda a day can increase the risk of negative outcomes during pregnancy. Also, keep in mind that you might consume far more caffeine and sugar than your recommended daily intake of some popular soda brands in just one can. Therefore, make it a practice to read the label before selecting soda during pregnancy.

Even you should be cautious while drinking Diet Coke during pregnancy. There is no real sugar or calories in diet soda, but it contains a lot of additives and artificial ingredients. Diet Coke contains aspartame, an artificial sweetener. According to studies, moderate consumption of aspartame doesn’t appear to pose a significant risk to you or your baby during pregnancy. 

In terms of aspartame, what does the term “moderate” entail? The answer is approximately 200 mg per day. You should limit yourself to one 12-oz can of Diet Coke per day in order to stay within the advised limit, as 1 can of diet coke contains 125 mg of aspartame13.

Additionally, you should pay attention to how much caffeine you consume each day. Caffeine can be found in a variety of foods, including chocolates, tea, and coffee. You should forego Diet Coke in favor of a caffeine-free beverage if your daily caffeine limit reaches or is about to reach 200 mg.

Numerous soda varieties like Coca-Cola, Sprite, etc. contain a lot of added sugar and caffeine, which can have a negative impact on both you and your unborn child. Considering that soda contains no nutrients, it is best for both the mother and the unborn child to avoid or consume it in moderation during pregnancy.

5 Safe Drinks To Indulge In During Pregnancy Instead Of Soda

During pregnancy, it is important to be mindful of what you consume, as it directly affects both your and your baby’s health. While soda may be your go-to drink occasionally, it is best to limit or avoid it altogether due to its high sugar content. Luckily, there are plenty of safe and delicious alternatives to soda that you can enjoy during pregnancy. Here are five ideas:

1. Fruit-infused water

Fruit-infused water offers several advantages during pregnancy. Firstly, it provides a refreshing alternative to plain water, encouraging increased hydration, which is vital for both the mother and the developing baby. Secondly, the natural flavors of fruits can enhance the taste of water, making it more enjoyable and encouraging the mother to drink more. 

Related Reading: 11 Healthy And Refreshing Juices During Pregnancy To Drink

Additionally, fruit-infused water can provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in fruits, contributing to a healthier pregnancy and supporting the immune system. It can also help alleviate common pregnancy discomforts like constipation and morning sickness. Overall, fruit-infused water is a healthy, flavorful, and hydrating choice for pregnant women.

2. Herbal teas

Herbal teas offer a soothing and comforting drink option during pregnancy. Herbal teas, when consumed without added sugar, can help meet daily hydration needs. They provide a flavorful and refreshing alternative to soda, which can be dehydrating due to its caffeine and sugar content. 

Herbal teas come in a wide range of flavors and blends, allowing individuals to choose options that align with their preferences and cater to specific health needs. Be cautious of teas containing caffeine or any herbal ingredients that are not deemed safe during pregnancy. Opt for caffeine-free variations like chamomile, ginger, or peppermint tea. These options can help alleviate common pregnancy symptoms, such as nausea and indigestion.

Related Reading: 10 Teas That Are Best Avoided During Pregnancy

3. Sparkling water with a splash of juice

Compared to soda, sparkling water with a splash of juice typically contains fewer calories14. If you enjoy the fizz of soda, try substituting it with sparkling water. You can add a splash of 100% fruit juice, such as cranberry or pomegranate, for some natural sweetness.

Sparkling water with a splash of juice allows you to enjoy a fizzy, flavorful beverage while significantly reducing your sugar intake. By diluting the juice with sparkling water, you can control the sweetness level and consume fewer calories. 

It offers endless possibilities for customization. You can experiment with different juices like orange, cranberry, or grapefruit, creating a wide range of flavor combinations to suit your taste preferences.

4. Smoothies

Smoothies are a perfect way to get essential nutrients while satisfying your sweet tooth. Blend together a variety of fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, mangoes, spinach, or avocados. You can also add yogurt or milk for creaminess and extra calcium. Smoothies provide hydration and nourishment as they provide a blend of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, making them an excellent choice during pregnancy.

5. Coconut water

Coconut water during pregancy

Coconut water is a refreshing and hydrating choice, packed with essential electrolytes and nutrients. It is a great alternative to traditional sports drinks, which often contain artificial flavors and excessive sugar. Coconut water can help combat dehydration and provide a natural energy boost.

Remember, it’s always essential to consult your doctor or healthcare provider before making any significant dietary changes during pregnancy. While these drinks are generally considered safe, individual circumstances may vary. Additionally, it is important to consume these drinks in moderation and maintain a balanced diet for the overall well-being of you and your baby.


According to Our Nutritionist Sushree, you should always make healthy choices during pregnancy for you and your growing baby. You should train your body to crave healthy foods. Cravings can sometimes lead to risk factors in the developing fetus and can also affect them later in life. Many studies have shown that consumption of soda reduces fecundity(ability to conceive) in people planning to become pregnant. If this is the case then think about the pregnancy period where you have to be more cautious with all the empty calorie beverages. There is a lot of research that says that drinking soda affects ovulation, increases insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, gestational weight gain and even adiposity in mid-childhood as it is high in empty calories. Therefore, it is better to avoid drinking soda and opt for healthy drinks like homemade nutrient- rich beverages which will be beneficial for the growing fetus.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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