Home Pregnancy 15 Positive Pregnancy Affirmations To For A Happy Pregnancy

15 Positive Pregnancy Affirmations To For A Happy Pregnancy

by Sushree Venkat

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15 Positive Pregnancy Affirmations To For A Happy Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, there are a lot of things you have to worry about. Is my baby growing well? Will I be a good mom? Will my pregnancy become complicated? While this is common during pregnancy time, good thoughts during pregnancy are very vital. That is why we recommend our readers and pregnant women to believe in positive pregnancy affirmations.

So many pregnant women worry about finances, health, and many other factors. Affirmations help you to have a positive thought throughout your pregnancy phase, helping you have a calmer pregnancy by overcoming your fear and stress. Affirmations are short and positive statements. These, when repeated daily, help turn negative thoughts into a positive vibe. Seeing many affirmations frequently by way of notes in the house could turn them into an actual belief.


  • My pregnant body is beautiful.
  • My baby and I are healthy and strong

Read on further to know more about positive pregnancy affirmations and why positive thoughts in pregnancy are important.

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What are affirmations?

Affirmations are like a self-task that can be used in different ways for different duties. They help to overcome negative thoughts and build positivity in your life. Affirmations work by shifting negative thoughts and energy into more positive thinking patterns to overcome fear or anxiety.    

Affirmations work by a process known as Neuroplasticity through which the neural networks in the brain work through growth and reorganization. When we prepare for a task in advance, it can make the experience more enjoyable. That is why many recommend using positive pregnancy affirmations.

Do Our Thoughts Affect Baby In The Womb?

Many of us have heard the fact that our thought process has a direct impact on the growth of the fetus. Both positive and negative thoughts have an impact on the growth of the newborn. According to a study, mental health issues like anxiety and depression during pregnancy increase the chances of giving birth to preterm birth and low birth weight babies.

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A pregnant woman’s thoughts are created by the emotions she has about her married life and her thoughts about the baby to be born. Anything that does not make the pregnant women happy is likely to create negative vibes which are sure to affect the unborn baby too.

The baby is exposed to everything when you are pregnant. When you are happy the baby also feels happy and calm inside the mother’s womb. However, factors like stress and anxiety could trigger negative effects which can affect your baby1.

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Positive Pregnancy Affirmations To For A Happy Pregnancy

Positive Pregnancy Affirmations To For A Happy Pregnancy

Remaining positive throughout the pregnancy could be a difficult task. This could be due to past experiences of a late baby or a miscarriage etc. Pregnant women must know the importance of happiness during pregnancy. Though it feels easier said than done, it is important to be happy alone during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, you must use short and positive affirmative statements to keep yourself focused and accept a positive message that you wish to remember. Keep in mind, to be happy alone during pregnancy must be your whole focus.

Studies show that positive affirmation can reduce stress and anxiety which could save you from other complications like headache and fatigue. Researchers believe that a regular practice of saying affirming statements can improve your focus from negative emotions and can boost your confidence and create positive energy.

Listed below are a few positive pregnancy affirmations which help you to be happy alone during pregnancy.

1. My baby is healthy, beautiful, and strong

Though pregnancy is beautiful and is complete bliss, the thought about the arrival of your little one could make you feel stressed. Is my baby healthy? How will my baby look? Will my baby love me? While these could always be running on your mind, thinking that your baby is healthy, beautiful, and strong could assure you that everything is going to be ok.

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2. I only allow positive energy in my home

Home is the place where you will be spending most of the time during and after pregnancy — at least during the initial months. Many people think about decluttering and cleaning homes. The actual cleaning involves clearing negative thoughts and removing toxic forces at home. Staying connected with only positive things could give different energy.

3. I honor my body exactly as it is

Motherhood is complete bliss. You must thank your body for the shift it takes to make your pregnancy memorable. Instead of worrying about the excess weight you gain, appreciate your body for the room it makes for the new soul.

4. I will have a blissful, effortless birth

Instead of focusing on how painful the labor would be, concentrate on things that would make your life beautiful after childbirth. Watch your thoughts and they become your words — goes the famous law of attraction. Try applying this principle to your childbirth thoughts.

5. Contractions help to bring my baby to me

The fear of labor and the pain one needs to undergo during delivery is a nightmare for many pregnant women. Use positive pregnancy affirmations to overcome this fear. Instead of thinking of it as suffering, create a positive thought that your baby is a step closer to you.

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6. I will enjoy my pregnancy, even on difficult days

Welcoming the little one to the world was your choice. Pregnancy days could be happy at times and a few days could go terrible with morning sickness or nausea. Whatever be your pregnancy mood, be affirmative to enjoy your pregnancy even during those difficult days and times.

7. My body is strong enough

My body is strong enough

Many moms doubt their capacity to undergo labor with ease. Creating positive pregnancy affirmations like you and your body are strong enough to handle pregnancy gives you a positive vibe that helps you overcome thoughts like I can’t handle this.

8. My life will change better with you

Welcoming the little bundle of joy into this world is a great feeling. With good thoughts during pregnancy such as my life is changing for the better with the baby, or my baby and I will create the best life forever — can create a bundle of joy within, helping you stay positive.

9. I will patiently wait for the baby arrival

Pregnant moms can’t wait to see their babies. However, pregnancy is always a bundle of surprises. The labor could either be preterm or post-term. Waiting patiently with positive pregnancy affirmations such as my baby knows when and how to be born will help you stay positive, no matter when the baby is born.

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10. Birth is normal and natural

Birth is a very natural process that need not be stressed much. Keep reminding yourself that you will handle this procedure with peace and joy which will lead you to meet your little one. Be it normal or cesarean, pregnant women must be able to accept the option the doctor might recommend.

11. I take my pregnancy one day at a time

Positive pregnancy affirmations are important throughout your pregnancy phase. Regretting about past happenings or thinking too much about the future will only make the present situation worse. The past is gone and the future is yet to come. So, live in the present.

12. I release the discomfort of pregnancy

Pregnancy has its discomfort. Starting from morning sickness to metallic taste in the mouth during pregnancy, pregnant women go through a lot of things. But the fact of letting go of the fear, stress, and worry about birthing will help you release those discomforts and focus on welcoming the little one.

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13. I’m amazing, I’m growing a small human!

Telling yourself frequently that you are a creator of a little super being is going to raise your confidence level. Positive pregnancy affirmations such as this will keep you reminded that you are capable of amazing things.

14. I relax and my baby relaxes with me

Stress is unavoidable during pregnancy as moms-to-be have a lot of things to worry about. However, realizing the importance of happiness during pregnancy and telling yourself that your calmness and happiness could make the baby happy will change your mindset towards positive thinking.

15. My baby is developing normally

Many moms-to-be fear about the baby growing inside their womb. They tend to get negative thoughts regarding the growth of the baby. Even a random conversation or a talk about an ill baby could affect them. Always believe that the baby is growing normally and will be born perfectly healthy.

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Pregnancy is a mixed feeling. It is natural to get stressed and anxious about the changes that are happening to your body and about the baby to be born. Take time each day 5 minutes each morning and at night to repeat the positive pregnancy affirmations that resonate with you the most.

As mothers-to-be, we know how quickly our emotions can shift due to hormonal changes. Hence, positive thoughts about pregnancy make a big difference. Though affirmations aren’t an instant tool to fix your stress and anxiety, using them regularly could bring in many changes to your thoughts.

When used regularly, these positive pregnancy affirmations can help rewire negative and anxious mindsets into positive thoughts. This is a great tool to ensure you have a positive, peaceful, and safe birth.

The content on parenting.miniklub.in is only for informational purposes and is NOT to be used as medical advice. Your DOCTOR is always the best person to guide you through your medical issues.

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